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Xinhua Media+Create an upgraded version of smart city - National Data Bureau interprets the city wide digital transformation
09:51, May 21, 2024 Source: Xinhuanet

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 20 Title: Building an upgraded version of smart city - National Data Bureau interprets the city wide digital transformation

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yan Fujing and Wang Yueyang

On the 20th, the National Data Administration, together with relevant departments, released the Guiding Opinions on Deepening the Development of Smart Cities and Promoting the Urban Digital Transformation, which focuses on the overall requirements and all fields to promote urban digital transformation, and comprehensively strengthen the support for urban digital transformation The whole process is to optimize the urban digital transformation ecology and safeguard measures to promote the urban digital transformation.

At the press conference held by the National Data Administration on the same day, the relevant responsible person interpreted the opinions.

Why formulate and issue opinions?

Chen Ronghui, Deputy Director of the National Bureau of Data, said that in recent years, China's smart city construction has developed rapidly and achieved a breakthrough in stages. At the same time, it is also facing problems such as insufficient urban integration planning and construction, and insufficient industry city coordination and linkage. In addition, with the rapid development of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, the value of data elements has become increasingly prominent, which is deeply integrated with various fields of urban economy and society, driving China's smart city construction to a new stage of global digital transformation of "system reconstruction, quality and efficiency improvement".

"In order to comply with the new situation and new requirements of the development of smart cities in the new era, we have worked with relevant departments to formulate opinions, and use data integration, development and utilization throughout the whole urban digital transformation construction, so as to better serve the high-quality development, efficient governance and high-quality life of the city." Chen Ronghui said.

Cities are comprehensive carriers to promote the construction of digital China. Chen Ronghui said that the opinion is to promote the deep integration of digital technology and economy, governance and life with the city as the carrier, promote the full implementation of digital China construction in the city, and coordinate the two wheel drive of technology facilities empowerment and basic system innovation, focusing on high-quality development and long-term operation of industries in urban transformation.

How to promote the global digital transformation?

The opinions put forward the requirements for the development of smart cities, among which, by 2027, the nationwide digital transformation of cities will have achieved remarkable results, forming a batch of livable, resilient and smart cities with different characteristics that are connected horizontally and vertically, which will strongly support the construction of the digital China.

For the "global digital transformation", Wu Xiaoning, Director of the Department of Digital Economy of the National Data Bureau, specially proposed "to reshape the technology architecture of smart cities in an integrated way, systematically change the urban management process, and promote the deep integration of industry and city in an integrated way". This transformation actually runs through the whole process of urban planning, construction, management, service and operation.

How to promote transformation? Wu Xiaoning said that the key is to promote the transformation of urban digitalization in all fields, establish and improve the common basic platform system of urban digitalization; Strengthen the support for urban digital transformation in an all-round way, and promote the construction of urban computing network, data circulation and utilization infrastructure as a whole; The whole process is to optimize the urban digital transformation ecology, accelerate the promotion of digital system innovation, and continue to innovate the operation and maintenance mode of smart cities.

How to understand the relationship between digital economy and smart city?

The opinions put forward "fostering and strengthening urban digital economy" and "promoting the integrated development of new industries and cities". Lu Dongsen, Deputy Director of the Department of Digital Economy of the National Data Bureau, believes that the construction of smart cities in the new era is an upgraded version of smart cities that drive urban economic and social development with digitalization and create a balance between urban governance modernization and industrial system modernization. Digital economy and smart city have a symbiotic relationship of mutual promotion and coordinated development in the new era.

Lu Dongsen said, on the one hand, the digital economy is one of the important driving forces for the construction of smart cities. While cultivating and strengthening new industrial drivers and expanding new space for development, the digital economy comprehensively enables the modernization of urban governance system and governance capacity with digital products and services; On the other hand, smart city is an important carrier and starting point for the development of digital economy, providing a rich application scenario for industrial agglomeration and digital economy development, and building a verification and promotion platform for the integration, innovation and application of new digital technologies and new products.

How to make smart city operation more sustainable?

For the lack of sustainability in the operation, operation and maintenance of smart cities in recent years, Lu Dongsen said that he proposed the direction of innovation in terms of the operation system, operation mechanism and operation and maintenance mode, accelerated the establishment of a three-dimensional operation system for data operation, facility operation and service operation, built a diversified ecosystem of governments, enterprises, scientific research think tanks and financial institutions, and accelerated the formation of integration Standardized smart city operation and maintenance system.

"Considering the long-standing problem of" focusing on construction and ignoring operation "in smart cities, the phenomenon of" falling behind after completion and going out of business after going online "has occurred from time to time." Lu Dongsen said that it is necessary to explore and establish an operational budget and evaluation and verification mechanism oriented by application effects such as problem resolution and user satisfaction, plan operational priorities in advance, through integrated planning and professional construction, Achieve satisfactory operation results.

(Editor in charge: Bai Chuyun)