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Yingshan does a good job in the distribution of farmland and fertility protection subsidies
08:58, May 15, 2024 Source: Huanggang Daily

Huanggang Daily (Correspondent Xu Jun) On May 13, in Zhangshuyuan Group, Beiliu Village, Yangliuwan Town, Yingshan County, Duan Xia, the village bookkeeper, together with the group leader, went to all farmers to make statistics and verify the farmland contracted by farmers. At each household, the head of household carefully filled in and confirmed the Application Form for Farmland Land Productivity Protection Subsidy Area Credit Account in Yingshan County.

Subsidy for farmland fertility protection is an important preferential policy for the country to realize "storing grain in the land" and mobilize farmers' enthusiasm for production. Yingshan County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau and Yingshan County Finance Bureau jointly issued the Notice of Yingshan County on the Implementation Plan of Subsidy for Cultivated Land Protection in 2024, requiring that the subsidy funds be distributed to farmers in full.

According to the scheme, the subsidy is based on the measured area confirmed on the basis of the second round of extended land contracting area of farmers, which is the basis for farmers to declare subsidy funds. In principle, subsidies will be given to the original contractors for the circulation of farmers' household contracted land. If there is a written agreement between the circulation parties, the agreement shall prevail; The subsidy standard is determined according to the total amount of subsidy funds and the determined subsidy area, and the unified standard is implemented throughout the county.

In terms of area confirmation, verification and adjustment shall be carried out by determining the measured area, contracted village group non contracted land area, and transferred farmland area, after deducting the area of livestock farms occupying farmland, and the area of cultivated land that has been converted into facility agricultural land and other 7 cases that do not enjoy subsidies.

The confirmed area must be approved by the county people's government after 7 days of publicity without objection before it can be used as the basis for granting subsidies. For the area declared and confirmed by each farmer, the township finance office shall input relevant information into the Farmers Subsidy Network Information System according to the verified Application Form of Farmland and Land Conservation Subsidy Area Credit Account in Yingshan County, generate the publicity form of farmers' subsidy area for each village group, and affix the official seal of the township people's government, The township people's government shall organize the township agricultural technology popularization service center to make an announcement in the village. If there is any objection, it must be verified again.

As for the distribution of subsidy funds, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of the county entrusts financial institutions to distribute them on behalf, and adopts the method of "one discount for all" to ensure that they are distributed to farmers before June 30.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)