Group purchase of ice-cream - 998 ice-cream website
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 998 Ice Cream Net
 998 Ice Cream Net
 998 Ice Cream Net
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Ice cream group purchase and wholesale zone

 Ice cream group purchase and wholesale zone
998 Ice Cream Network has set up a special group purchase area for family and company group purchase customers to facilitate small batch group purchase customers to wholesale ice cream and reduce the minimum delivery volume to the range acceptable to all group purchase customers The group purchase area starts from 138 yuan and ends with 188 yuan of free mail. The independent warehouse of the group purchase area delivers the goods. Please consult customer service 138288288217 for details (follow the "998 Ice Cream Network" public account to get the group purchase coupon)

Product List
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 [Group purchase] 8 Auspicious Snow Coconut Tamang

[Group purchase] 8 Auspicious Snow Coconut Tamang

market value: RMB 24.00
Special price for members: RMB 19.20
 purchase      Collection </>
 [Group purchase] Mengniu Vanilla Ice Cream 8 pieces

[Group purchase] Mengniu Vanilla Ice Cream 8 pieces

market value: RMB 32.00
Special price for members: RMB 25.60
 purchase      Collection </>
 [Group purchase] Yili Catering bucket ice cream 3.5kg

[Group purchase] Yili Catering bucket ice cream 3.5kg

market value: RMB 138.00
Special price for members: RMB 105.00
 purchase      Collection </>
 [Group purchase] Nestle Catering Big Barrel Ice Cream 3.5kg in a Barrel

[Group purchase] Nestle Catering Big Barrel Ice Cream 3.5kg in a Barrel

market value: RMB 168.00
Special price for members: RMB 145.00
 purchase      Collection </>
 [Group purchase] Mengniu green mood green salsa extra ice cream 8 pieces

[Group purchase] Mengniu green mood green salsa extra ice cream 8 pieces

market value: RMB 24.00
Special price for members: RMB 19.20
 purchase      Collection </>
 [Group purchase] 8 pieces of Ely Joyce ice cream

[Group purchase] 8 pieces of Ely Joyce ice cream

market value: RMB 32.00
Special price for members: RMB 25.60
 purchase      Collection </>
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