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The quick hand message disappears dynamically. You can turn it off and on in the dynamic setting. The mobile network is not good. If you can't see the dynamic information after updating it quickly, you can complain to Fasthand and ask him to fix the bug. It may also be that your mobile phone network is not good. You can go to the owner of the mobile phone store to fix it. This is also OK. My fast hand has no dynamic function ① It is only available to some users now, and it is not comprehensive yet. ② You mean spatial dynamics. This is normal. Sometimes it is the case with the server. If you want to solve it at that time

Platform advantages

Exclusive advantages of the whole network

How to forward fast hand videos to download fast hand videos is much more convenient. If you want to save the videos on your mobile phone or computer, you can save them on your mobile phone or on your web page. If you want to save them in batches on your computer, it is recommended to use video download masters or media dream factories to save them in batches on your computer. If you need to save the video cover together,. Hello! More sections can be downloaded while watching. In addition, more sections are related to the source network. You can avoid Youku, Sohu and other sources. In addition, you can choose less sections in More Settings Source Settings. How to download other people's videos

Station Master's Experience

Honest old station

How to remove the fast hand fan group? Step ① 1. Click the fan group on the fast hand personal homepage, and then click the fan group to be bright. 2. After opening, you can directly click the opening logo to keep it on. 3. At the same time, you can also click the gift icon in the studio, and then click View Privileges. 4. Turn on the grade protection. ② In my space news, there is a 'delete' under the friend's reprint log -- click 'delete' -- click 'yes'. I hope my reply can help you to be satisfied. Please accept it. ③ If you slide the fan like a button to the left, you can delete it. ④ Below the fast hand anchor home page

System advantages:

Why is there no activity in my fast hand? Where is the fast hand personal activity opened - Renren Self Media

Do fast videos need to be downloaded to watch? How to download fast videos

How to turn off the fast hand fan group function, and how to remove others - Renren Self Media

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How can I hurry

The quick hand message disappears dynamically. You can turn it off and on in the dynamic setting. The mobile network is not good. If you update quickly, you can't see the dynamic

Quick video

How to forward fast hand videos? Downloading fast hand videos is much more convenient. See if you need to save them on your mobile phone or computer. You can save them on your mobile phone or on your computer

How to close

How to remove the fast hand fan group? Step ① 1. Click the fan group on the fast hand personal homepage, and then click the fan group to be bright. 2. After opening, you can directly click

Quick hands

In 2022, can fast hands watch visitors? No, only those watching outside of themselves will have a broadcast volume!!. Where can I find the footprints I have browsed ①

How about quick hand

How to draw the official fast hand lottery ① The fast hand turntable lottery can only be set by users who have opened the fast hand live broadcast, so the turntable lottery is in the live broadcast. Fast hand is made by fast hand

Quick delivery

Is the fast hand light card deducted? It's not free. The fast hand light card in the live broadcast room means that you can watch a host's fans every day after joining the host's fan group