Office decoration cases of XRS educational institutions

Area: 4600 square meters/Address: Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City/Click: two thousand four hundred and forty-eight

This case Haibo Decoration The designer first identified the two key words "lively, flexible," when positioning. When entering the lobby, excellent blocks are divided in curves, as well as the reception desk and tables and chairs in arc shape. These designs are complemented by bright colors, making the whole Office decoration The space gives people a lively, soft, clean and kind feeling, which conforms to its market positioning for children. In addition, a large number of lines are used to outline the modern simple wind, reasonable space layout, good ventilation and lighting, and bright red is collocated locally to make the whole Office decoration Space is activated instantaneously. While fully demonstrating the corporate image and strength of the enterprise, it can also show the corporate culture of educational institutions.

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XRS Educational Institution Office decoration Lobby space

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Office decoration of XRS educational institutions Public office space

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Meeting room space for office decoration of XRS educational institution

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Office space of Office Decoration Manager of XRS Education Institution

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Reading space for office decoration of XRS educational institution

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Office decoration and leisure space of XRS educational institution

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