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[Theme Education] Hefei Daily | Municipal Procuratorate: Practice "Four Grassroots" to promote theme education
Time: 2023-11-20 Author: News source: [Font size: large | in | Small

The front page of Hefei Daily on November 18, 2023

Original title

Municipal Procuratorate——
Practicing "Four Grassroots" to Promote Theme Education

Our reporter Hua Xinhong
Correspondent Li Yang

Since the launch of the second batch of theme education, the Municipal Procuratorate has insisted on the implementation of the "four lower grassroots" as an important focus of theme education, so as to ensure that theoretical preaching, problem solving, contradiction resolution, and work are on the front line, effectively transform the achievements of theme education into practical results to solve problems and promote development, and strive to promote theme education to go deep and practical.

In combination with grassroots research, procuratorial open day, "four couplets and four fixations" and other activities, in the form of "exchange forum, rule of law preaching, pair building", go deep into the grassroots front line to preach Xi Jinping's socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era. Since the theme education was carried out, the Party branch and the basic level hospital that the leading group members of the Municipal Procuratorate had in-depth contact with had eight lectures, and the party branch secretary had 11 party classes; The relevant party branches have carried out six pairs of mutual learning with the party organizations of grass-roots units such as Wanghu Community and Kedalianchuang, and the procuratorial police have gone into communities (villages) to carry out more than 30 rule of law lectures on anti fraud and food safety, constantly promoting the innovative theory of the party to "fly into the homes of ordinary people".

Adhere to the problem oriented and goal oriented approach, firmly focus on the issues of high-quality development of service guarantee, modernization of procuratorial work, and promoting comprehensive and strict inspection, and conduct solid investigation and research. Focusing on the vital interests of the people and the deep-seated problems that have plagued the high-quality development of Hefei's procuratorial work, the Municipal Procuratorate has identified six key research topics, two typical cases, both positive and negative, and comprehensively used field visits, visits, forums and exchanges to go deep into the front line of the public, enterprises and grass-roots case handling, and carried out 22 special research and case dissection research 10 problems were found and 11 work measures were put forward. The process of finding and solving problems was effectively transformed into effective measures to promote the high-quality development of procuratorial work.

Adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, and continue to deepen the bright side construction of "warmth control". The Municipal Procuratorate insists on "regular visits+linkage visits", solidly promotes the special action to resolve the backlog of letters and visits, receives visits from the chief procurator on the 15th and 30th of each month, and regularly carries out lower level visits, key interviews and case leading visits. Give full play to the role of public hearings in explaining the law and reasoning together and promoting the resolution of contradictions, and form a joint force to handle matters according to law, the third party's judgment, and the masses' witness, which can solve both the "law knot" and the "heart knot". Since the theme education was carried out, the chief procurator of the municipal procuratorate received 152 people on the reception day; Participated in two joint visits and received 90 people. The procuratorial organs of the whole city carried out 97 simple hearings, including 39 door-to-door hearings; After the hearing, 96 visitors recognized the hearing results, and 77 said they were willing to stop the complaint and visit on the spot.

Respond to the concerns of the masses and solve the urgent problems. The Municipal People's Procuratorate launched a list of 15 items of "doing practical things for the people", and carefully implemented them item by item. The "popular voice echo" work platform was established, and through integrating mass messages and enterprise appeals in carriers such as 12309, 96309, and new media platforms, the masses asked questions, the platform analyzed questions, departments solved questions, and the masses read questions. We will actively promote judicial assistance, and help the needy people who have become poor and disabled due to cases to solve urgent problems through judicial assistance. Regularly carry out visits to enterprises to solve problems, carefully implement systems such as "private entrepreneurs meet with the chief procurator directly" and "the chief procurator has fixed contact with enterprises", transform "passive appointment" into "active appointment", and spare no effort to help enterprises. At present, through the work platform of "echo of the people", we have supervised the handling of 4 legal and litigation related matters strongly reflected by the masses; The procuratorial organs of the whole city rescued 404 people in need, and issued 2.4398 million yuan of judicial aid; The city's procuratorial organs handled 13 compliance cases involving enterprises, and the chief procurator visited 55 enterprises and 46 private entrepreneurs.