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[Tan Ershi Roadside Malatang] Tan Ershi Roadside Malatang is invited to join

  • Industry Restaurant > Spicy Hot Pot
  • Total number of stores one home
  • Investment amount 100000~200000
  • Franchise region whole country
  • Origin of the brand Chengdu
  • Date of establishment 2017-11-15
  • management model Agency licensing
  • Suitable for people Free entrepreneurship
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Specific process of Tan Ershi roadside Malatang franchise

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  • Taner Division Roadside Malatang Franchise Process:
       1. Franchise consultant
    Get a preliminary understanding of Tan Ershi's roadside Malatang brand by telephone, online message, etc.
       2. Field visit
    Go to the headquarters for field investigation to evaluate the company's qualification and market in detail.
       3. Qualification review
    The headquarters reviews the qualifications, funds and stores of entrepreneurs.
       4. Sign the contract
    In order to improve/increase the interests of both parties, the contract shall be signed and relevant cooperation procedures shall be handled.
       5. Official business
    The headquarters assists in operation, opening ceremony and official opening.
       6. Trial operation preparation
    Take some masters to assign, unify material distribution, and promote marketing in the early stage.
       7. Site selection and decoration
    According to the market assessment site selection, customize the design scheme.
       8. Headquarters training
    Product operation, technology teaching, store operation, business management and marketing activities training.
       9. Operation guidance
    The headquarters' concept of continuous operation and product technology upgrading.
       10. Follow up support
    The headquarters will regularly come to the store to guide the work, and the profit and loss assessment will improve/increase the performance.

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