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Mugala children's clothes
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Children's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and fifty-two

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Mugala children's clothes Introduction to joining
 Mugala children's clothes joined
Mugala children's wear is a children's wear brand affiliated to Zhejiang Wuse Clothing Company. It is mainly engaged in children's wear brand products and positioned as a 3-12 year old children's wear brand.
Mugala brand was founded in 2018, which originated from the designer's pursuit of artistic life and love of color, pure and close to nature color, simple but not simple design style, which is Mugala's childhood attitude. Life needs color, and Mugala is the DIFFERENT COLORS of childhood. Life attitude advocated by Mugala, childhood of HAVE MY COLOR, I have my color!
MY COLOR children's clothing (MY COLOR) focuses on the simple and luxurious style of South Korea. With the simple design concept, it caters to the fashionable and simple dress style of many consumers at present. It uses rich categories, characteristic fabrics, and careful cutting design to make it more in line with the dress style of oriental children.
Mugala children's clothing franchise brand is a brand. As a highly anticipated brand in the current market, it has attracted a large number of franchisees at the beginning of the brand's establishment. After years of development, the strength of the brand is now very significant. If you choose such a brand to open a store or start a business, you can have a lot of money.
Product positioning: For children aged 2-15 years old, provide a full range of brand children's clothing that is comfortable, environmentally friendly, elegant, simple and cost-effective.
Consumer group: fashion children aged 2-15.
Consumption orientation: comfortable, high-quality and cost-effective.
Market positioning: first tier and second tier cities mainly develop flagship stores in third tier and fourth tier cities.
Channel positioning: More than 20 brand operation centers have been set up nationwide to provide customers with comprehensive nanny service. Focus on developing brand stores and brand counters to provide consumers with a full range of children's clothing products. Create fast fashion children's brand clothing with fast circulation market response ability.
After years of market development, Mugala children's wear has become the leader in the industry, with its status and reputation. Joining this brand has brought constant customers and profits. It is a good choice for you to start your own business and develop.
With more perfect operation management, more after-sales service and more exquisite children's wear products, Mugala children's wear will serve operators, terminal providers and every consumer of Mugala children's wear in China. We will work hand in hand with the Mugala family all over the country to create a better tomorrow.
Mugala children's clothes Franchise advantages
 Mugala children's clothes joined
   1. Brand advantages:
With the strong reputation of Mugala children's clothing, the popularity of Mugala children's clothing can be rapidly improved.
2. Market advantages:
The market operation supervision of Makala Children's Wear Headquarters will help guide the operators' activities from time to time.
3. Advantages of joining:
The three-dimensional return of the national brand layout, business, refused to compete, and the Mugala children's clothing franchisees enjoy huge space to join.
4. Product advantages:
The product is very fashionable in appearance design, and has a good site selection. The product has a market and is easier to operate.
5. Marketing advantages:
Powerful store management system, which integrates multiple functions such as intelligent cashier, member marketing, take out order, inventory management, business analysis, etc., and mobile APP to view store data in real time, the intelligent system helps stores operate easily.
6. Training advantages:
Mugala Children's Wear Headquarters is responsible for each franchisee, and insists on one-on-one training and teaching. All churches can open their own stores.
7. Service advantages:
Mugala Children's Wear Club will provide one-stop services, and the headquarters will provide services in every link. It will guide the operation and sales during the store opening and operation stage, so that entrepreneurs can open stores and operate easily.
8. Technical advantages:
After business, franchisees can enjoy the new product research and development, technical upgrading and guidance of the Makala Children's Wear Headquarters.
9. Logistics advantages:
Mugala children's clothing provides decoration design scheme, equipment and material supply, so that agents can quickly prepare.
Mugala children's clothes Franchise conditions
1. Mugala children's clothing dealers have the ability to act independently, hardworking, good moral character, honest and trustworthy citizens.
2. The partners agree with the corporate culture and management philosophy of Mugala children's clothing.
3. Partners should have certain cooperation funds, including cooperation fees, decoration fees, advertising fees, working capital, management fees, opening fees, etc.
4. Good business awareness and resilience.
5. There are independent stores or business premises in the regional market of cooperative stores.
6. Willing to devote all his time and energy to daily operation.
7. Entrepreneurs should recognize the enterprise culture, business philosophy and management model of Mugala children's wear, maintain the brand image, and develop and progress together with the company.
8. There is no bad record and has a certain influence in the region.
Mugala children's clothes Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Franchisees can access and understand the basic information of the project.
2. Project investigation:
The partners consulted and investigated the Mugala children's wear project, and investigated the local consumer market situation and development trend.
3. Franchise application:
After the determination of joining, the proposed operator shall fill in the "Application Form for Joining" according to the company's specifications, fax or submit it to the company's headquarters.
4. Contract signing:
After the company's review of the intended agents, it will sign the formal franchise chain contract, and pay the deposit to go through the relevant procedures.
5. Location selection:
The headquarters assists in confirming the business district and site selection for the later operation of the store.
6. Decoration design:
Provide the standard building size drawing of the shop to be decorated to the Makala Children's Clothing Headquarters, design for the franchisee free of charge, and guide the decoration.
7. Franchise training:
The entrepreneurs sent relevant personnel to the headquarters for training according to the actual situation of the Makala Children's Wear Headquarters, and the cooperative store was successfully operated in the later period.
8. New store opening:
After the opening of the direct store, the headquarters will provide new product research and development and business guidance services to dealers irregularly.
9. Headquarters support:
After the opening of the cooperative store, the headquarters will provide comprehensive guidance on store operation, management, project design, event planning, etc., and the agents will continue to do so.

Mugala children's clothes Joining dynamics


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  • Wanted to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Mugala children's clothes! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 02:57:05 From China  39.178.241*
  • If you want to inquire about joining, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Mugala children's clothes! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 13:03:22 From China  49.211.155*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; In addition to the rent, about 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Mugala children's clothes! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 21:49:27 From Kunming, Yunnan Province  61.140.199*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 60 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Mugala children's clothes! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 15:51:21 From Jiangsu Province  49.67.78*
  • love it

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Mugala children's clothes! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 13:16:46 From Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  42.228.217*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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