What are the precautions for hydraulic test of heat transfer oil furnace- Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd

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What are the precautions for hydraulic test of heat transfer oil furnace?

Source: http://www.hbyxguolu.com Published: 2020/1/6 15:44:47
For _ test effect and personal Heat conduction oil furnace Before leaving the factory, the pressure test shall be carried out for the safety of the equipment, and the following points shall be noted for the hydraulic test of the heat conduction oil furnace:
(1) The hydraulic test of the heat transfer oil furnace shall be carried out in the daytime for clear observation.
(2) It is not allowed to use electric centrifugal water pump to boost the pressure in the hydraulic test of the heat transfer oil furnace, and it is not allowed to use high-pressure gas or compressed air in the cylinder to boost the pressure in the top water. This is very dangerous. Because of this test, the pressure is difficult to control and the boiler is easy to be damaged. There is a precedent that water pressure will not explode and gas filling will explode.
(3) For the heat transfer oil furnace, the inspector shall list the number of the parts that should be inspected emphatically and appoint a special person to avoid missing the inspection.
(4) Welding Heat conduction oil furnace The hydrostatic test shall be carried out after the NDT is qualified.
(5) If the test pressure of the accessories such as valves of the heat conduction oil furnace is high, a separate hydrostatic test should be carried out before assembly, and the overall hydrostatic test should be carried out after assembly on the boiler.
(6) When leakage is found in the hydraulic test of the heat transfer oil furnace, the pressure should be reduced to zero, and then repaired after analyzing the causes. Welding under pressure is never allowed.
(7) After the hydraulic test of the heat transfer oil furnace, do not forget to remove the plug plate on the spring type safety valve seat.
(8) The hydraulic test pressure of the heat transfer oil furnace must be strictly in accordance with the regulations, and it is not allowed to increase the test pressure arbitrarily.
(9) When entering the furnace for inspection, there should be good lighting conditions, and temporary scaffolding should be firm and intact, Heat conduction oil furnace 12V safety portable lamp or flashlight shall be used.
 Heat conduction oil furnace  

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