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Tongren Municipal People's Government

Government website: Tongren Municipal People's Government Website Updated: 12:05:41, November 9, 2023
Similar name: Tongren Municipal People's Government website, Tongren Municipal Government website, Tongren Municipal Government website, Guizhou Tongren Municipal People's Government, Tongren Government, Tongren Municipal Government E-government Information Management Office, Guizhou Tongren Government, Tongren Municipal People's Government Office
URL: Official website
WeChat official account: Tongren Municipal People's Government WebsiteQR (Click to view the QR code of the WeChat official account)
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Office address: No. 8, Huaguoshan Middle Road, Bijiang District, Tongren City, Guizhou Province (postcode: 554300) View the electronic map of the location
Telephone Fax: 0856-5222096
mail box: Trxsdzb # (Please change # to @ when sending email)
Service QQ: [No QQ number of Tongren Municipal People's Government]
Website filing: QICPB No. 17007727 GPANB No. 52060202000157
Related introduction:

Tongren Municipal People's Government Website is a government website established by Tongren Municipal People's Government on the Internet. Centering on the three major functions of government openness, service and interaction between government and people, Tongren Municipal People's Government Website has many columns, such as "Access to Tongren", "Leaders' Window", "Tongren News", "Leaders' Dynamics", "Leaders' Speech", "Tourism Services", "Investment Promotion", etc. It is the main platform for publicity of Tongren and the main window for public services, It is the main channel for interaction between government and people. The purpose of the website is "people friendly, service and innovation".

Tongren Municipal People's Government Network is under the unified leadership of Tongren Municipal People's Government, and the e-government management office of Tongren Municipal People's Government is responsible for the organization, implementation and daily management.

Tongren Municipal People's Government sincerely hopes to serve the people with rich information, become a stage to display Tongren culture, a window to publicize Tongren's image, and make positive contributions to Tongren's economic development and cultural exchanges.

Tongren City is located in the junction of Guizhou, Hunan and Chongqing provinces and the hinterland of Wuling Mountain Area. It is the bridgehead connecting the central and eastern parts of southwest China, known as the "Gateway to East Guizhou". The city has jurisdiction over Bijiang District, Wanshan District, Songtao Miao Autonomous County, Yuping Dong Autonomous County, Jiangkou County, Shiqian County, Yinjiang Tujia and Miao Autonomous County, Sinan County, Dejiang County, Yanhe Tujia Autonomous County, Dalong Development Zone, Guizhou Tongren High tech Industrial Development Zone, with a land area of 18000 square kilometers, a total population of 4.27 million, and Tujia, Han, Miao, Dong There are 29 ethnic groups including Gelao, among which ethnic minorities account for 70.45% of the total population. The urban area is 40 square kilometers, with a resident population of 350000. It governs Bijiang District, Wanshan District and Guizhou Tongren High tech Industrial Development Zone. Jinjiang runs through the city and down to Dongting. Tongren is focusing on the city brand of "copper casting by virtue, benevolence and righteousness", and is committed to building "the capital of Wuling, the city of benevolence and righteousness". Tongren is the birthplace of social stability risk assessment, the first batch of national smart city pilot cities, a demonstration area for regional development and poverty alleviation in Wulingshan District, and a demonstration area for national unity and progress.

   The natural environment is moist and pleasant. Tongren is located in the slope zone of the transition from the Yunnan Guizhou Plateau to the hills of western Hunan, between 107 ° 45 ° '- 109 ° 30' east longitude and 27 ° 07 '- 29 ° 05' north latitude. Wuling Mountain, with Fanjing Mountain as the main peak, has become a watershed in the east and west of the city. The highest altitude of the city is 2572 meters, and the lowest altitude is 205 meters. The typical karst landform is developed, which is a natural encyclopedia of karst geology. The city belongs to the subtropical monsoon humid climate zone. The annual sunshine hours are 1044.7-1266.2 hours, the annual average temperature is 13.5-17.6 ℃, the annual average precipitation is 1110-1410 mm, and the frost free period is 275-317 days. The city is rich in heat, suitable lighting, and abundant precipitation. Most areas are mild and humid, with obvious vertical changes in the climate between mountains and river valleys, which is characterized by "four seasons in one mountain, and different days in ten miles". There is no severe cold in winter and intense heat in summer in the city. The rain and heat are in the same season, which makes the city moist and pleasant.

   It has a long history. In the Qin Dynasty, it was the hinterland of Qianzhong Prefecture. In the Han Dynasty, it was changed to Wuling Prefecture. In the Shu Han Dynasty, there was a county government; In the Tang Dynasty, it belonged to Sizhou, Jinzhou and Qianzhou. At the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Sizhou and Sinan were set up as two propaganda offices, and the Yuan Dynasty set up a "military and civil lawsuit of the barbarians in the big and small rivers of the Bronze People". In the 11th year of Yongle's reign in the Ming Dynasty, Sizhou and Sinan Xuanweisi were removed, and Tongren, Sinan, Shiqian and Wuluo four prefectures were set up in this area, which were under the jurisdiction of the newly built Guizhou Province. There was no change in the establishment of Tongren in the Qing Dynasty. After the establishment of the Republic of China, there were seven changes. Until February of the 32nd year of the Republic of China (1943), six administrative supervision districts were set up in the province, of which the Office of the Sixth Supervision Commissioner was located in Tongren, and nine counties including Tongren, Jiangkou, and Yuping were under its jurisdiction. So far, the construction is basically fixed. After the founding of New China, the whole territory of Tongren was liberated on January 12, 1950, and Tongren District was set up. The Commissioner's Office was located in Tongren County, which governs nine counties, including Tongren, Jiangkou and Yuping. In January 1979, Tongren District Administrative Office was officially established in Tongren County, which governs nine counties and one special zone, namely Tongren, Jiangkou, Yinjiang, Shiqian, Sinan, Dejiang, Yanhe, Yuping, Songtao and Wanshan. In 1987, the State Council approved the cancellation of Tongren County and the establishment of a county-level Tongren City. The original administrative region remained unchanged, and the organizational system of Tongren District was changed into 8 counties, 1 city and 1 special zone. On October 22, 2011, the State Council approved the cancellation of Tongren Prefecture to establish a prefecture level Tongren City, opening a new chapter in the development of Tongren.

   The human history is long and profound. Hunan Chu culture and Bashu culture infiltrate and merge here, and 29 ethnic groups live in harmony for a long time, creating a long and profound humanistic history. Ancient celebrities such as Tian Yang, the head of the military department of the Prince Taipao of the Ming Dynasty, Tian Qiu, the first person to learn from science in Guizhou, and Yang Fang, the marquis of Guo Yong, the prince of the Qing Dynasty, emerged. In the 21st year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty (1895), more than 40 people from the former Tongren Prefecture, Sinan Prefecture and Shiqian Prefecture in Tongren took part in the examination in Beijing. Among them, 11 people took part in the "bus writing" launched by Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao to participate in the reform movement. During the Revolution of 1911, Chen Tianxing, Xu Longxiang, Xi Zhengming and other military and political figures emerged. In the revolutionary war years, Zhou Yiqun, Kuang Jixun and other revolutionary martyrs were born. He has raised outstanding meritorious officials and Shangganling battle hero Long Shichang. Tongren is the hometown of calligraphy. During the Ming and Qing dynasties, six calligraphers, Zhou Mian, Zhou Yixiang, Wang Daoxing, Pan Dengyun, Yan Yinliang, and Yan Shizhu, emerged. Yan Yinliang's inscription of "the Summer Palace" is famous at home and abroad.

   Natural resources are rich and fertile. There are two major water systems, Yuanjiang River and Wujiang River, 171 rivers with a length of more than 10 kilometers and 121 rivers with a catchment area of more than 50 square kilometers. The total annual runoff is 12.742 billion cubic meters, and the total underground water reserves are 2.9 billion cubic meters. The theoretical reserve of hydropower resources is 3.2615 million kilowatts. More than 40 kinds of minerals have been found, mainly including manganese, mercury, coal, potassium, phosphorus, lead, gold, marble, barite, purple robe jade belt stone, Chinese painting stone, etc. The manganese ore reserves are 250 million tons, and the prospective reserves are expected to reach 350 million tons. It is one of the three major manganese ore enrichment areas in China; The predicted reserves of potassium bearing shale are 5 billion tons; The predicted reserves of shale gas are 1.2 trillion cubic meters. The rich mineral resources have laid the foundation for the development of new materials, metallurgy, chemical industry and other industries. At present, the city has formed a raw material industrial system focusing on manganese ore, coal mine development and production of manganese, ferroalloy and industrial silicon. There are more than 400 species of wild animals in the area, including 6 species of Guizhou snub nosed monkey and other first class national protected animals, and 29 species of second class protected animals, including giant salamander, black bear and black leaf monkey. There are more than 600 kinds of woody wild plant resources represented by the plant "living fossil" Davidia involucrata, the rare crape myrtle in Guizhou and Abies fargesii. There are more than 2000 kinds of medicinal plants represented by gastrodia elata, eucommia ulmoides, ginkgo biloba, honeysuckle, etc. Oil tea, Fanjingshan green tea, Shiqian moss tea, Dejiang gastrodia, Sinan cattle, Yanhe goats and other local specialties enjoy good reputation at home and abroad.

   Tourism resources are unique and diverse. The unique geographical landform, beautiful and pure natural scenery, and simple ethnic customs have created the brand image of "Brahma Pure Land, Taoyuan Tongren". Its ecological culture, Buddhist culture, national culture and red culture are rich in connotation and unique. Together with Mount Fanjing, the main peak of Wuling Mountains, and the Wujiang River and Jinjiang River that cross the border, they are called "one mountain, two rivers and four cultures". There are 2 national nature reserves, 3 national scenic spots, 9 provincial scenic spots, 1 national mine park and 1 national karst geological park in the city. Fanjing Mountain has six laurels, including members of the United Nations "Man and the Biosphere" Reserve Network, national nature reserves, China's famous Buddhist mountain · Maitreya Taoist Temple, the birthplace of China's Nuo culture, China's top ten famous summer mountains, and national 4A level scenic spots. The forest coverage rate is more than 95%, the number of negative oxygen ions per cubic centimeter is up to 6-120000, giant salamanders Davidia involucrata and many other rare and endangered animals and plants multiply here, which is known as the "animal and plant gene bank". Wujiang River passes through Shiqian, Sinan, Dejiang and Yanhe counties, forming a "hundred mile Wujiang Gallery". Nuo Opera, known as the "living fossil" of drama, is a treasure of national culture, with its primitive and romantic Miao drum dance, Tujia hand waving dance, Dong song, and breathtaking Miao stunts. Tongren is a famous old revolutionary base area. In 1934, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, such as He Long and Guan Xiangying, founded the Qiandong Revolutionary Base in Tongren, which was one of the eight red bases in China before the Long March of the Red Army. There are national cultural relics protection units, such as Zhou Yiqun's former residence, provincial cultural relics protection units, such as the former site of the Qiandong Special Zone Revolutionary Committee and the site of the Fengxiang Xihui Council.

   The investment environment is increasingly optimized. The transportation is convenient and efficient. Shanghai Kunming Railway, Shanghai Kunming Expressway, Hangzhou Ruili Expressway, Tongda Expressway and Sijian Expressway cross the border. All villages and towns in the city are connected to oil roads, and all villages are connected to roads. Through the Chongqing Huaihua Railway, you can directly reach Chongqing in the north and Guangzhou in the south. Tongren Phoenix Airport has flights to Guiyang, Changsha, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. It can take off and land Boeing 737-800 aircraft after the completion of the reconstruction and expansion project in the first half of this year. With the gradual completion of Tongsong, Yande, Jiangweng and other expressways, the expressway will be accessible to all counties by 2015. With the construction of Chongqing Huaihua Railway Double Track, Shanghai Kunming High Speed Railway, Yuxi Tongcheng Intercity Railway and the planning and construction of Zunyi Tongren Jishou Railway and Zhaotong Dejiang Qianjiang Railway, the rapid railway network is gradually taking shape. The 500 ton ship can enter the Yangtze River and reach the East China Sea via the Wujiang River. The Wujiang River channel dredging and other projects are accelerating. The efficient and convenient three-dimensional water, land and air transportation network further highlights Tongren's position as a transportation hub. The preferential policies are superimposed. Tongren is an area covered by overlapping policies such as the Western Development, the No. 2 Document of the National Development Council, and the Wuling Mountain Regional Development and Poverty Alleviation Plan. It has a development environment that is first and foremost. Dalong Economic Development Zone was included in the provincial "511" ten billion yuan park cultivation plan and was listed in the first batch of national development zone application units by the provincial government. The total planning area of the development zone is 548.5 square kilometers, and 85 square kilometers have been developed. The core area of the park has achieved "seven supplies and one leveling". The city's development zones have built a total of 3.563 million square meters of standard plants, 5463 sets of affordable housing for employees About 300000 square meters. Rich labor resources. There are more than 1 million surplus labor forces in the city who have worked in developed coastal areas for a long time, and many returnees have grown into small bosses and enterprise backbones. The water and electricity prices have obvious comparative advantages, and the industrial land is sufficient. The green channel is established for key investment promotion enterprises, and the whole process follow-up service is provided. Always treat entrepreneurs as scientists, and respect enterprise managers as teachers, and strive to provide the best service environment for enterprise development, and strive to become one of the investment hotspots with the best reputation, the lowest cost, the best service, and the fastest return in China.

   The economic development momentum is strong. Under the strong leadership and care of the CPC Central Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government, the city, guided by the scientific outlook on development, seized the historic opportunity to implement the No. 2 Document of the State Council and the Wuling Mountain Regional Development and Poverty Alleviation Plan, and closely followed the province's main strategy of "accelerating development, accelerating transformation, and promoting leapfrog development" and the main strategy of "strengthening the province through industry and urbanization", Based on the resource endowment of "one mountain, two rivers and four cultures" and the improvement of traffic environment, vigorously implement the "four modernizations simultaneous" development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and the "one industry revitalization" strategy of cultural tourism industry, and strive to build Qiandong Industrial Cluster, the "Golden Triangle" cultural tourism innovation zone around Fanjing Mountain and the "Wujiang Economic Corridor", The city's economy and society have developed continuously, rapidly and healthily. Hong Kong Belle Group, Zhejiang Nongfu Shanquan and other well-known enterprises settled in Tongren, and China Taobao Tongren Pavilion has been put into operation. In 2013, the city's GDP reached 53.522 billion yuan, an increase of 15.4%; The total fiscal revenue was 7.741 billion yuan, up 21.5%; The investment in fixed assets of the whole society was 100210 million yuan, up 42.6%; The added value of industries above designated size reached 9.64 billion yuan; The per capita disposable income of urban residents is 18366 yuan, and that of farmers is 5397 yuan.

   At present, the whole city is closely united around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary, deeply implementing the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Party, the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee and the Fourth Plenary Session of the 11th Provincial Party Committee, giving play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and comprehensively deepening reform. The whole city is focusing on the 36 key reforms initiated at the Fifth Plenary Session of the First Session of the Municipal Party Committee, vigorously implementing the "four modernizations synchronized" development of new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and the "one industry revitalization" strategy of cultural tourism industry, striving to build an industrial cluster in eastern Guizhou, a "Golden Triangle" cultural tourism innovation zone around Fanjing Mountain, and a Wujiang Economic Corridor, We will work hard to promote economic and social transformation and leapfrog development, and ensure that by 2020, we will have built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in step with the country.

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