four hundred and fifty-six
Good news is coming! Decheng soft exam results will be reported in May 2022
  • Author: Dec admin
  • Published at 19:16 on July 23, 2022
  • Source: Unknown
After a long wait, the results of the soft test in the first half of 2022 have finally been released! Decheng students have good news. Let's be happy!
In the first half of 2022, the soft test results are fresh!
After the Decheng students check their scores
Report to the teacher as soon as possible
Teacher Decheng is also helping students check their grades
Let's see the achievements of Decheng students this time!
Come and see if there is your name!
In the first half of 2022
10369 students from Decheng took the exam
Specific achievements of trainees
Decheng educational administration teacher is still in urgent statistics
We have received good news from nearly half of the students

This time, Decheng's 93 test rooms have achieved successive results
Among the good news shared by the students,
Student Chen scored 71 points (out of 75 points) in a single subject
Ranked the highest score of Decheng special session
Will there be more high scores?
Still updating
Let's look forward to it together

Decheng students in this soft exam
Achieve superior results
Can't do without the sweat of the students
Can't do without the persistence of the students
Even more inseparable
Decheng teaching research, teaching and service
Day and night escort of three teams

Devoted teaching by 34 top teachers of Decheng
Sort out 77 test site materials for trainees
Authentic, effective and meticulous service
It is the biggest guarantee for students
Is the strongest backing for the students

Decheng Soft Test Teaching Research Institute,
The teaching force in 29 cities across the country,
The cumulative service exceeds 31.3w person times,
Realize the dream of entering the home for the strivers in major cities
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