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Baoli Fitness
  • Franchise industry:


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  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and ten

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Baoli Fitness Introduction to joining

 Baoli Fitness

The integrity, strength and product quality of Baoli Fitness have been recognized by the industry. Welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, guide and negotiate business. Service concept: respect customers, understand customers, continue to provide products and services that exceed customer expectations, and become permanent partners of customers. Quality philosophy: quality is life, and products represent moral character. Striving for perfection and excellence is the quality philosophy we follow and follow.
The products of Baoli Fitness are gymnastics equipment, fitness equipment, track and field equipment, ball games equipment, community fitness path fitness path, various hammocks, tents and other professional production and processing companies, with a complete and scientific quality management system.
Baoli Fitness is a very tired equipment for many people, and they are unwilling to start. Baoli Fitness, which advocates the concept of happy fitness, scientific exercise, scientific fitness and 24-hour self-help fitness, is highly praised by people. In hot summer, if you want to show a good figure, you must exercise and keep fit. Baoli Fitness helps you build a good figure.
Baoli Fitness Product Features:
Multiple sports methods: Baoli Fitness has a variety of fitness equipment, making fitness no longer single! Aerobic exercise, strength exercise, muscle chain exercise, reaction ability exercise, joint exercise, stretching exercise
Internet of Things equipment: Baoli Fitness has advanced management equipment, Internet of Things treadmill, Internet of Things fitness car, Internet of Things ellipsometer, member access control management terminal.
Entertainment: Baoli fitness makes fitness more entertaining. Isn't it fun to see your fitness interface? Live sports interface, games, games, music.
Security system: Baoli Fitness has a complete security system, including alarm system, access control system and monitoring system.
Environment: The constant temperature, humidity and low dust fresh air environment make friends who come to Baoli fitness exercise feel more comfortable.
Data system: various physique information is collected and monitored from time to time.
Team: professional fitness trainer, providing personal customized services, and Baoli Fitness will tailor your fitness program! Everyone's physique is different, and their fitness needs are also different. Some people want to reduce fat to help regulate body fat, some want to exercise muscles, and some want to lose every part. Therefore, the fitness program is different.
Business hours: Traditional gyms have short business hours, which is the same as the work and rest of white-collar workers, so white-collar fitness has become a luxury! Baoli fitness makes fitness easy.
Is such a different sport very attractive? The era of fitness for all has come, which is an industry with unlimited business opportunities. Choosing Baoli fitness to join the project will certainly bring infinite wealth. Now leave us a message and become a member of Baoli Fitness, seize business opportunities and win wealth.

Baoli Fitness Franchise advantages

 Baoli Fitness

Equipment advantage: For different people, they need different fitness equipment. If there is no comprehensive fitness equipment in the gym, it can not meet the needs of many people for fitness. Choose Baoli Fitness. There are many fitness equipment for you to choose, such as treadmill, supine board, chest expander, dumbbell, etc., so that you can choose freely and keep fit.

Service advantage: When exercising, we must have a professional coach, so that we can bring scientific fitness plans. If you exercise at will, it may endanger your physical development. Choose Baoli Fitness to bring comprehensive fitness services to everyone, so that everyone can keep fit scientifically and professionally.
Price advantage: Many people know that the price of fitness is very expensive, and some people also want to go to fitness, but because of the price problem, they are afraid. By choosing Baoli Fitness, the powerful brand strength comprehensively lowers the fitness price, so that many consumers can enjoy good fitness activities and meet everyone's fitness needs!
Environmental advantages: The environment in the gym should be a concern for everyone. After all, there are a lot of people in the gym. If there is a smell of sweat for a long time, I believe it will also hinder everyone's fitness. Choose Baoli Fitness, regularly disinfect the room and clean the environment in the room, so that everyone can have a healthy and delicious fitness environment!
Service support: The fitness brand needs its own service. Only with characteristic service can consumers come to your brand for consumption. Choose Baoli Fitness to bring you a comprehensive fitness program, including fat reduction and body building, equipment fitness, ballet, aerobics, taekwondo, yoga, street dance, foxball, table tennis, badminton, indoor swimming and other fitness programs.
Brand support: professional fitness brands bring reliable franchise policies to everyone, so that everyone's franchise steps continue to develop and create. Choose Baoli Fitness, which is one of the priority health clubs in the fitness industry. It is also a fast developing club with many members in the fitness industry. Become its franchisee and bring you a broad development market!
Small franchisee: join Baoli Fitness, as long as you join 80000, you will be a boss with millions of operating assets.
High goal: join in the same year, and the annual capacity can exceed the operating assets in the same year.
: I will invest in Baoli fitness equipment, and I will undertake it.
Save worry and effort: one person can open a store without on-site duties, and the card sales work will be handed over to the property.

Baoli Fitness Franchise conditions
Brand requirements: the franchisee of the brand must be shown in the imagination of the franchise store. In this way, consumers will know what your brand is, and the brand will also have an advantage in the future promotion process. To join Baoli Fitness, all franchisees should have "Baoli Fitness" in the name of the club.
Area requirements: When joining a fitness brand, everyone's store requirements should also meet certain standards. Without such a large business place, we can't serve the vast number of consumers. When joining Baoli Fitness, the club area of the franchisee shall be at least 700 square meters.
Franchise fee requirements: when joining a professional brand, everyone must pay a certain amount of franchising fee. Without the franchise fee, we can't use the brand image and brand resources. To join Baoli Fitness, a one-time fee is required. The annual management fee is 100000 yuan for municipalities directly under the Central Government, provincial capital cities, 50000 yuan for prefecture level cities, and 30000 yuan for county-level cities. The management fee needs to be paid in a lump sum.
Decoration requirements: franchise stores should also reflect the brand culture and connotation when decorating, so that consumers are interested in coming to your store for consumption. When joining Baoli Fitness, the franchisee of the brand guarantees the quality and quantity of decoration materials; The basic facilities of the franchisee's business premises shall be complete, such as heating, shower, air conditioning, etc; The procedures of the franchisee's business site shall be complete, such as property right certificate, business license, hygiene license, etc.
Service requirements: for consumers, we must treat them with good service, which is very helpful for everyone to improve the brand reputation. When joining Baoli Fitness, franchisees should develop their own services and improve their own service levels. They should not ignore consumers, nor should they have a discriminatory mind!

Baoli Fitness Franchise process
1. Telephone consultation;
2. Find the right store;
3. Fax the geographical location map and plan of the store to the company;
4. Sign the letter of intent for cooperation;
5. Franchisee shall pay the increase/increase of intention;
6. The company chooses a day to visit;
7. Franchisees sign store lease;
8. Franchisee signs franchise contract at the company, and intends to increase/increase the money transferred into payment for goods;
9. The company designs decoration drawings and display drawings according to the store conditions;
10. Franchisees carry out store decoration company assistance planning, training, distribution, publicity and other opening preparations.

Baoli Fitness Joining dynamics


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Baoli Fitness! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 14:28:40 From Anji, Zhejiang  61.130.192*
  • How to learn? How much is the franchise fee

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Baoli Fitness! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 12:55:34 From Tianjin Unicom  60.27.28*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The store is about 35 square meters.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Baoli Fitness! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 03:26:22 From Wuxi, Jiangsu  49.92.96*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Baoli Fitness! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 07:06:00 From Taixing, Taizhou, Jiangsu  49.71.244*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Baoli Fitness! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 17:30:51 From Huizhou City, Guangdong Province  59.39.141*
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