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Huangzhou Changjiang Community Pocket Park improves the happiness at home
09:13, May 16, 2024 Source: Huanggang Daily

Huanggang Daily (correspondent Li Xiao and Zhao Fengling): "Before its completion, it was a wasteland with jagged rocks and overgrown weeds. Now it has complete facilities. I can exercise here, and neighbors will also come here to chat." On May 9, Xu Shuxia, a group of residents of the Yangtze River Community, gave a thumbs up in the pocket park on Xihu 6th Road, Huangzhou District.

This pocket park is called "Dragon King Palace Small Park", and it is a piece of urban green space that takes the tranquility from the bustle. Some seedlings in the park have been planted in place. Many citizens take their children for a walk in the park and take out their mobile phones to record the new changes at home.

Since the development of the beautiful urban and rural construction work, community staff have conducted field research, and solicited opinions from the surrounding residents. When the residents reported that the facilities in the park were relatively simple and could not meet the daily functional needs, the community actively upgraded the park.

In order to make the transformation of the park closer to the hearts of the people and meet the needs of the people, the community hired professional advertising companies to carry out a comprehensive design of the park, and solicited residents' opinions through bench meetings, symposiums, on-site meetings and other forms to mobilize residents to actively participate in the transformation of the pocket park.

Community residents participate in the whole process from planning, design to completion. In more than 50 days of planning, design, construction and construction, the community has received 50000 yuan of cash donated by the contracting unit, nearly 10000 yuan of donations from enterprises in the area under its jurisdiction, more than 3000 yuan of voluntary donations from residents, 20 valuable trees, and more than 20 person times of investment. With the joint efforts of community residents, the transformation of Pocket Park was completed.

The renovated park covers an area of about 4000 square meters. The small cultural and sports square in the central area has been widened twice on the original basis, and four street lamps have been added to facilitate the dancing and fitness of parents. At the same time, it is equipped with slide, swing, sand pit and other children's recreation facilities. Color tires are used for protection around the bunker to provide children with a safe and close to nature outdoor playground. On one side of the wall, a 54 meter long flower bed with shrubs such as bamboos, roses and red leaves will be built, with landscape stone benches and stone chairs inside.

"Making full use of space, highlighting the function of pocket park, designing according to the living conditions of surrounding communities and residents, providing more childlike supporting facilities, aging facilities and more outdoor rest areas, greatly improving the people's happy life index," said Tang Ke, secretary of the CPC Committee and director of the neighborhood committee of Changjiang Community.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)