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Holy Man Li Catering bucket ice cream rum raisin flavor ice cream 3KG

  • Article No.: hf1699888
  • Commodity inventory: ten thousand
  • Brand: Christie barreled ice cream
  • Popularity index:
  • Market price: RMB 168
    Wholesale price: RMB 128
  • User comments:  comment rank 5
  • Total price of goods: RMB 128

Product description:


[Trade name] : Holy Man Li Big bucket ice cream rum raisin flavor canned ice cream


[Taste Selection] : Vanilla Chocolate flavor Strawberry flavor Mango flavor Green tea flavor Blueberry flavor, vanilla cookie flavor, rum raisin flavor, yogurt flavor, red beans and chestnuts, taro flavor, tiramisu flavor, Hami melon flavor

Net content : 3kg * 6L * 1 barrel Specification: Packed in round paper drum


[Barrel size] : diameter 22.6cm height 16.6cm


[Raw materials and ingredients] : drinking water, white granulated sugar, white granulated sugar, vegetable oil, milk powder, glucose syrup, whey powder, food additives, etc


[Storage conditions] : below - 22 ℃

[Shelf life] : 2 years


It is suitable for high-end hotels, western restaurants, celebrations, buffets, tea bars, Korean cuisine, cold drink shops, coffee shops, Japanese cuisine, tea restaurants, etc!


[Ice cream consumption taboo]


1. Do not eat too fast to avoid stimulating internal organs and blood vessels, causing local anemia, weakening the digestive function and bactericidal ability of the gastrointestinal tract, and promoting gastroenteritis, cholecystitis and even hepatitis.


2. Eating too much is easy to cause abdominal pain for children, angina pectoris for middle-aged and elderly people, and gastroenteritis, laryngospasm, hoarseness and aphasia for ordinary people.


3. Eating a large amount of food for a long time or even replacing dinner food will lead to nutritional deficiency, and may damage teeth and obesity.


 Coriste Holy Man Li Food&Beverage Bucket Ice Cream Rum Tizi Flavor Ice Cream 3KG (Figure 1)

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