What steps does the office decoration design include?

For office workers, the office is not only a place to work, but also our second home. Sometimes we spend more time in the office than at home. today Guangzhou Decoration Design Company Haibo Decoration will introduce to the owners, Office decoration Design What are the steps?

 Office design of e-commerce company, office decoration design of Guangzhou Decoration Company and trading company, Haibo Decoration.jpg

What the owner should do first is preparation , office purchase, leasing and other procedures, Guangzhou Haibo Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd Some customers have experienced problems in space purchase and leasing that are sure to be OK. After comparison, the space design and decoration preparation made with great efforts in the early stage have been wasted, and these formalities have not been handled, so the property must not be decorated, Therefore, Haibo Decoration would like to remind customers here: (Determine the functions that must be realized in the decoration office, and what designers must know when they first visit, otherwise they cannot start the design. Check whether designers and decoration companies have tooling experience and whether they have Office decoration design Experience, lack of visual soldiers and ability to create commercial value, and many unreasonable problems in design and construction will be exposed after the space is put into use.)

The second is design phase Office decoration design The customer should contact online customer service through consulting telephone. The designer should initially understand the project overview, communicate with the customer face to face at the measurement site, collect design data for scheme design, make preliminary budget, improve the scheme according to the customer's requirements, and determine the design scheme and budget.

And then there is During the construction phase, Guangzhou Decoration Design Co., Ltd. shall assist the client to handle the fire control approval procedures, and the client's designer, foreman and project manager shall make on-site disclosure, dismantle the old facilities, clear and transport the garbage, enter the site of materials, conduct acceptance, partition, install metal partition, and process logo wall. Office decoration design Medium term acceptance, wall treatment, ground treatment, installation project, completion acceptance.

Compared with the latter stage, that is Maintenance phase Yes, the warranty period will begin after the completion of the project. The maintenance personnel will be available 24 hours after the customer reports for repair. After the report period, the final review period will begin, Office decoration design 48 hours after the repair report, the repair cost is only labor and materials.

 Cosmetics company office decoration, Universal Metropolitan Plaza office decoration, Haibo decoration.jpg

1. Cost problem: cost problem is the key problem of office decoration in Guangzhou, and cost investment directly affects Decoration of Guangzhou office The effect of. For the decoration design of Guangzhou office, we should make a budget based on our own actual situation, and strive to achieve Office design Cost effectiveness and design effect. Before office design, you should inform the office design company of your budget plan Guangzhou Decoration Design Company We will choose the appropriate scheme according to the cost.

2. Style: Decoration of Guangzhou office Style is one of the considerations for office design. Before office design, you should tell the design company your favorite office design style, and listen to the opinions and suggestions of the design company. Both parties can conduct in-depth discussion on the design style, and finally determine a satisfactory scheme.

3. Basic information of the company: In addition to the cost and style issues, the basic information of the company should also be fed back to Guangzhou Decoration Design Company, such as the company's organizational structure, basic information of employees, product characteristics, corporate culture, etc. This basic information is important for Decoration of Guangzhou office All of them are valuable and have reference significance for color selection, modeling design, office furniture design, etc.

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        Office decoration design Select the company that provides after-sales service.

Learn more Guangzhou Decoration Design Company common problem: http://www.hbd100.cn/cjwd/

Source of this article   http://www.hbd100.cn/clgy/

         Office decoration Design Quotation details 180-2620-7127

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