Enterprise Culture - Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd

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corporate culture

Enterprise spirit: unite and forge ahead, dare to innovate, seek common development and share glory.
Enterprise tenet: people have nothing but themselves, and people have their own worries; People are good and I am clean, people are clean and I am new.
Enterprise philosophy: morality first, reputation first, quality based products, safety first in production.
Our values:
Sincerity: the foundation of our cause
Smart and sagacious: our marrow
Practical but new: the principle of our performance
Progress together: our team ambition
Our mission:
Provide _ solutions, improve customer core value, and become _ management practical elites
Establishing such a mission means:
We systematically interpret the core value elements of the enterprise through cultural management consulting, and are committed to comprehensively improving the core value of customers.

Contact Yongxin

Name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd
Address: No.18 Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province
Website: www.hbyxgholu.com
Sales hotline: 0317-7789331
Sales hotline: 0317-7786331
Contact: Manager Wang
Mobile: 18232753131
Email: hbyx131@126.com
Company name: Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. Company address: No. 18, Mianfang Road, Dongguang County, Hebei Province Tel.: 0317-7789331, 7786331 Fax: 0317-7781131 Website: http://www.hbyxguolu.com  
Hebei Yongxin Boiler Co., Ltd. 2011 (C) All rights reserved JIICPB 11019446-2  
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