Vacuum phase-change hot water boiler unit - vacuum phase-change hot water boiler unit

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Vacuum phase change hot water boiler unit

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 Vacuum phase change hot water unit
The vacuum phase change water heater unit is to form a negative pressure vacuum environment inside the closed furnace body and fill the body with heat medium water. The heat medium water is heated by combustion or other means. The heat medium water is heated to generate steam. The steam heats the water in the heat exchanger tube through condensation heat exchange to realize the supply of hot water.
 Low nitrogen condensing vacuum water heater
The low nitrogen condensing vacuum hot water unit uses water to boil in vacuum to generate low-temperature steam, and then heat the system circulating water through steam condensation heat exchange to finally obtain hot water that meets the requirements. Equipped with low nitrogen burner, combustion, low noise and exhaust emissions, meeting the requirements of Class I areas (NOx emissions ≤ 30 mg).
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Contact Yongxin

Name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd
Address: No.18 Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province
Sales hotline: 0317-7789331
Sales hotline: 0317-7786331
Contact: Manager Wang
Mobile: 18232753131
Company name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. Company address: No. 18, Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province Tel.: 0317-7789331, 7786331 Fax: 0317-7781131 Website:  
Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. 2011 (C) All rights reserved JIICPB 11019446-2  
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