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Low nitrogen burner

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 Low nitrogen burner - low nitrogen boiler with burner - low nitrogen burner
The low nitrogen boiler is equipped with burners to achieve NOx emission less than 60mg/Nm3 (3.5% O2) without flue gas circulation and less than 30mg/m3 (3.5% O2) with flue gas external circulation system, which greatly increases the flexibility of the owner's selection and reduces the cost of the owner's future secondary transformation. In addition to the traditional low nitrogen burner, we also specially developed a negative pressure low nitrogen burner for the negative pressure furnace, which reduces the cost of boiler transformation.
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Contact Yongxin

Name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd
Address: No.18 Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province
Website: www.hbyxgholu.com
Sales hotline: 0317-7789331
Sales hotline: 0317-7786331
Contact: Manager Wang
Mobile: 18232753131
Email: hbyx131@126.com
Company name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. Company address: No. 18, Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province Tel.: 0317-7789331, 7786331 Fax: 0317-7781131 Website: http://www.hbyxguolu.com  
Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. 2011 (C) All rights reserved JIICPB 11019446-2  
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