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  •  Finlight brand design vi - Yimei logo design

    Finlight brand design vi - Yimei logo design
    The design of Finlight brand logo is not only a visual artistic expression, but also a symbol of culture and the transmission of brand value. The brand logo combines graphics and fonts

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  •  State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain

    State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain
    State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain logo is the most frequently used visual symbol of Rongtong micro chain and the core element to form a visual image. Shanghai high-end brand design company

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  •  Hunan Iron and Steel Group logo optimization design - iron and steel group vi design - brand design upgrade of large state-owned enterprises

    Hunan Iron and Steel Group logo optimization design - iron and steel group vi design - brand design upgrade of large state-owned enterprises
    Logo design of Hunan Iron and Steel Group - Hunan Iron and Steel Group was established by three main iron and steel enterprises, namely Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group, Lianyuan Iron and Steel Group and Henggang Iron and Steel Group, which were born in the 1950s on the land of Sanxiang and the coast of Xiangjiang River. At the same time, the shape of phoenix also inherits the historical achievements of Hunan

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  •  Brand image design of nursing home rehabilitation | logo design and VI design of Zunzi nursing home

    Brand image design of nursing home rehabilitation | logo design and VI design of Zunzi nursing home
    The idea of Zunzi Ginkgo Leaf is the logo of its parent company, Fu Shoukang. The logo of Fu Shoukang is ginkgo leaf. In order to echo with the head office of Fu Shoukang, Haohe also selected the meaning of ginkgo leaf as the design blueprint when designing Zunzi's logo;

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  •  Biomedical consumables industry brand design | Shanghai Lechun biotechnology brand logo design, medical consumables vi design

    Biomedical consumables industry brand design | Shanghai Lechun biotechnology brand logo design, medical consumables vi design
    "Less is more, and super symbols are super creativity". It is recommended to retain the simple and international style of the English logo, and at the same time, it is necessary to develop exclusive super visual symbols. Symbols, like corporate personality, are the characteristics that distinguish other competitors and intuitively reflect the industry attributes.

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  •  Lactic acid brand design of biomedical enterprises | Logo and VI design of high-tech enterprise Jindan Lactic acid technology brand

    Lactic acid brand design of biomedical enterprises | Logo and VI design of high-tech enterprise Jindan Lactic acid technology brand
    Molecular formula of lactic acid: the research found that the unique molecular formula of lactic acid can be used as the "super symbol" of Jindan lactic acid, so that all lactic acid demanders can get what they see, highlight the industry attributes, and become a strong logo image of Jindan lactic acid

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  •  Brand design of medical chip industry | logo design and VI design of Wexinlikang chip brand

    Brand design of medical chip industry | logo design and VI design of Wexinlikang chip brand
    Industry gold digging: The microfluidic chip industry has three characteristics: miniaturization, integration and automation, and microfluidic chips are very common in the industry

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  •  Hengrun property brand logo design, vi design - property management logo design, property service vi design

    Hengrun property brand logo design, vi design - property management logo design, property service vi design
    Hengrun Property mainly wants to develop into real estate after-sales service providers and diversified property integrators, expand in a diversified direction, and provide high-quality services for professional enterprises or institutions

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  •  Brand Growth in the Red Sea Competition of Fresh Food Market

    Brand Growth in the Red Sea Competition of Fresh Food Market
    The closer to consumers, the closer to growth; There should be exposure and click rate; Create a lively and lovely brand image for Four Seasons Youxianquan - Youxianmei, which symbolizes the fresh and cheerful image, and endow the IP image characteristics to the store, so as to realize the brand way of making people recognize, remember and attract customers at a glance

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  •  Enhance visual recognition - logo design brand VI design of aerospace intelligent manufacturing technology company

    Enhance visual recognition - logo design brand VI design of aerospace intelligent manufacturing technology company
    The so-called mental focus is a focus symbol that everyone can understand. It has strong recognition, can reduce communication costs, let consumers see the industry attributes at a glance, and deeply remember the new brand changes. Aerospace Intelligent Manufacturing extracts logo recognition genes, and further evolution and application extension of logo core elements by extracting logo recognition genes can easily enhance the unity of brand image promotion. Highlight the enterprise concept of aerospace technology, intelligent connection, technology integration and human-computer cooperation in the industry, create a mental focus and reduce brand communication costs.

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  •  Radio and TV station logo design/vi design | brand super symbol | Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station Yangtze River Delta Voice brand design upgrade

    Radio and TV station logo design/vi design | brand super symbol | Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station Yangtze River Delta Voice brand design upgrade
    Mental focus is a focus symbol that everyone can understand. It has strong recognition, can reduce communication costs, let consumers see the industry attributes at a glance, and deeply remember the new brand changes. The Voice of the Yangtze River Delta uses the broadcast media - "radio wave" as the mental focus, becoming the blueprint of the logo design of the Voice of the Yangtze River Delta, creating a new brand logo of the Voice of the Yangtze River Delta, detonating Shanghai overnight, and reducing the cost of network wide marketing communication.

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  •  Mineral water brand packaging design | Drinking water bottle packaging design | English name of Sichuan brand - Shenma Spring Oxygen Blue high-end water

    Mineral water brand packaging design | Drinking water bottle packaging design | English name of Sichuan brand - Shenma Spring Oxygen Blue high-end water
    After several strategic analyses, consumer research and in-depth communication with Shenma Spring Group, the "high dissolved oxygen" product information is the focus of our communication, so we use the "chemical symbol O2" as a visual symbol to communicate with consumers.

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  •  Healthy home care industry brand LOGO, vi design brand marketing promotion&Pujing apartment brand whole case design

    Healthy home care industry brand LOGO, vi design brand marketing promotion&Pujing apartment brand whole case design
    Home is a kind of home, which is the harbor where the heart berths to give warm companionship and trust; Linglan flower, linglan flower language: happy return. Matching slogan: The beautiful beginning of life is the bell shaped lily of the valley, elegant and beautiful. The whole herb can be used as medicine and has the effect of strengthening heart health; The key is to start one-stop service. The key of the five dimensional integrated management mode has the function of effective value-added, opening the mind and dreams;

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  •  Catering beef food brand LOGO design&VI packaging design - Chongqing Bifu Gaga LOGO design

    Catering beef food brand LOGO design&VI packaging design - Chongqing Bifu Gaga LOGO design
    The brand design of Bifugaga LOGO is upgraded, and the English name is ingeniously combined with Niutou. The retention of Niutou graphics makes the logo more interactive and authentic. Niutou is a natural super symbol. International font presentation can better convey the characteristics of imported products and highlight industry attributes; The horn figure of an abstract cow symbolizes the connection of two emotions, "entertaining people in front of you", arouses emotional resonance of consumers, and reflects a unique business model; The font style is free and casual, reflecting the natural flavor of our products.

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  •  Logo design of traffic engineering construction company - upgrading of government enterprise brand image - traffic investment in Pudong New Area, Shanghai

    Logo design of traffic engineering construction company - upgrading of government enterprise brand image - traffic investment in Pudong New Area, Shanghai
    Pudong traffic investment is a project benefiting people by providing advice for building a smart city and building blocks for green travel. In order to build a more convincing logo, we need to upgrade the logo design to make the logo image design more mature and convincing.

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  •  Brand image design of Huayang New Year Green Town - logo VI design of leisure tourism ecological theme brand

    Brand image design of Huayang New Year Green Town - logo VI design of leisure tourism ecological theme brand
    LOGO design analysis of leisure tourism ecological theme brand: "The best is like water, and water is good for all things without competition". The surging of water is continuous and full of vitality, and water is the link. Water is harmony. Harmony is the most important thing. Water is the most valuable thing. The concept of water is flowing, gentle, flexible and changeable, just like the idea that Huayang wants to show, full of vitality.

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  •  Fulei Library brand image planning - theme brand logo design - government vi visual design

    Fulei Library brand image planning - theme brand logo design - government vi visual design
    Interpretation of the logo image design of Fu Lei's library brand: "Small Shanghai", the landmark of the old Zhoupu, "Key Bridge", as a creative element, reflects the regional position of Fu Lei's library, is a place to cultivate this great translator, writer and educator, and the bridge also symbolizes that Fu Lei has built a bridge connecting literature, music and painting in the history of modern Chinese culture, At the same time, it is like a bridge between Chinese and French culture, a bridge between father and son.

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  •  Brand image upgrading of solid wood furniture _ Shanghai high-end panel VI design _ customized brand visual design of Ping An Tree whole house

    Brand image upgrading of solid wood furniture _ Shanghai high-end panel VI design _ customized brand visual design of Ping An Tree whole house
    The logo design of the customized household brand of Ping An Tree House is presented as a tree. The tree is not only safe and reliable, but also tall, which can symbolize the safety and reliability of Ping An Tree. It is also the planning and expectation for the future development of Ping An Tree brand, which is as strong as a tree.

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  •  Brand design upgrade of Fosun Group members - smart retail, good collection, FoMe Hub image logo design

    Brand design upgrade of Fosun Group members - smart retail, good collection, FoMe Hub image logo design
    Font planning: the planning of logo fonts is complex and changeable. The old logo machinery, thin and thin defects have been greatly changed. The logo planning is more refined. Every tick and stroke of the font has been treated in detail. The overall logo is planned in bold. The method is serious and thick. It has the ancient and elegant tree lines. Together, it is flexible and gives a full and meaningful impression

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  •  Brand image design of fresh juice chain - Gudamamee tea logo design brand VI design

    Brand image design of fresh juice chain - Gudamamee tea logo design brand VI design
    The image design of Gudamamee tea brand: LOGO design planning is orange element+brand name: orange=brand characteristics, brand name: use rounded font, rounded love, and add elements such as tea shop straw, straw is associated with tea, orange font, beautiful, eye-catching and recognizable, which is one of the brand elements of tea

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  •  Catering brand design - Japanese cuisine brand logo upgrade - Shanghai Yixiu Catering brand design scheme

    Catering brand design - Japanese cuisine brand logo upgrade - Shanghai Yixiu Catering brand design scheme
    Project background: Shanghai Yixiu Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock catering enterprise established in 2009. After six years of development, it has successfully opened 14 branches in various central areas of Shanghai

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  •  Logo design of Shanghai catering brand - famous bear image catering logo planning - Xiongmi Catering Management Company - Suzhou, Zhejiang

    Logo design of Shanghai catering brand - famous bear image catering logo planning - Xiongmi Catering Management Company - Suzhou, Zhejiang
    In the logo design of Xiongmi's catering brand, the addition of a big bowl integrates the theme bear image into the design, adding brand emotion to Xiongmi. With cartoon image as the logo badge, it not only has strong logo characteristics, but also conforms to the brand image of the modern catering market.

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  •  International Postpartum Recovery Center brand logo design - professional pre pregnancy care and maintenance enterprise logo design - Chengdu Yuzitang, Sichuan, Shanghai

    International Postpartum Recovery Center brand logo design - professional pre pregnancy care and maintenance enterprise logo design - Chengdu Yuzitang, Sichuan, Shanghai
    The design process of Haohe brand creation logo: LOGO design reflects the brand positioning of Yuzitang post natal recovery center of "conditioning, maintenance and recovery".

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  •  Smart hotel brand vi visual design - ecological culture technology experience hotel logo design - Zhejiang Huzhou Rubik's Cube Master Hangzhou Shanghai

    Smart hotel brand vi visual design - ecological culture technology experience hotel logo design - Zhejiang Huzhou Rubik's Cube Master Hangzhou Shanghai
    Definition of brand logo design: the logo graphics are ingeniously integrated by three semicircles and one circle. Through the design from the main road to the simple, the overall image of a master figure is portrayed. The art combination of four graphics is by no means a simple graphic game, but in addition to accurately completing the concept expression, it reflects the inherent flavor of the hotel's master culture and hotel life philosophy.

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  •  Yunnan cross-border beef brand logo design - logo planning of imported cattle products enterprises - trademark image design of border cattle

    Yunnan cross-border beef brand logo design - logo planning of imported cattle products enterprises - trademark image design of border cattle
    The implication of brand logo design: "Jingniu" LOGO mainly highlights "π", π is an infinite non cyclic decimal, Jingniu is a large-scale, world-class whole industry chain breeding center, and infinity means that Jingniu brand is large-scale and has unlimited future.

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  •  Logo design of cattle product - VIS visual image system design of agricultural food company - Yunnan Penghe | Shanghai Hunan

    Logo design of cattle product - VIS visual image system design of agricultural food company - Yunnan Penghe | Shanghai Hunan
    Interpretation of logo design: fully consider the enterprise's product attributes in logo color, and extract the color from the beef cattle's own color. The combination of the two is not only a symbol of the sun driven industry, but also conforms to the beef cattle's product attribute color. Color matching with strong product attributes is more conducive to deepening the audience's memory and emotional resonance.

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  •  Big health industry brand image design/VI/logo design - Hangzhou Yuxiang Lake International Health City

    Big health industry brand image design/VI/logo design - Hangzhou Yuxiang Lake International Health City
    Interpretation of VI logo design of big health industry brand: "Yuxiang Lake" is "Yuxiang Lake", so the logo of Yuxiang Lake is based on the jade ring, and the round and smooth logo will make people feel comfortable; The jade ring is a circle. The shape of the circle is refined - it is virtuous and contains everything. The logo integrates the core concepts of "heaven and earth are connected, the sun and the moon are corresponding, heaven and man are integrated, Xiang Lake water, and the bridge across the lake".

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  •  Reading Identity System Design | Guide Design - Suzhou Creek Study Brand Image VI Design

    Reading Identity System Design | Guide Design - Suzhou Creek Study Brand Image VI Design
    Logo design interpretation: The logo uses the form of combining text and pictures to show the functional orientation and creativity of "Suzhou Creek Study". The flowing brushwork is skillfully integrated with the three characters of Suzhou Creek.

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  •  State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain

    State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain
    State owned logo design company - Group VI design - Chengdu brand upgrading design - Rongtongwei chain logo is the most frequently used visual symbol of Rongtong micro chain and the core element to form a visual image. Shanghai high-end brand design company

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  •  Hunan Iron and Steel Group logo optimization design - iron and steel group vi design - brand design upgrade of large state-owned enterprises

    Hunan Iron and Steel Group logo optimization design - iron and steel group vi design - brand design upgrade of large state-owned enterprises
    Logo design of Hunan Iron and Steel Group - Hunan Iron and Steel Group was established by three main iron and steel enterprises, namely Xiangtan Iron and Steel Group, Lianyuan Iron and Steel Group and Henggang Iron and Steel Group, which were born in the 1950s on the land of Sanxiang and the coast of Xiangjiang River. At the same time, the shape of phoenix also inherits the historical achievements of Hunan

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  •  Enhance visual recognition - logo design brand VI design of aerospace intelligent manufacturing technology company

    Enhance visual recognition - logo design brand VI design of aerospace intelligent manufacturing technology company
    The so-called mental focus is a focus symbol that everyone can understand. It has strong recognition, can reduce communication costs, let consumers see the industry attributes at a glance, and deeply remember the new brand changes. Aerospace Intelligent Manufacturing extracts logo recognition genes, and further evolution and application extension of logo core elements by extracting logo recognition genes can easily enhance the unity of brand image promotion. Highlight the enterprise concept of aerospace technology, intelligent connection, technology integration and human-computer cooperation in the industry, create a mental focus and reduce the cost of brand communication.

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  •  Radio and TV station logo design/vi design | brand super symbol | Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station Yangtze River Delta Voice brand design upgrade

    Radio and TV station logo design/vi design | brand super symbol | Shanghai People's Broadcasting Station Yangtze River Delta Voice brand design upgrade
    Mental focus is a focus symbol that everyone can understand. It has strong recognition, can reduce communication costs, let consumers see the industry attributes at a glance, and deeply remember the new brand changes. The Voice of the Yangtze River Delta uses the broadcast media - "radio wave" as the mental focus, becoming the blueprint of the logo design of the Voice of the Yangtze River Delta, creating a new brand logo of the Voice of the Yangtze River Delta, detonating Shanghai overnight, and reducing the cost of network wide marketing communication.

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  •  High tech pharmaceutical industry LOGO | pharmaceutical company vi design packaging design&Shanghai Yizhong Pharmaceutical brand design

    High tech pharmaceutical industry LOGO | pharmaceutical company vi design packaging design&Shanghai Yizhong Pharmaceutical brand design
    The brand logo of Yizhong Pharmaceutical takes graphic and character logo as the core creative element, which is simple, grand, reliable, friendly and professional. In the logo, the "public" of Yizhong is skillfully combined with the arrow element symbolizing the direction of progress and stability, which is easy to understand and remember

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  •  Healthy home care industry brand LOGO, vi design brand marketing promotion&Pujing apartment brand whole case design

    Healthy home care industry brand LOGO, vi design brand marketing promotion&Pujing apartment brand whole case design
    Home is a kind of home, which is the harbor where the heart berths to give warm companionship and trust; Linglan flower, linglan flower language: happy return. Matching slogan: The beautiful beginning of life is the bell shaped lily of the valley, elegant and beautiful. The whole herb can be used as medicine and has the effect of strengthening heart health; The key is to start one-stop service. The key of the five dimensional integrated management mode has the function of effective value-added, opening the mind and dreams;

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  •  LOGO design and VI design of Internet network communication _ brand design upgrade - Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd

    LOGO design and VI design of Internet network communication _ brand design upgrade - Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd
    Shanghai Huijue Network Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. is located in Fengxian District, Shanghai, with a registered capital of 107.78 million yuan. Since its establishment in 2002, it has always focused on providing domestic operators such as China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom, China Tower, and National Radio and Television with software, hardware, and technical services required for the construction of wired and wireless transmission infrastructure network projects High tech enterprises selling integrated services.

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  •  Catering beef food brand LOGO design&VI packaging design - Chongqing Bifu Gaga LOGO design

    Catering beef food brand LOGO design&VI packaging design - Chongqing Bifu Gaga LOGO design
    The brand design of Bifugaga LOGO is upgraded, and the English name is ingeniously combined with Niutou. The retention of Niutou graphics makes the logo more interactive and authentic. Niutou is a natural super symbol. International font presentation can better convey the characteristics of imported products and highlight industry attributes; The horn figure of an abstract cow symbolizes the connection of two emotions, "entertaining people in front of you", arouses emotional resonance of consumers, and reflects a unique business model; The font style is free and casual, reflecting the natural flavor of our products.

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  •  New material brand image upgrading - innovative technology enterprise logo design - Yufeng Capital investment logo brand vi design

    New material brand image upgrading - innovative technology enterprise logo design - Yufeng Capital investment logo brand vi design
    Definition of corporate brand logo design: the core concept of "Spring Valley Capita", the acronym "S" and "V slightly graphic directional art processing combined with enterprise empowerment, value creation, and people orientation", is ingeniously combined, and advanced green symbolizes new industries such as technology, green materials, and also expresses the enterprise's positive and enterprising concept of evergreen foundation;

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  •  Logo design of traffic engineering construction company - upgrading of government enterprise brand image - traffic investment in Pudong New Area, Shanghai

    Logo design of traffic engineering construction company - upgrading of government enterprise brand image - traffic investment in Pudong New Area, Shanghai
    Pudong traffic investment is a project benefiting people by providing advice for building a smart city and building blocks for green travel. In order to build a more convincing logo, we need to upgrade the logo design to make the logo image design more mature and convincing.

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  •  Brand image upgrading of cylinder liner manufacturer - logo design of VI brand of shipbuilding company - Jiangsu Aigis Machinery

    Brand image upgrading of cylinder liner manufacturer - logo design of VI brand of shipbuilding company - Jiangsu Aigis Machinery
    Analysis on the design strategy of VI brand LOGO of industrial manufacturing enterprises: The Aigis Haizhu logo inherits the English logo design direction of the original logo design, forms unity with the English logo design direction of the group logo design, highlights the nature of the family enterprise, and integrates core cultural concepts into the logo, forming a clear difference with the industry;

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  •  Brand image design of Huayang New Year Green Town - logo VI design of leisure tourism ecological theme brand

    Brand image design of Huayang New Year Green Town - logo VI design of leisure tourism ecological theme brand
    LOGO design analysis of leisure tourism ecological theme brand: "The best is like water, and water is good for all things without competition". The surging of water is continuous and full of vitality, and water is the link. Water is harmony. Harmony is the most important thing. Water is the most valuable thing. The concept of water is flowing, gentle, flexible and changeable, just like the idea that Huayang wants to show, full of vitality.

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  •  Mineral water brand packaging design | Drinking water bottle packaging design | English name of Sichuan brand - Shenma Spring Oxygen Blue high-end water

    Mineral water brand packaging design | Drinking water bottle packaging design | English name of Sichuan brand - Shenma Spring Oxygen Blue high-end water
    After several strategic analyses, consumer research and in-depth communication with Shenma Spring Group, the "high dissolved oxygen" product information is the focus of our communication, so we use the "chemical symbol O2" as a visual symbol to communicate with consumers.

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  •  Suhai Qinghai Duck Egg Packaging Design - Seafood Packaging Design - Retail Food Packaging Design

    Suhai Qinghai Duck Egg Packaging Design - Seafood Packaging Design - Retail Food Packaging Design
    Project background: Su Haiqing, whose predecessor is Beihai Haiqing Aquatic Products, has been an old brand seafood processing factory in Beihai for 25 years. The Su family has been interviewed by CCTV for eight generations of fishing. Since 1994, Sujiakai

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  •  Agricultural product brand packaging planning design | Agricultural product leisure snack brand selling points mining

    Agricultural product brand packaging planning design | Agricultural product leisure snack brand selling points mining
    Let the product packaging form a real and infectious. Pleasant experience is the cleanest and purest color, which echoes the healthy and natural texture of the product. The gift box only highlights the cutest IP image and the most memorable language.

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  •  Packaging planning of women's household wear pantyhose&VC pantyhose packaging design

    Packaging planning of women's household wear pantyhose&VC pantyhose packaging design
    There are many choices about the materials of pantyhose on the market, such as nylon, spandex, blended fiber and other fabrics. Different fabrics have different tactility; From the perspective of visual effects, there are basically two types: light and dark. Color can be colorful, solid or flesh, which is extremely important in the selection of pantyhose

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  •  Mask LOGO, VI brand packaging design&medical children's mask design

    Mask LOGO, VI brand packaging design&medical children's mask design
    Simple lines outline the shape of the export mask. The mask packaging design is expressed in the most simple and clear way. The text content is expressed in the most concise words, giving consumers the most intuitive feeling, so that consumers can understand the advantages and core of this mask. The mask packaging design, which is complex to simple, will not let consumers get too much information

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  •  Brand packaging design of agricultural products - green and healthy rice packaging design - Jinlaotou product packaging planning

    Brand packaging design of agricultural products - green and healthy rice packaging design - Jinlaotou product packaging planning
    The overall packaging style of Golden Old Man series agricultural products is fresh, classic and warm matte yellow, bright and energetic in color. The simple packaging style design symbolizes that Golden Old Man uses pure natural, green and healthy products to give back to consumers. Simplicity is sincerity, and simplicity is charm. This simplicity is the first sense of not being flashy, not being fake, and not cheating; Secondly, different products have different packaging elements, such as ears of rice and ducks on the duck rice package, corn and other elements on the corn grits package;

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  •  Seasoning Packaging Design | Packaging Design of Shanghai Kawasaki Food White Sugar

    Seasoning Packaging Design | Packaging Design of Shanghai Kawasaki Food White Sugar
    Both packaging materials are used in the aluminized kraft paper self sealing bag, which continues the core element of the original package, seaweed, and carries out the flattening design treatment, making the overall picture more simple and clean, transmitting the high-end temperament of the brand. At the same time, the overall appearance design allows consumers to still have a high awareness of the original brand, "ultra-low heat, sweet without burden" It effectively transmits the functions and characteristics of the product.

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  •  Fresh beef packaging design - external packaging box design of imported high-quality food - high-end packaging planning of Yunnan cattle brand

    Fresh beef packaging design - external packaging box design of imported high-quality food - high-end packaging planning of Yunnan cattle brand
    Interpretation of Jingniu's packaging design: the packaging design follows the image of the logo design image, corresponding color blocks corresponding to the taste of the front products, forming a consistent and transparent product display design, printing the finished products on the left side of the packaging, intuitively showing the taste of the products. The picture is very attractive, which can catch the eyes of consumers The original product characteristics are vividly presented to consumers, which can make people feel cordial, deepen the impression of the cattle, and stimulate consumers' purchase desire.

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  •  Shanghai Creativity Network Red Snack Brand Packaging Planning | Fengshang Fengcha Barbecue Snack Packaging

    Shanghai Creativity Network Red Snack Brand Packaging Planning | Fengshang Fengcha Barbecue Snack Packaging
    Under the premise of the growing retail market, Fengshangfeng's new BBQ Pork Slips are in urgent need of listing. There have been many cases of such retail meat products in front of the whole network. Like many large retailers, they do a good job. If Fengshangfeng wants to get a share in such a large environment, it must find a suitable entrance, enter the market, go out of its own style and characteristics, occupy the market by differentiation, and obtain business opportunities. The core value of the brand is to drive business dissimilation, so how should differentiation be done? First of all, packaging must be innovative, eye-catching and purchasing.

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  •  Beverage bottle design _ company beverage packaging design - packaging planning of Guangzhou Zhengliang Beverage Company

    Beverage bottle design _ company beverage packaging design - packaging planning of Guangzhou Zhengliang Beverage Company
    The packaging design of Guangzhou Zhengliang Beverage Co., Ltd. selects the color of the "orange" of the Narita brand. The dynamic dynamic orange is corresponding to the color of the brand logo. It is a warm color system, which intuitively shows the vitality of the brand and is full of dynamic. In addition, it draws closer to consumers in the sense of vision to attract customers.

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  •  Sushuang Mouthwash Packaging Design _ Toothbrush Toothpaste Product Outer Packaging Box - Harbin Pharmaceutical Brand Packaging Planning

    Sushuang Mouthwash Packaging Design _ Toothbrush Toothpaste Product Outer Packaging Box - Harbin Pharmaceutical Brand Packaging Planning
    Packaging design analysis: a series of mouthwash packaging designs all adhere to the same design philosophy: LOGO+brand name+product characteristics+brief description.

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  •  Walnut Packaging Design | Agricultural Product Packaging Design | Shengda Agricultural and Sideline Products Company Packaging Design

    Walnut Packaging Design | Agricultural Product Packaging Design | Shengda Agricultural and Sideline Products Company Packaging Design
    In order to launch a new product of organic red walnut and make the product stand out in the competitive walnut market, a packaging design with more recognition and better communication with consumers is urgently needed, so that the product can stand out on the shelf. Since Haohe has rich experience and good reputation in this regard, we have established a cooperative relationship with Haohe.

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  •  Xiaoyu IP image design cartoon IP image design Shanghai enterprise IP image design company

    Xiaoyu IP image design cartoon IP image design Shanghai enterprise IP image design company
    Happy little fish brand name itself carries a strong drama - a happy swimming little fish! So we need to find out the most representative symbols of small fish in the human subconscious! Goal: We

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  •  Brand IP image expression package production | Zhiyu long-term rental apartment brand IP image creation

    Brand IP image expression package production | Zhiyu long-term rental apartment brand IP image creation
    1 The IP requirement is to solve four problems: Residents' sense of belonging, brand impression building, cultural and creative extension development, and complex LOGO graphics are not easy to use 2. IP is the image spokesperson of Zhiyu 3. Hope to reflect warmth, personality, refinement and technology 4. In terms of painting style, I hope to make a breakthrough on the flat with some light and shadow texture

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  •  Brand ip image expression package production_WeChat expression package ip image creation_Yuetu mascot design

    Brand ip image expression package production_WeChat expression package ip image creation_Yuetu mascot design
    Project demand: Yuetu needs a special mascot to meet the production and promotion of the visual system, and to make the company famous with the spread of mascots.

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  •  Brand IP design | mascot design | mascot design of Haiyiwei Children's Food Company

    Brand IP design | mascot design | mascot design of Haiyiwei Children's Food Company
    The mascot design customer feedback: The mascot designed by Haohe Advertising is very cute, very in line with the aesthetic standards of young people. When we saw it, we thought it was the mascot we wanted. Thank you very much.

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  •  IP design | Travel EasyBuy brand image design | Shanghai Xinshang Railway Company mascot design

    IP design | Travel EasyBuy brand image design | Shanghai Xinshang Railway Company mascot design
    Mascot design presentation: After the design strategy direction is clear, it is the designer's creative presentation. The round lines and the setting of dull and cute with a sense of friendliness all present the strategy perfectly. In the design of the overall outline, it is very suitable for later extension.

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  •  Brand IP design | company mascot design | Milkway Chemical cartoon image design

    Brand IP design | company mascot design | Milkway Chemical cartoon image design
    Creative design of mascot: Milkewei is an expert in the transportation of dangerous chemicals in the world. Safety and efficiency are the standards that the enterprise always adheres to. At the same time, starting from the position of the whole industry and the strategic planning of future development, the design of the mascot of Mikewe Chemical must be safe. As the king of the forest, the tiger is agile and quick in action, which is very suitable for the temperament, status and future development planning of Mikewe Chemical.

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  •  Haibao battery mascot design | cartoon image ip design | enterprise mascot design

    Haibao battery mascot design | cartoon image ip design | enterprise mascot design
    Creativity of mascot design: therefore, our design is based on the most prototype of the Navy Seals and Marines, combined with the fast product characteristics of the product "lightning", to create cartoon images. The whole image is positive, energetic, trustworthy and distinctive. It was recognized by customers, and consumers also said they liked it very much.

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  •  Shanghai education mascot design | cartoon mascot design | company mascot design

    Shanghai education mascot design | cartoon mascot design | company mascot design
    Customer feedback on mascot design: Haohe's mascot design this time is very meaningful. It is not only easy for consumers to accept, but also loved by users and recognized by the market. Thank you very much.

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  •  Mibao mascot design and design extension - China aerospace mascot design

    Mibao mascot design and design extension - China aerospace mascot design
    Mascot design presentation: under the guidance of strategy, our designers, through their own creative design, select the image of astronauts, so that consumers can quickly generate awareness. The image of cute relatives is easy to create a sense of trust among consumers, and the logo of Green Leaf symbolizes green environmental protection and new energy. Get the sincere recognition of customers.

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  •  Mascot Design of Zhenzhen Fresh Enterprise -- Zhenzhen Fresh Brand of Dingxin Group

    Mascot Design of Zhenzhen Fresh Enterprise -- Zhenzhen Fresh Brand of Dingxin Group
    Project Profile Zhenzhenxian was established in June 2016, belonging to the Convenience Catering Business Department of Dingxin International Group, integrating the group's source procurement resources and the advantages of direct procurement of food materials at home and abroad, and providing supply and demand information for upstream suppliers

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  •  Mascot Design - Shanghai Juli Media Co., Ltd. Mascot Design

    Mascot Design - Shanghai Juli Media Co., Ltd. Mascot Design
    Hoho mascot design: In the era of science and technology, the mascot designed by Hoho for PPlive is also in the style of science and technology and digital. Therefore, the mascot design of PPlive is a lovely blue lamb, full of childlike charm and attraction. Blue is an extension of PPLive's logo color, with a sense of technology and future.

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  •  Enterprise mascot design, professional mascot design -- Aoqian Machinery Industry

    Enterprise mascot design, professional mascot design -- Aoqian Machinery Industry
    Aoqian Trade is the branch company of Matsui Machinery Industry Co., Ltd. in China. The company is a manufacturing enterprise focusing on plumbing and bathroom pipes and hardware fittings, serving famous brands such as TOTO and Nengli. The company adheres to the principle of quality first and innovation oriented, and constantly pursues excellence in products.

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  •  Chain brand SI space design | modern simple clothing store decoration design - HUNT CITY

    Chain brand SI space design | modern simple clothing store decoration design - HUNT CITY
    Haohe eliminated all the complicated space design elements of brand SI through the modern simple design style, and used the most straightforward decoration layout to reflect the trend atmosphere created in the store, thus giving the space personality and vitality. The simple ceiling of the store adds modern fashion to the space, and the visual sense is more open and three-dimensional, enriching the level of space. The store as a whole seems to coexist with each other, eliminating the tedious space and narrowing the distance between customers.

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  •  Modern office design | Simple office space design | Office building decoration design

    Modern office design | Simple office space design | Office building decoration design
    The overall office space design will be simple style throughout the space. Looking from the outside to the inside, the simple and smooth space is silent and parallel. The seemingly unintentional office design is full of inspiration and design beauty. Haohe designers accurately grasp the relationship between height and space, and use the light of geometric cube to illuminate, which is scattered in the gray tone space, Bring visual beauty while saving costs.

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  •  Exhibition Hall Design of World School Uniform Expo | SI Space Design of Dadi School Uniform Exhibition

    Exhibition Hall Design of World School Uniform Expo | SI Space Design of Dadi School Uniform Exhibition
    Haohe repositioned the si design of this school uniform culture exposition and formulated a series of space si design plans for it through in-depth analysis of the school uniform cultural background, development trend and future development.

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  •  Catering store design | Franchise store space design - Kung Fu Big Bag SI image design

    Catering store design | Franchise store space design - Kung Fu Big Bag SI image design
    Project introduction: With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for food and beverage are also constantly improving. The catering industry has a large market space and fierce overall competition. In this effort package, it needs to present a higher quality business model, and will continue to innovate in models, products, categories, space, marketing, etc, Through in-depth analysis of the status quo and future trends of the Baozi food industry, including the current major competitors' brand si design, Haohe repositioned the kungfu big bag brand si design, and formulated a series of spatial si design plans for it. Create a tea brand with fast fashion as the core, combine its own advantages, innovate the product and terminal store image, redefine steamed stuffed bun catering, and let consumers feel the latest and most avant-garde fashion catering.

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  •  Design of technology entertainment VR exhibition hall - space design of geek VR experience hall si

    Design of technology entertainment VR exhibition hall - space design of geek VR experience hall si
    Si Design: HOHO screens high-quality content, provides the most suitable experience content for different customer groups, does a good job of content screening and scene layout, so that customers have different experience content, strengthens the interests and preferences of consumer groups, completes transformation and forms of other modes are relatively common. In the case of similar equipment, content and consumption, Make the geek VR experience hall form differences and competition, and make it the favorite content or play method of consumer groups. With the preference of consumer groups, it can transform into a suitable theme experience hall, and create a more outstanding and distinctive theme hall, so as to subdivide consumer groups and form differentiated services with other experience halls.

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  •  Company Decoration Exhibition Hall Design - Stanley Security High end Brand SI Space Design

    Company Decoration Exhibition Hall Design - Stanley Security High end Brand SI Space Design
    Si space design: Stanley Security Exhibition Hall adopts superior and reasonable space layout design as a whole, focusing on the broadness and daylighting of the entire exhibition hall, so that it has been optimized in space. At the same time, in order to meet the requirements of multi-functional space and flexible space layout, it creates a deep, broad and bright sense of space. The booth is eye-catching on the whole, highlighting the characteristics of the SI space design of Stanley's high-end security brand. This booth is easy to build, cost saving, stylish, simple and powerful, and meets its requirements. Above the booth are special lighting display lights and low temperature high brightness white lights to ensure adequate lighting for the booth.

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  •  SI design of enterprise exhibition hall terminal | Hangzhou Mige Motor Co., Ltd. booth design

    SI design of enterprise exhibition hall terminal | Hangzhou Mige Motor Co., Ltd. booth design
    Si space design: we hope that consumers will leave a memory in their minds after visiting Hangzhou Mige Motor Co., Ltd. We hope that Mige will break the traditional single display mode, let the use of scenes to enhance the interactive experience, and let the audience enjoy the sense of participation. Feeling that MiG technology can change the future life, these can become the memory and communication points left in people's minds, become the real connotation in addition to simplicity and "sense of technology", and shape the unique temperament and value of brand packaging. The added value brought by design to the brand has also been improved in terms of the overall image of the brand, in addition to the SI design image of the terminal, This series of visual performance shows the brand tonality for consumers in an all-round way, which enables consumers to accumulate memories of the brand image, have a deep understanding of the brand, and then establish loyalty to the brand.

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  •  SI Image Design of Medical Space | Exhibition Design of Ciming Hospital Physical Examination Center

    SI Image Design of Medical Space | Exhibition Design of Ciming Hospital Physical Examination Center
    SI space design upgrading: after comprehensive consideration of the needs of patients for physical examination, combined with the aesthetic characteristics of contemporary people, the overall environmental division was created by reasonable layout of various functional areas and organizational space streamline, and space characteristics were created for different areas. For the relatively private diagnosis and treatment area, the very simple color is used as the background color of the space. The whole space emphasizes the softness of color and the simplicity of lines. With wood color elements, it is spacious and bright, so that patients can fully relax, create a warm and comfortable space, and fully optimize the medical environment.

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  •  School classroom layout design | SI space design of early education building for stargazers

    School classroom layout design | SI space design of early education building for stargazers
    SI space design: children's world is full of innocence and beauty, and they are curious about anything new. Therefore, in the process of SI space design for early education of stargazers, HOHO will highlight the beauty of loveliness, warmth and childlike interest in the design of lights, the collocation of space colors, and the use of modeling, and enhance the affinity of the overall space with simple and fashionable design, Let children adapt to the new environment more happily, and help children's interest, growth and intellectual development.

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  •  SI Space Design of University of Finance and Economics Interior Decoration Design of International Student Exchange Center

    SI Space Design of University of Finance and Economics Interior Decoration Design of International Student Exchange Center
    SI space design: adopt semi open layout, fully combine learning, communication and after-school activity areas, transform the partition wall of the atrium into an open bookshelf, so that the space does not appear dull and boring. The ceiling and ground use flowing lines to create an active sense of space. The overall SI space design leaves as many lighting surfaces as possible, and the deeper internal space is reserved for traffic space, At the same time, simple color matching and eye-catching tables and chairs make the exchange center more intimate.

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  •  SI Design of Brand Tea Restaurant | Commercial Catering Space Design - Xinyue Tea House Design

    SI Design of Brand Tea Restaurant | Commercial Catering Space Design - Xinyue Tea House Design
    SI space design: The combination of wood color and white color shows more Chinese style. The visual center is concentrated in the tea room area by ingenious dividing lines. The white screen with the words "Heart Moon" divides the space at both ends. At the same time, the decoration in the middle plays a role of visual extension. The symmetrical layout more restores the classical Chinese layout. The thick colors fully show the steadiness and atmosphere, and the classical elements show the style of the teahouse. The large area of wood grain arrangement on the wall is simple and not monotonous. The style and color highlight the Chinese elements, and the tea tasting method fully shows the style of the teahouse. The font on the wall is decorated so that the space does not show emptiness. Combining the characteristics of Xinyue Tea House, SI space design is integrated with the concept of Zen and a strong atmosphere of slow life. Skilled hard clothes show the heroic style, while white and elegant soft clothes reflect the minimalist Chinese style tea house.

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  •  SI Design of Fitness Club | Professional Club Design - SI Space Design of Felivin Gymnasium

    SI Design of Fitness Club | Professional Club Design - SI Space Design of Felivin Gymnasium
    Haohe uses the language and soul of the space itself to replace the complex wall area of the old space, preserve the theme structure of the space, and combine the rest area with the sports area to show the active atmosphere of the gym by stripping and restructuring the original space. The overall dark color is used as the main color and the bright color is used as the ornament, which makes the Feiliwen Gymnasium unique, more dynamic and more vivid. The rest area uses logs and white as the decoration. The perfect combination of dynamic and static is a style design that fully conforms to the current fitness enthusiasts, making the Feiliwen Gymnasium more attractive to customers and promoting the development of Feiliwen Gymnasium.

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  •  Brochure design of business office furniture enterprises - planning and design of picture album of Sindan Group

    Brochure design of business office furniture enterprises - planning and design of picture album of Sindan Group
    Highlights of the design of the company album: the minimalist style reflects the company's business philosophy of altruism and giving back to the society, inherits the excellent quality of the company as always, adheres to the original spirit, and is worthy of trust. The brand spirit as firm as a rock is embedded in the product itself, like the dawn illuminating the world;

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  •  Human resources enterprise brochure design - Shanghai Paiqi Group brand album design

    Human resources enterprise brochure design - Shanghai Paiqi Group brand album design
    The album takes the tenet of Peggy Group - "Achieve outstanding performance and make happiness within reach" as the cover, and constantly publicizes the cultural spirit of Peggy Group to better reach the minds of users; The cover is mainly white and red, which is not only the brand color of Paiqi, but also white means the innocence of Paixin Group; Red ribbon, representing Peixin Group's joint happy life; The red and white cover looks clean, concise, graceful and generous, which is a comfortable and reassuring image.

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  •  Brochure Design of Industrial Products Industry Company - Brochure Design of Zhejiang Ningbo Yuanda Water Resources Enterprise

    Brochure Design of Industrial Products Industry Company - Brochure Design of Zhejiang Ningbo Yuanda Water Resources Enterprise
    "Let the present be more future", as the corporate culture of the grand water, has also been used as the keynote of the design of the financial investment enterprise album - a sense of technology, innovation, and now to fight for the future; The cover of the industrial products enterprise picture album design includes: the company logo is the circulating water flow, blue is the color of the water flow, symbolizes the endless water flow, is the raw water, is the source of life, and is also the grand raw water;

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  •  Brochure Design of Agricultural Technology Company - Shanghai Xianglin Agricultural Brand Brochure Design

    Brochure Design of Agricultural Technology Company - Shanghai Xianglin Agricultural Brand Brochure Design
    The cover of the agricultural album design is mainly healthy green, meaning that the products of Xianglin Agriculture are green and healthy, and the crops of Xianglin Agriculture Co., Ltd. are green and healthy; The content of the album is reasonable and logical, the title font is carefully designed, and the pen tip is moving like a startled goose, reflecting the natural and unrestrained characteristics;

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  •  Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Home Enterprise Brochure Planning - Gaoyu Home Brand Brochure Design

    Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Home Enterprise Brochure Planning - Gaoyu Home Brand Brochure Design
    The content of the product album is in a pyramid structure. First, introduce the company profile, outstanding corporate characteristics, civilization and orientation, and improve the brand image; Demonstrate the company's appearance, adhere to the manufacturing ability, and demonstrate the enterprise's strength; Then we will show the central products separately and create linear products. All kinds of products are available, with high-definition pictures, to show the enterprise's tone together.

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  •  Ecological Garden Brochure Design_Landscape Design Company Brochure Planning - Shanghai Palm Brand Brochure Design

    Ecological Garden Brochure Design_Landscape Design Company Brochure Planning - Shanghai Palm Brand Brochure Design
    Interpretation of ecological garden brochure design: The design style of the brochure is elegant, simple and powerful, reflecting the taste and style of an enterprise; The overall tone is cold, and the combination of high cold brown and plain gray makes the whole album look elegant and neat; The design logic of the brochure is clear, from the introduction of the enterprise to the introduction of the project, showing the development history, brilliant achievements and future planning of the enterprise, reflecting the determination and boldness of an enterprise;

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  •  Marble plate album design - imported stone brand brochure design - Shanghai Libei Stone Industry brochure planning

    Marble plate album design - imported stone brand brochure design - Shanghai Libei Stone Industry brochure planning
    Libei Stone's white marble mainly includes fish belly white, snowflake white, elegant white, jazz white, etc. The company's main appeal is to promote marble and introduce products to the market through album design.

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  •  Overseas recruitment brand brochure design - headhunter's Chinese and English album design - Shanghai RGF high-end insert design enterprise

    Overseas recruitment brand brochure design - headhunter's Chinese and English album design - Shanghai RGF high-end insert design enterprise
    RGF's overseas recruitment brand album design: the contents of the album first introduce the company's size, advantages, services, positioning, etc., and then introduce the analysis of various industries under RGF. The system comprehensively shows RGF's service industry and content, which is clear and orderly

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  •  Electronic Product Brochure Design | Smart Product Manual Design - Changsha Shuobo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. | Shanghai

    Electronic Product Brochure Design | Smart Product Manual Design - Changsha Shuobo Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. | Shanghai
    Haohe believes that the design of the content of the brochure accurately highlights the key points, so that consumers can understand and remember the corporate image or product image. Too complex brochures are not conducive to the accurate dissemination of information. The corporate brochure conveys the connotation of the enterprise and the selling points of the product. Only simple and clear design can quickly and accurately convey information.

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  •  Brochure design of mechanical equipment enterprise products | Design of exquisite high-altitude work safety belt picture album - Shanghai Lichen Industry Co., Ltd

    Brochure design of mechanical equipment enterprise products | Design of exquisite high-altitude work safety belt picture album - Shanghai Lichen Industry Co., Ltd
    The product brochures are designed with dark blue as the background color. They are serious and solemn representatives, expressing the company's philosophy of "seeking truth and pragmatism" of Lichen Industrial, giving people a sense of security and innovative technology.

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  •  Environmental Protection Brochure Design | Ecological Environment Brochure - Jilin Feite Company Brochure Design

    Environmental Protection Brochure Design | Ecological Environment Brochure - Jilin Feite Company Brochure Design
    The album cover design is mainly green, which symbolizes green environmental protection, and also highlights the vitality brought by innovation. A crystal clear drop of water on the tender leaves in the green background means that environmental protection should start from a small age and start from the little things around. As our slogan said, "Innovation is the engine, building a green dream", innovation and green are inseparable, and innovation should also take green into account, Green and innovation are inseparable.

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  •  Brochure Design of the Industrial Park | Investment Promotion Brochure Design - Sample Book Design of Xianghu Health Industrial Park

    Brochure Design of the Industrial Park | Investment Promotion Brochure Design - Sample Book Design of Xianghu Health Industrial Park
    Chinese characters have a history of thousands of years and have been unfailing for hundreds of years. The brochure design of the industrial park shows the "Tao" in calligraphy, which also means the perseverance of enterprises on the healthy road. The use of the font of the picture album shows respect for traditional culture while grasping the rhythm of calligraphy. The overall color matching of the album is elegant, simple and light gold. Hoho pays attention to the concept of brand - returning to the source of body and mind, improving the quality of life, and managing life health.

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  •  Shooting and production of Yide Group promotional film | Image promotional film of high-tech high-end group | Shanghai advertising image film shooting company

    Shooting and production of Yide Group promotional film | Image promotional film of high-tech high-end group | Shanghai advertising image film shooting company
    Founded in 1993, Yide Enterprise has always adhered to the concept of "one heart, one mind and one virtue", and is committed to becoming a leading investment operator of industry city integration, culture, tourism, sports and entertainment in China, committed to creating quality space for beautiful cities

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  •  Shooting and production of enterprise promotional films | Shooting of promotional videos of urban digital intelligence operators | Digital operation advertising film companies

    Shooting and production of enterprise promotional films | Shooting of promotional videos of urban digital intelligence operators | Digital operation advertising film companies
    ENC Digital Technology Co, Ltd (Chinese abbreviation: ENC Digital Technology Co, Ltd, stock code: 603869 SH) is a digital company under ENN Group

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  •  Shooting of medical enterprise propaganda film - medical device company propaganda film | Shanghai propaganda film production | Changchun Dirui DIRUI

    Shooting of medical enterprise propaganda film - medical device company propaganda film | Shanghai propaganda film production | Changchun Dirui DIRUI
    Dirui DIRUI - medical enterprise promotional film - medical device company promotional film Shanghai headquartered in Changchun, China, relying on the solid foundation of the old industrial base in the northeast, based on the IVD industry, to provide high-quality medicine to the global market

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  •  Hungry? Publicity film shooting of public welfare activity_advertisement film planning | creative advertising film production Shanghai

    Hungry? Publicity film shooting of public welfare activity_advertisement film planning | creative advertising film production Shanghai
    Lulema Public Welfare Activity Promotional Film Shooting _ Advertising Film Planning | Creative Advertising Promotional Film Production At the moment of fast pace in Shanghai, people are increasingly seeking more efficient and convenient life, so the Blue Knights are like a timely

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  •  2D animation production company - creative video production of online car hailing - video shooting of Shanghai Transport Commission

    2D animation production company - creative video production of online car hailing - video shooting of Shanghai Transport Commission
    Against the background of "black cars", the Transport Committee needs to quickly strengthen the public's awareness of online car hailing, black cars and clone taxis through creative videos, protect themselves and set an example to deliver positive energy.

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  •  Corporate image video shooting of Sunshine City property enterprise promotional film | property company promotional video production

    Corporate image video shooting of Sunshine City property enterprise promotional film | property company promotional video production
    Project profile: Sunshine City Property is subordinate to Sunshine City Group. Following the rapid development of Sunshine City Group, it has been successfully distributed in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Xiamen, Changsha, Chengdu and West China

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  •  Shanghai Publicity Film Production Company - Publicity Video Production of Pacific Gas Ship (Hong Kong) Holding Co., Ltd

    Shanghai Publicity Film Production Company - Publicity Video Production of Pacific Gas Ship (Hong Kong) Holding Co., Ltd
    Production of HOHO promotional film: planning of video framework. Through analyzing the role and significance of the promotional film, it is reasonable to divide the plates and display content, which is divided into a long way to go and set sail; The chapter of soaring, riding the wind and waves; High ambitions and flying dreams.

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  •  Hongqiao Tiandi Commercial Real Estate Promotion Video Production Company

    Hongqiao Tiandi Commercial Real Estate Promotion Video Production Company
    Production of Hoho promotional film: Hoho takes international trade as the entry point to reflect that the transportation hub is the future trend. Rapid flow of people, smooth transportation, and prosperous decoration all reflect the advantages of Hongqiao in geographical location and its strength to attract investors.

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  •  Guazhou Fangdian Real Estate Promotion Film Shooting and Production | Shanghai Advertising Video Production

    Guazhou Fangdian Real Estate Promotion Film Shooting and Production | Shanghai Advertising Video Production
    Production and shooting of Haohe promotional film: the promotional film closely focuses on the theme of "Chinese charm, European expression". In order to highlight the traditional Chinese characteristics of Fangdian, the promotional film began with the form of traditional Chinese ink and wash, showing the poems and historical events about Guazhou in history in order to convey its history and cultural heritage.

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  •  China Merchants Bank i Financial Promotion Film Production - Bank Financial Advertising Film Production Company - Shanghai Advertising Film Shooting Company

    China Merchants Bank i Financial Promotion Film Production - Bank Financial Advertising Film Production Company - Shanghai Advertising Film Shooting Company
    Production of HOHO promotional film: TVC highlights the selling points of the product in a unique and novel way through HOHO's strong creative ability, making the product quickly spread.

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  •  Medical promotional film production company - Shanghai Roche Pailuoxin promotional film production - advertising film shooting company

    Medical promotional film production company - Shanghai Roche Pailuoxin promotional film production - advertising film shooting company
    Production of HOHO promotional film: in order to better take advantage of the momentum, the promotional film first introduces the principle of the latest iPhone 5 of Apple, which leads to the future market orientation determined by the feelings and effects brought to consumers, combined with the subversive role of Parsons.

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  •  Production of promotional videos of Kehui Medical R&D Center - production of enterprise promotional videos - production of high-end video enterprise promotional videos in Shanghai

    Production of promotional videos of Kehui Medical R&D Center - production of enterprise promotional videos - production of high-end video enterprise promotional videos in Shanghai
    Production of Haohe promotional film: after the theme is determined, in order to better interpret, "Dragon: the spirit of the king" is taken as the core of creativity. The combination of "Dragon" and Chinese elements is deeply rooted in the Chinese market, which not only represents the strength of the enterprise, but also represents the continuous take-off.

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