Today is: Contributors:

Hubei Trade Union Network

Liu Xuerong Stressed on Building a First class Industrial and Technical Workers Team

Political News General News Provincial general trends Media focus

Public announcement

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - Technical Documents of the Industrial Robot Assembly and Adjustment Worker Competition of the Provincial Workers' Vocational Skills Competition

  • Bidding Announcement on Installation of Secondary Water Supply Booster Pump for Staff Residence (the second time)

  • Public Catalogue of Department Final Account Information of Hubei Federation of Trade Unions in 2023

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - Technical Document of UAV Driver in the Professional Skills Competition for Employees of the Province

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - Technical Documents for Electric Vehicle Charging and Changing Facilities Operators of the Provincial Employees' Vocational Skills Competition

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition -- Technical Documents of the Competition for Wind Power Operation and Maintenance Attendants of the Professional Skills Competition for Employees in Hubei Province

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - Technical Documents of Numerical Control Turning (Four Axis) Competition in the Professional Skills Competition for Employees of the Province

  • Bidding Announcement on Installation of Secondary Water Supply Booster Pump for Staff Residence

  • Announcement on Purchasing Daily Hygiene Consumables in Public Areas of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions

  • Publicity of the review results of the staff bookstore of Hubei Federation of Trade Unions in 2024

  • Publicity announcement of the results of the selection of articles on the theme of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty -- Labor Support, Dream, Struggle and Write Chinese Chapter"

  • In 2024, the public announcement of public recruitment of proposed employees in institutions directly under Hubei Federation of Trade Unions

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Contest - Hubei Province Selection of the 8th National Workers' Vocational Skills Contest

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - Cloud Computing Item Bank of the Professional Skills Competition for Employees in Hubei Province

  • Information Form for Certification of Players Promoting Professional Skills in the Professional Skills Competition for Employees of the Province

  • 2024 "Hubei Craftsman Cup" Skill Competition - The 8th National Workers' Vocational Skills Competition Hubei Province Selection Competition Technical Documents for Automobile Maintenance Workers (Intelligent Connected New Energy Vehicles)

  • Municipal, prefectural and county trade unions Enterprise trade union Industrial trade union

    Introduction to leaders

    Introduction to Hubei Federation of Trade Unions Main Responsibilities of Hubei Federation of Trade Unions

    Hubei is one of the important birthplaces of China's labor movement. The famous "February 7th" strike in history took place in Wuhan. In July 1922, China's first local trade union organization, the Wuhan Federation of Trade Unions, was established in Wuhan. In October 1926, the Hubei Federation of Trade Unions was officially established, and Liu Shaoqi served as the Secretary General. In February 1927, the All China Federation of Trade Unions moved to Wuhan. Wuhan became the center leading the national labor movement at that time. Liu Shaoqi, Su Zhaozheng, Li Lisan and others led the labor movement here. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, under the leadership of the Party, Hubei trade unions actively played a role, organized and mobilized the masses of the people to follow the Party unswervingly, stimulated great enthusiasm to devote themselves to building a new China, and made great contributions to the development of the cause of the Party and the people.

    Since the reform and opening up, especially when socialism has entered a new era, the provincial trade unions adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the important statement of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of the working class and trade unions, and under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Assembly, adhere to centering on the center, serving the overall situation, and uphold the legitimate rights and interests of workers We will wholeheartedly serve the basic responsibilities of the staff and workers, actively lead the staff and workers in the province to listen to the Party's words and follow the Party, make contributions to the "building a fulcrum, walking in the forefront, and writing a new chapter", and contribute to the great power of the working class in Hubei.

    Since the change of office in July 2018, the 13th Committee of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions has 11 members of the leading group, including 1 chairman, 7 vice chairmen (1 executive, 3 full-time, 1 temporary, 2 part-time), and 1 head of the discipline inspection and supervision team, 1 director of the economic review committee, and 1 secretary-general. There are 14 departments and offices, 2 industrial trade unions stationed in the association, 6 directly affiliated institutions and 2 corporate enterprises in the organ.

    The provincial federation of trade unions is the leading organ of the provincial local federation of trade unions at all levels, industrial trade unions and trade unions of large enterprises and institutions. Under the leadership of the provincial party committee and the All China Federation of Trade Unions, the provincial federation of trade unions carries out work in accordance with the law and the Constitution of the Chinese Trade Union. Its main responsibilities are:

    (1) According to the Party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and labor movement policy, centering on the overall situation of the Party and the country, implement the policies, tasks and resolutions determined by the provincial party committee and the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and lead the labor movement and trade union work in the province; Organize and guide trade unions at all levels in the province to grasp the correct political direction of trade union work, and guide workers to listen to and follow the Party.

    (2) Organize and guide trade unions at all levels to unswervingly implement the Party's fundamental guideline of relying wholeheartedly on the working class, and further highlight and perform the function of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of workers; Undertake the political guidance, demonstration and contact services of social organizations in the field of labor relations.

    (3) Investigate and study major issues related to the legitimate rights and interests of workers, reflect the thoughts, wishes and requirements of workers and staff members to the provincial party committee, provincial government and the All China Federation of Trade Unions, and put forward opinions and suggestions; Participate in the drafting of laws and regulations, policies, measures and systems involving the vital interests of employees; Participate in the investigation and handling of major casualty accidents of employees.

    (4) To be responsible for the research on the theoretical policies of trade unions, study and formulate the organizational system and democratic system of trade unions, supervise and inspect the implementation of the Constitution of China's Trade Unions; Guide trade unions at all levels to organize workers to carry out democratic election, democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision with the workers' congress as the basic system, and promote the establishment of equal consultation, collective contract system and supervision and guarantee mechanism; Organize and promote the construction of the "Internet+" service staff system of the provincial trade union system.

    (5) Assist the leading cadres of the municipal, prefectural, directly administered city and Shennongjia Forest District Party Committee in managing the trade union at the same level, and assist the relevant departments directly under the provincial government and the party group (party committee) of large enterprises and public institutions whose trade union relations are under the leadership of the provincial trade union to manage the leading cadres of provincial industries and trade unions of large enterprises and public institutions; To study and formulate the management system and training plan for trade union cadres, and be responsible for the training of trade union leaders at and above the county level and in large enterprises and institutions; To supervise and inspect the construction of Party conduct and clean government of Party members and cadres of provincial federation of trade unions and directly affiliated institutions.

    (6) Guide the trade union workers of the whole province to learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches and the basic theory of the Party, carry out the education of socialist core values, organize the workers to learn politics, economy, culture, law, technology and management, and build a team of workers with ideals, morality, culture and discipline; Coordinate with relevant departments to strengthen the macro guidance, policy coordination and organizational promotion of the construction and reform of industrial workers.

    (7) Responsible for the recommendation, selection, commendation and management of national model workers, "May Day" labor medals, certificate winners and provincial model workers, provincial "May Day" labor medals, certificate winners.

    (8) To be responsible for the management, review and audit of trade union funds and trade union assets throughout the province, study and formulate relevant systems and regulations for the establishment of labor and welfare undertakings for employees by trade unions, and be responsible for the guidance and coordination of labor and welfare undertakings for employees established by trade unions.

    (9) To be responsible for the international liaison of the provincial trade union system, and develop friendly relations with foreign trade union organizations; Strengthen economic, technical and cultural exchanges and cooperation with foreign trade unions.

    (10) Complete other work assigned by the superior.

    Political News General News Provincial general trends Municipal, prefectural and county trade unions Enterprise trade union Industrial trade union Media focus

    Public announcement

    Party Constitution and Rules laws and regulations policy document Historical materials of labor movement

    Guide to Trade Union Legal Person Registration Guide to the Establishment of Grass roots Trade Unions Guide to Trade Union Legal Aid Work Manual of Grass roots Trade Unions Flow Chart of Power Operation (Business Work) of Provincial General Organ