Criminal prosecution
[Joint Inspection Case] Let the "hidden" evil nowhere hide
Time: May 8, 2024 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

Hefei Baohe District Procuratorate actively performed its legal supervision duties, adhered to the concept of "supervision in case handling and handling cases in supervision", successfully prosecuted Ran and Ran for three missing crimes, and achieved good social results.

In May 2023, Baohe Branch of Hefei Public Security Bureau received a report from the victim, Wang, claiming that he had been robbed. Baohe Public Security Branch then put the case on file for investigation. In June 2023, Ran A, Ran B and Ran C were suspected of robbery and submitted to the Baohe District Procuratorate for approval of arrest.

The undertaking prosecutor conducted a comprehensive and detailed review of the case file materials, and found that Ran and others robbed property in a violent way to force the victim Wang to pay for prostitution, so the three may also be suspected of introducing prostitution and other crimes. The prosecutor approved the arrest of the three according to law and clarified the direction of follow-up investigation in the outline of follow-up investigation.

If I'm suing, dig for clues

In the stage of review and prosecution, the prosecutor, adhering to the professional spirit of "like I'm suing", prepared and issued a supplementary investigation outline to the investigation organ, put forward a series of specific supplementary opinions, made in-depth communication with the undertaker of the investigation organ, comprehensively guided and supervised the investigation organ to dig deep into the crime line, and gradually improved the evidence system.

Through the cooperation of the prosecutors and the police, the prosecutors finally found out that in addition to robbery, Ran A and Ran B were also suspected of introducing prostitution, fraud and extortion, and they sued Ran A and Ran B to the court for the above-mentioned four crimes and charged Ran C with robbery.

(Picture source network)

Combined punishment for several crimes after successful prosecution

After hearing the case, the court adopted the above opinion and sentenced Ran to seven years and eight months of fixed-term imprisonment, plus a fine of 53000 yuan and three years and seven months of fixed-term imprisonment, plus a fine of 23000 yuan. Ran was sentenced to one year of fixed-term imprisonment, plus a fine of 2000 yuan.

Efficient performance of duties, justice for the people

The handling of the case has hit the crime precisely and effectively deterred criminals who have taken chances. In the future work, the Baohe District Procuratorate will continue to strengthen legal supervision, give full play to the sense of responsibility of prosecutors in handling cases, enhance the credibility of the judicial organs with practical case handling results, and let the people in a better and more practical "procuratorial product" I feel fairness and justice.