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Construct a new pattern of vocational education under the guidance of new quality productivity
2024-06-13 15:25:53 Source: CPPCC News
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   General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "according to the new trend of scientific and technological development, we should optimize the discipline setting and talent training model of colleges and universities, and cultivate urgently needed talents for the development of new quality productivity and high-quality development". The development of new quality productivity has a profound impact on the training and demand of future industrial talents. Only by vigorously developing vocational education in line with the new quality productivity and cultivating groups of high-quality workers can we provide support for the development of the new quality productivity.

In view of the fact that the current vocational education in China still has a conservative concept of running a school and the assimilation of specialty settings, we should re-examine and adjust the mode and direction of industrial talent training, and build a new pattern of vocational education led by new quality productivity to better meet the needs of future economic and social development.

Attach importance to strengthening the training of skilled talents in manufacturing industry. New quality productivity requires talents to have interdisciplinary knowledge and skills. They should not only be proficient in their own professional fields, but also know about AI, data analysis and other related knowledge to better adapt to the trend of new technology integration and development. Vocational education should focus on innovating the reform of scientific research system, building a comprehensive and multi-level support system for vocational education, and establishing a unified new quality productivity vocational information database, vocational ability standards and vocational qualification system. At the same time, we can carry out third-party evaluation and supervision, focus on the needs of local economic and social development, constantly improve the vocational education standard system, and accelerate the reserve of high-end practical talents. We can use the guidance of public opinion to enhance the social recognition of the new quality productivity vocational education, make vocational colleges content with the orientation of vocational education, formulate reasonable personnel training plans to adapt to the development of new quality productivity, promote the combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, and improve the comprehensive competitive advantage of the industry.

Increase cooperation between vocational colleges and enterprises in industries such as AI big data. The demand for new quality productivity talents emphasizes innovation ability and critical thinking, and can propose novel solutions in a rapidly changing environment. In the future, the country's demand for high-end technical talents, innovative talents and compound talents who can lead industrial reform will increase significantly, which provides an unprecedented good opportunity for high-quality development of vocational education. As the country pays more and more attention to higher vocational education, the enthusiasm of private capital investment in higher vocational education is also growing. The development of higher vocational colleges has been strongly supported, and their market scale is expanding. The government departments should improve the utilization rate of funds, create an efficient integration platform for promoting the integration of production and education of new quality productivity, establish a long-term incentive system for industry enterprises, attract industry enterprises to participate in school enterprise cooperation in a diversified way, and promote the combination of vocational education and production process. Both schools and enterprises should negotiate to carry out in-depth cooperation in talent training, professional skills improvement, curriculum design, assessment and evaluation, and build a high-quality new quality productivity training base. The industry association should play the role of communication bridge, hold docking exchange meetings on a regular basis, ensure the balance between education supply and professional demand, and make talent transmission more planned and targeted.

We will accelerate the optimization of the allocation of vocational education teacher resources, and improve the core competitiveness of professional teaching related to new quality productivity. New quality productivity requires good digital literacy and data processing ability in order to effectively use and analyze a large number of data resources. Relevant departments need to optimize the proportion and structure of vocational education teachers, increase the recruitment of scarce and popular professional teachers related to new quality productivity in vocational colleges, and maintain a balanced development in the age structure, professional structure and discipline structure of teachers; Strengthen the assessment of teachers' professional ability and establish strict assessment standards, so as to improve the teaching core competitiveness of vocational college teachers. In addition, teachers should hone their teaching skills, constantly improve their teaching level, and actively participate in the innovative competition of teaching new quality productivity and teacher training. The development of new quality productivity needs the cooperation of people with different professional backgrounds, and the requirements for talents in team collaboration and communication are also higher. The ability of individuals to continue learning and self-improvement becomes crucial. In the future, vocational education personnel training should highlight its advantages in practice and application. Personnel training that rapidly transforms new technologies into practical productivity will be the core element of future vocational education to enhance competitiveness. Only in this way can we keep up with the pace of continuous technological updates and iterations.

(Author Fan Xiaotian He is a special researcher and professor of Beijing Xi Jinping Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and the Executive Secretary General of the Capital United Front Think Tank Federation)

Editor in charge: Zhao Qingyuan

Copyright: Hebei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference JIICPB No. 06000849-1

Website sponsor: General Office of Hebei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC

Technical support: Great Wall New Media Group