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  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Dry Cleaning

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and sixty-three

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Uniwash Introduction to joining
 Unaxi joined

The brand of Uni Clean and Dry Cleaning was established in 1997. When it was just established, Uni Clean and Dry Cleaning produced a dry cleaning machine with stable performance, which created a high sales volume in the market that year. The market reputation is very good. Unnai has been operating in the market for more than 20 years, constantly introducing new equipment, new technology and strong brand strength.

In the past 20 years of operation, Unicare has been learning new washing technologies. Yonai Dry Cleaning hopes to gain new washing skills through continuous learning, so as to provide better services for customers. In 2003, Yonai Dry Cleaning launched the environment-friendly hydrocarbon dry cleaning machine series, which is popular in Japan and South Korea superior The performance of Unnai dry cleaning was highly praised by customers in the same year, and was also recognized and praised by peers.

After the achievements of Unnai Dry Cleaning, it has always insisted on the research and development of new technologies. Unnai Dry Cleaning does not want to be complacent. Unnai Dry Cleaning wants to make continuous efforts to change the existing washing technology. In 2007, Uni Dry Cleaning insisted on introducing the advanced fully enclosed dry cleaning machine manufacturing technology from Europe and the United States, upgrading the traditional third-generation dry cleaning machine to the fifth generation dry cleaning machine, which was a qualitative leap at that time. Unnai's continuous breakthrough and creation of dry cleaning has also strengthened the brand's market position.

In addition to developing in the field of washing, the brand also started a chain industry of dry cleaning. In the past few years, Uni Clean and Dry Cleaning established two brands, "Uni Clean" and "Xizhiduo", which further strengthened the strength of its own brand. Yonai also entered the field of washing consumables in the past two years. Using its rich experience in the washing industry, it has developed a variety of washing consumables. The business scope of Yonai's washing and dry cleaning has further expanded! Unai Dry Cleaning sincerely invites you to join us!

Uniwash Franchise advantages
 Unaxi joined

1 Simple operation mode: After starting a dry cleaning brand, everyone should do a good job in store management. If the operation mode of the store is complex, it will take a long time to understand. This will delay everyone's opening process. For this reason, Uni Clean and Dry Cleaning changed its business model, set up simple operation methods, and provided franchisees with simple training, which can be fully mastered and speed up the efficiency of opening stores.

2. Low startup cost: to operate a store in the market, we need to invest a lot of costs. If the cost of investment is relatively large, it will bring certain financial pressure to the franchisee. The investment cost of the chain store is not very high when joining Uni Clean dry cleaning, so the franchisee can easily cope with it. With a lower cost, we can put our time and capital into operation to further improve our position in the market.

3. Stable market: some markets have little room for development and are not suitable for long-term operation. However, the development prospect of dry cleaning market is very broad. In the future, more people will accept dry cleaning services. Therefore, now we are opening a chain store of Uni Clean and Dry Cleaning. You can learn its business skills, introduce its service system and do a good job in store management. In the future, we will welcome more customers and the market prospect of the store will be broader.

4. Perfect management: every brand should be managed. Franchisees should cooperate with brands, understand the management mode of brands, and improve the operating efficiency of brands. Unnai dry cleaning brand has its own management system. At the same time, it will also provide management training for franchisees, so that everyone can understand new management methods, learn, and have a certain understanding of store management.

5. Excellent quality: the brand needs to improve the quality of service. The brand's service is supported, which will bring better experience to customers. Unnai washing and dry cleaning brand attaches great importance to service. It has strict service supervision policies and supervises the service of the store throughout the whole process, striving to bring better dry cleaning services to customers.

Uniwash Franchise conditions

1. Have some experience in marketing and management.

2. Have qualified professionalism, modern service awareness and business experience.

3. He has strong entrepreneurial enthusiasm and perseverance, and is interested in the dry cleaning industry. Enthusiastic/honest/team spirit.

4. Voluntarily accept the suggestions of training/management and implementation of Uniwash Service Headquarters.

5. Have certain entrepreneurial ability and awareness.

6. Own (rent) about 30-150 square meters of shops (near the community/shopping malls and supermarkets) in the city where you join.

Uniwash Franchise process

1. Preliminary understanding

Visit the official website to leave a message or call directly to get a preliminary understanding of the project.

2. Field survey

Entrepreneurs went to the headquarters for field investigation to learn about the strength of the company and the operation of Unnai dry cleaning brand.

3. Store opening application

Fill in the store opening application form and confirm the intention to open the store.

4. Sign the contract

Both parties confirmed that there was no dispute about the inspection results and formally signed the contract.

5. Site selection assistance

Provided by site selection specialist major Site selection assistance, and a detailed store evaluation report shall be issued to help partners select suitable stores and avoid improper site selection.

6. Shop decoration

According to the location of the store, tailor the decoration drawing of the franchise store, and carry out the whole process support such as store construction and decoration monitoring.

7. Personnel training

The franchisee needs to send personnel to the headquarters for induction training, and the costs incurred shall be borne by the franchisee itself.

8. Opening preparation

Handle business related licenses and make all preparations before opening the store.

9. Opening

It was opened on an auspicious day and operated normally.

User consultation

  • Interested, want to know.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Uniwash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 14:41:14 From China  39.168.136*
  • Contact after 5pm

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Uniwash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 18:49:41 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province  60.176.229*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 70 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Uniwash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 13:57:24 From Shijiazhuang, Hebei  61.55.156*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100 million yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Uniwash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 10:24:27 From Guangzhou, Guangdong [Telecom]  59.41.94*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Uniwash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 11:59:12 From Gansu Province  42.90.137*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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