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Hubei Trade Union Network

In 2024, the friendship activity for young workers of Jingshan Trade Union was successfully held

In 2024, the friendship activity for young workers of Jingshan Trade Union was successfully held

Release time: 14:30, May 23, 2024  |  Source: Jingmen Federation of Trade Unions

On the morning of May 20, the youth workers' friendship activity of "Gathering Good Luck and Building Dreams in Beijing Mountain", jointly sponsored by the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Communist Youth League Committee and the Municipal Women's Federation, and organized by the People's Government of Shilong Town and Hubei Taizishan National Forest Park, opened in the Taizishan Ecological Tourism Zone in Beijing Mountain. More than 100 single young workers from all walks of life in the city went to an appointment in early summer.

At the event site, in order to let everyone break new acquaintance, interesting interactive games such as "touch your head" and "peach blossom blossoming" were set up in the ice breaking link, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to a climax. Many young men and women took the initiative to add WeChat and chat with their favorite objects, and everyone showed that the event was rich in content and still wanted more, We look forward to further understanding and contact with our beloved partner, and finally 10 pairs of young workers successfully express their feelings and join hands.

Since this year, the trade union of Jingshan City has given full play to its function of organizing, guiding and serving employees, and successfully held two "Good Luck Gathering" trade union love and marriage activities, providing more than 300 single employees with diversified, precise and personalized warm services. In the next step, we will continue to hold friendship activities with new forms and active atmosphere, effectively solve the problems of young workers' anxiety, and constantly enhance their sense of gain, security and happiness.