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The 14th set of exercises of Introduction to Art in 2021 college entrance examination

Guide: The above is the fourteenth set of exercises for the 2021 college entrance exam upgraded version of Introduction to Art, which I hope will be helpful to everyone!

1、 Multiple choice questions: among the four options given in each subtopic. Only one item meets the requirements of the title. Put the letter before the selected item in the parentheses after the question.

1. The concept of "potential readers" was proposed by aestheticians. (  )

A. Ingarden

B. Jauss

C. Lessing

D. Belinsky

Answer: B

2. The three basic elements of the novel are. (  )

A. Characters, narrative, environment

B. Character, plot and environment

C. Characters, environment, theme

D. Lyric, plot, environment

Answer: B

3. Monet's works Sunrise Impression and Haystack belong to France. (  )

A. Realism

B. Neoarchaism

C. Romanticism

D. Impressionism

Answer: D

4. The Statue of David is an important work in the Italian Renaissance. (  )

A. Rodin

B. Rafael

C. Da Vinci

D. Michelangelo

Answer: D

5. The raft of Medusa is the representative work of French romantic painting. Works. (  )

A. Native place

B. Courbet

C. Renoir

D. Miller

Answer: A

6. Xiao, who composed the famous piano piece One Minute Waltz. Bong is a musician. ( )

A. United States

B. Hungary

C. Germany

D. Poland

Answer: D

7. The art of calligraphy originated from. (  )


B. North Korea

C. China

D. Ancient Rome

Answer: C

8. In China, the idea of "replacing religion with aesthetic education" is proposed. (  )

A. Hu Shi

B. Chen Duxiu

C. Li Dazhao

D. Cai Yuanpei

Answer: D

9. China's famous sculpture "Human Face Ding" was produced in. (  )

A. Eastern Han Dynasty

B. Warring States Period

C. Western Han Dynasty

D. Shang Dynasty

Answer: D

10. The author of the play Longxu Valley is ()

A. Cao Yu

B. Lao She

C. Hong Shen

D. Xia Yan

Answer: B

2、 Short answer questions

1. Briefly describe the relationship between the subject and object of artistic creation.

Answer: (1) The object of artistic creation corresponds to the subject. Artists, the subject of artistic creation, are the experiencers and practitioners of human aesthetic activities, as well as the creators and producers of aesthetic spiritual products. They not only master special artistic skills, have good artistic cultivation and outstanding aesthetic ability, but also have independent personality and rich and profound feelings. The object of artistic creation is the objective world including social life, nature and people. It should have a certain aesthetic value or be refined to have aesthetic value. The object of artistic creation is the object of subject observation, practice and creation.

(2) The interaction between the subject and object of artistic creation is the core of artistic activities. This mutual communication movement is two-way, that is, the subject can affect the object and act on the object, and the object can also affect the subject and act on the subject. The subject can move and transform to the object, and the object can also move and transform to the subject. In this dynamic process, the subject should be the dominant aspect of the contradiction movement. The value of the subject will be realized through the practice and creation of the object.

3、 Appreciation of works. It is required to state the author of the work, his country (or region) and era, and elaborate the basic content of the work in combination with personal theories and aesthetic experience. Analyze the formal characteristics and style of the works.

1. Garden art: Versailles Palace, France

Answer: (1) The Palace of Versailles is a classical French royal garden. It is now located in Versailles, 20 kilometers southwest of Paris, France. It was the royal palace and administrative center of France in the 17th and 18th centuries.

(2) The garden scenic spot to which Versailles belongs is mainly composed of two parts: Cui'annong Palace and the recreation village specially built for the queen. From east to west, it can be divided into three areas, namely, garden, small forest garden and big forest garden. The garden is about 200 meters wide from east to west and 1000 meters long from south to north. There is a pair of large pools in the center and regular embroidery flower beds in the southern half. The area of the small forest garden is three times that of the garden. The regular road divides the small forest garden into 12 woodlands, each of which has different labyrinth roads, pools, fountains and pavilions. The Xiaolin Garden then flows westward into the Dalin Garden. The central axis is more than 2 kilometers long, and finally becomes a wide artificial river.

(3) The large garden of Versailles is completely carved by hand. It is extremely symmetrical and geometric, representing a school of garden art. For hundreds of years, European royal gardens have almost followed this design idea.

4、 Argumentative question

1. Discuss the basic process of artistic creation and the characteristics of each link.

Answer: The basic process of artistic creation includes three stages: artistic experience, artistic conception and artistic expression.

(1) Art experience. Artistic experience is a process in which the creative subject, on the basis of aesthetic experience, fully mobilizes psychological elements such as emotion, imagination and association, and examines, appreciates and understands specific aesthetic objects. This link includes three parts:

① The reserve of materials and the accumulation of aesthetic experience.

② The occurrence of aesthetic discovery and aesthetic understanding.

③ The sprouting of creative desire and the generation of motivation.

(2) Artistic conception. Artistic conception refers to the process in which artists process, refine and combine the original materials and form artistic images in their minds based on artistic experience, guided by specific creative motives, through various psychological activities and specific artistic thinking modes. Artistic image is the product of the combination of aesthetic feelings of artistic creators and objective things.

(3) Artistic expression. Artistic expression refers to the choice and use of specific artistic language by artistic creators to present the artistic image that has basically formed in their artistic conception as the existence of physical state, making it a concrete and perceptible artistic image or artistic situation. In the process of artistic expression, the subject's aesthetic tendency is gradually clear, the artistic language is refined, and the artistic meaning is sublimated.

In the specific process of artistic creation, these three stages are often reflected to varying degrees. Take Gu Kaizhi's Painting of Luoshen as an example. Gu Kaizhi read Cao Zhi's famous love story "Ode to Luoshen" occasionally, was moved by the love story in it, and decided to paint. The artistic experience of Luo Shen Fu made the painter have an impulse to create; Through the reproduction of personal understanding and experience, the embryonic form of the picture in the painter's heart has been formed, which is an artistic conception; Finally, the author presents the picture with superb painting skills and ingenious composition, realizing the stage of artistic expression.


1. Your current educational level:

Primary school and below

junior middle school

high school

secondary specialized school

junior college

2. The length of certification you accept:

The sooner the better within 1 year

1 to 2 years

2 to 3 years

3 years and above

3. Why did you improve your education:


Examining civil servants

Apply for work and residence permit

Certificate evaluation title

4. Which evidence collection method do you prefer:

The whole journey is carefree

Self study at home

School attendance

Tutorial teaching


* Your name:

* phone number:


two thousand and twenty-two

Application time: September 11 - September 17, 2022

Examination time: October 23 - October 24, 2022