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 998 Ice Cream Net
 998 Ice Cream Net
 998 Ice Cream Net
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payment method

998 Ice Cream Net/2021-06-06 23:57:27


You can add shopping carts or collections to the product details interface of the mall, directly jump to Taobao stores, or directly enter Taobao stores in the group purchase area to place orders. Let everyone experience the convenience of ice cream wholesale online shopping more directly and more guaranteed.
The payment method is flexible and convenient for customers, mainly by the following methods:
1. Full online payment: place an order through the shopping cart of 998 Ice Cream Mall, and pay through online banking, Alipay, customer service WeChat, etc;
2. Online payment of advance payment is mainly for some unexpected varieties that need to be booked, and customer service will inform them in a timely manner;
3. Off line cash on delivery, except for group purchase, wholesale ice cream can support cash on delivery.

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