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Adhere to both protection and development Our city accelerates the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt
09:01, May 15, 2024 Source: Huanggang Daily

Huanggang Daily (Correspondent He Chehu Gancui) Since the launch of the Yangtze River sewage outfall traceability improvement last year, Huangzhou District has made efforts at multiple points and continued to promote. By the beginning of May, 91 sewage outfall remediation tasks had been completed.

In recent years, our city has insisted on both protection and development, comprehensively strengthened the ecological protection and restoration of the Yangtze River, accelerated the green transformation of the development mode, and created a high-quality development path of ecological priority and green development.

Promote special rectification and accelerate ecological restoration. Focusing on the rectification of small and scattered wharves, the rectification of illegal sewage discharge enterprises, and the strict implementation of the "Ten Year Prohibition of Fishing in the Yangtze River", we will carry out the "Ten Major" campaign to improve the high-level protection of the Yangtze River, the "Thunder Campaign" and the "Four Three" major ecological projects for ecological protection in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and comprehensively repair the ecology of the Yangtze River shoreline and the Yangtze River aquatic ecological environment. We will do a solid job in rectifying the problems fed back by the central and provincial environmental protection supervisors. We will continue to fight for the blue sky, clear water and clean land, take the lead in building a digital monitoring platform for air pollution in chemical parks in the province, establish a big data platform for comprehensive management of the city's water environment, and carry out land investigation and remediation for key industries and enterprises. Promote the application of "ship e-line", and the closed-loop rate of ship pollutants receiving transfer and disposal is 100%.

Promote pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and accelerate green transformation. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of industries, promote the green transformation of traditional advantageous industries such as building materials, home furnishing, medicine and chemical industry, and the development of the whole industry chain; Relying on green water and green mountains, vigorously develop green industries such as new energy and featured cultural tourism, build 849 beautiful rural pilot projects, 23 pastoral complexes, and create 8 featured tourism routes such as green ecological leisure. Accelerate the cultivation of green production and lifestyle, promote the construction of green factories and green products, accelerate the trade of emission rights and carbon emissions, and carry out near zero carbon emissions pilot. We will deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system, establish ecological compensation mechanisms in key basins such as the Bahe River, Longgan Lake and Bailian River, and work with Wuhan to establish cross regional ecological compensation, joint law enforcement and other basin coordinated governance mechanisms. We innovated the mechanism of financial support for ecological environmental protection, launched 49 green financial products, and used development financial funds to support 7 counties to promote rural domestic sewage treatment.

Promote cross river cooperation and accelerate coordinated development. Fully integrate into the development of Wuhan Metropolitan Circle, actively promote the integration and integration of planning, transportation, science and technology, industry, and people's livelihood, accelerate the construction of Yanji Yangtze River Bridge and other hard connectivity projects, achieve "daily flights" between Huanggang and Wuhan container intercity routes, and 36 enterprises settle in Huanggang (Optics Valley) off shore scientific innovation center. Deepen cross river and cross region cooperation, deepen cross river cooperation between Huangmei Xiaochi and Jiangxi Jiujiang, Xishui Sanhua and Huangshi, Wuxue and Jiangxi Ruijin, and jointly build "Enclave Industrial Park"; Promote the cooperation with Ningbo counterpart, open the "Macheng Ningbo Zhoushan Port" rail sea intermodal transport, and the "Ningbo Huanggang" river sea direct route, and realize the trans provincial connection of 32 government affairs services between Jiangbei District and Huangzhou District of Ningbo. Accelerate the construction of the supply chain logistics system, vigorously develop multimodal transport, and accelerate the construction of Wuxue iron water intermodal transport, river sea intermodal transport and Macheng's first stone dedicated line in China; Accelerate the construction of county and rural three-level logistics system; Accelerate the construction of supply chains such as logistics cold chain, professional market, trade channel and quality control brand, and introduce a batch of regional headquarters enterprises such as Aerospace Hongtu, Zhongjiao Xinglu and Qianfang Technology.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)