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The transformation of theoretical preaching from "speaking on the stage" to "entering the heart" The deeds of Yu Hongxia, "a good person in Huangmei", were brought to the opera stage
08:54, May 20, 2024 Source: Huanggang Daily

Huanggang Daily (Correspondent Cao Jingfan) On the evening of May 12, the 2024 Huangmei County Mother's Day Gala was staged in the county theater. The eight actors in Huangmei costumes did not perform the classic plays "Heavenly Immortals Match" and "Daughter in Law", but sang "Praise the National March 8th Red Bannerman Yu Hongxia", telling the touching story of "Huangmei Good Man" Yu Hongxia with lyrics, which deeply moved the audience at the scene.

Yu Hongxia is the president of Huangmei County Charity Volunteers Association. Over the past 15 years, under her leadership, Huangmei County Charity Volunteer Association has carried out more than 700 love activities, raised more than 6 million yuan, and sent love and warmth to 23 welfare homes, empty nest elderly, left behind children, dependent children, especially poor families and students in distress in the county, receiving gifts to more than 10000 people. She has been awarded the honorary titles of "National March 8th Red Bannerman in 2021", "March 8th Red Bannerman in Hubei Province", "99 Charity Ambassadors", "Most Beautiful Volunteer", "Charity Star", "Top Ten Charitees", and "Most Beautiful People around" in Huangmei County.

In recent years, Huangmei County has shown theoretical preaching in a way popular with the masses, organized a new era civilization practice center (station, station) and a literature and art volunteer service team, deeply carried out the volunteer service project of "using drama as a medium to build a heart bridge", combined the party's theoretical policies with literature and art performances, touching deeds, and struggle stories, and promoted theoretical preaching from "speaking on the stage" to "reaching the people's hearts" The transformation is to make the masses understand, understand clearly, and listen well through targeted, crowd focused, and interactive theoretical preaching.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)