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Shiyan Economic and Technological Development Zone Industrial Workers' Vocational Skills Improvement Training Class Officially Opened

Shiyan Economic and Technological Development Zone Industrial Workers' Vocational Skills Improvement Training Class Officially Opened

Release time: 2024-05-23 14:27  |  Source: Shiyan Federation of Trade Unions

In order to improve the professional skill level of industrial workers and enhance their employment competitiveness, the first phase of industrial workers' vocational skill improvement training jointly organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Shiyan Economic Development Zone and Shiyan Changqing Vocational and Technical School was officially opened on May 19.

This training course, closely combining the actual production of enterprises in the jurisdiction and the training needs of industrial workers, carries out "tailor-made" skills training courses to carry out the basic technical theory, production process and practical operation technology required for the post, and the training content includes electrician design, welding operation certificate certification training, computer, audio short video, elderly care, baby care, beauty, baking Housekeeping, etc. This training adopts the five combination method of "face-to-face teaching of theory+practical operation+on-site doubt solving+staff sharing+post training assessment". The instructor guides the students hand in hand, the students practice on-site operation, the experts answer questions one-on-one, the excellent students share learning experience, and the students pass the "one-stop" training process of relevant skills examination and assessment evidence collection to ensure the training quality and training effectiveness.

The Federation of Trade Unions of the Economic Development Zone will give full play to the role of industrial workers' training base, continue to build a platform for the growth of front-line workers, encourage and support enterprises to build industrial workers' training base, actively build a lifelong learning system and vocational skills training system for industrial workers, and carry out all-round vocational skills upgrading training for vocational workers, so as to make the zone "strong in economic development" To provide solid intellectual support and sufficient talent protection for economic transformation and upgrading.