Guangxi Xinruiqi Automobile Sales Co., Ltd

0771-6776650 Address: Baishadian: Baisha International Automobile Theme Park, 59 Tingjiang Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City; Yanlong store: Yanlong Auto City, No. 199, Xiuxiang Avenue, Nanning [View Map]

 Zhengzhou Nissan
 Guangxi Xinruiqi Automobile Sales Co., Ltd
contact us
  • Company address: Baisha Store: Baisha International Automobile Theme Park, 59 Tingjiang Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City; Yanlong store: Yanlong Auto City, No. 199, Xiuxiang Avenue, Nanning
  • Sales Tel.: 0771-6776650
  • After sales hotline: thirteen billion seven hundred and eighty-eight million three hundred and eight thousand and fifty-one
  • contacts: Manager Yao
  • Main business: General agent of Zhengzhou Nissan in Guangxi High quality service: vehicle sales, loan, mortgage, insurance, warranty, maintenance, car boutique, etc Main Dongfeng and Nissan models include: Manner MX6, Shuaike, NV200, Junfeng, D22 pickup truck, Paladin, Odin, Yuxuan, Yufeng, Kepustad
Merchant map View large image
Guangxi Xinruiqi Automobile Sales Co., Ltd | Sales hotline: 0771-6776650 | Address: Baishadian: Baisha International Automobile Theme Park, 59 Tingjiang Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning City; Yanlong store: Yanlong Auto City, No. 199, Xiuxiang Avenue, Nanning
technical support: Guangxi Automobile Network | GuiICPB No. 06004827 Business License No.: GuiB2-20090044
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