How much is the joining fee of Goodbaby's mother and baby

2024-06-17 16:56:09 Source: 91 Franchise Network read: 0 times Friendly tip: Be cautious when joining in because of investment risks!

The domestic maternal and infant industry is developing rapidly, so many entrepreneurs prefer to enter the maternal and infant industry when choosing to open stores.

The domestic maternal and infant industry is developing rapidly, so many entrepreneurs prefer to enter the maternal and infant industry when choosing to open stores. If you want to succeed in the fierce market competition, it is the key to choose the right mother baby brand to join. Goodbaby is a famous brand for mothers and babies. Since its establishment in Jiangsu Province in 1898, Goodbaby has been developing steadily in the industry for more than 30 years. With good product quality and service, Goodbaby has won the recognition of consumers and become a brand concerned by franchisees. How much is the joining fee of good baby mother and baby?

 Goodbaby mother and baby join in

How much is the joining fee for Goodbaby's mother and baby?

The franchise fee charged by the brand is about 100000 yuan, the brand management fee is about 50000 yuan, and the trademark use fee is about 50000 yuan. The above cooperation costs can only be used as a reference, and the specific costs should be analyzed in combination with factors such as store size and market economy. Goodbaby is a large brand of children's products in China. The products are not only popular throughout the country, but also sold to more than 70 countries around the world. Among them, stroller products have maintained good sales in China for more than ten years in a row. The company operates a wide range of baby products, including strollers, baby beds, clothing, baby care products, children's toys, etc., which can meet the needs of consumers of different ages and regions.

 Good baby mother and baby

What are the reasons for Goodbaby to join in?

1、 Great brand influence

During many years of operation, Goodbaby has won many honorary titles, such as "Jiangsu Quality Award", "National Brand Trusted by Consumers" and many other honorary titles. Franchisees can easily attract consumers' attention with the help of brand influence.

2、 Flexible operation mode

The headquarters has been closely following the development trend in the market and has established an online sales platform. When consumers have a purchase demand, they can choose online shopping malls or offline physical stores according to their own actual situation, thus greatly improving the sales performance of stores.

How much is the joining fee for Goodbaby's mother and baby? If franchisees want to successfully open stores, they should not only prepare enough franchise fees, but also need to prepare about 100000 to 200000 yuan of store building funds. This fee is mainly used to pay for store rent, various children's supplies procurement, labor costs and other expenses, which also need to be analyzed in combination with the actual situation.

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