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Learning car dynamics More>>
 12 points will be deducted if new traffic regulations such as driving test are sought for advice

Soliciting opinions on new traffic regulations In the near future, students may no longer wind discus when they take the driving test, but this does not reduce the difficulty of the driving test, because it also increases [Details]

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 Notes on Night Road Test Practical Guide for Night Test

Precautions for night road test I believe that many students are afraid of taking the night test items in the road test. So what are the precautions for the night road test? [Details]

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 Tips for car maintenance: novices should pay attention to the timing of gear shifting

Tips for car maintenance: If you have bad driving habits or do not deal with some minor problems of the engine in a timely manner. [Details]

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 Safety driving training for driving control journey from the foundation

Drive from the foundation A lot of bad habits are formed unconsciously during regular driving, such as the adjustment of sitting posture. [Details]

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 Five key points should be paid attention to in the small car subject II field test

Small car subject 2 Site Do you feel numb when looking at those skills that you already remember? Are you still worried that you can't pass the second exam? [Details]

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 What are the new changes of driving test and driving license in 2013?

Driving test and driving licence 20 Do you also get 6 points for grabbing yellow light? Is there a limit on the number of actual driving test operations? Do you also need to add a cart driver's license for internship Order 123 [Details]

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