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Play a new cross-border mode, and join hands with users to open a new copy of outdoor fun

December 27, 2022 Source: Guangxi Automobile Network

Encounter the romance and mystery of 21 ° north latitude, so that professional and passionate meet. On December 27, Zhengzhou Nissan joined hands with Manfutu x Le Capture to launch the "gallop · light and shadow travel" activity of the film and action board. In just a few days of unforgettable journey, many high-quality vernon 7 carrying lucky users formed a light chasing team, braved the secret land of rainforest, enjoyed the fun of cross-country, and felt the true meaning of "live up to your strength" together!


All the way to the wild, discover the meaning of travel

The journey of chasing light starts from Banna; Fall in love with Banna, starting from Guanzhuang. As a tourist photography resort selected by the pre event ticket, the motorcade started from the new landmark of Xishuangbanna - Guanzhuang, passed through the dazzling star light night market, walked into the magnificent night scene of the Lancang River, and felt the rich Dai culture in the exotic Dai garden. In order to bring a richer experience to the participating users, the event also heavily arranged a trip to the Tropical Botanical Garden of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Living in the primeval forest, life is everywhere, adding a wildness to the journey.




On the one hand, there are the complete equipment of Manfutu and Le Cabo, and on the other hand, there are the powerful cars of Zhengzhou Nissan. Both of them are professional, so that participants can enjoy themselves and gain something else. From the careful preparation in the early stage of the event to the off-road experience and celebrity guidance in the event, this trip not only provides a communication platform for off-road enthusiasts and photography enthusiasts, but also invites users to discuss photography skills and share their driving experience, completing the co creation of off-road and photography Another layer of far-reaching significance above the joint name of Le Regent.



Cross border interpretation of the original intention has not changed, explore the fun of outdoor

Catch the surprise within sight, can not leave the company of Vernon 7 all the way. Whether wandering in the mysterious and beautiful tropical scenery or riding in the original rainforest with mountains overlapping, the vernon 7, which adopts a new design language, gives a strong visual impact with the appearance of "tiger roaring mountains and forests", complements the driving space of "high mountains and flowing water", and becomes a scenery in the landscape. At the same time, Ruiqi 7 has also released its surging power and comfortable strength, and constantly conquered various road challenges. It has to be said that it is the vigorous escort of Ruiqi 7 that has created a real outdoor fun experience for each participant, and has felt the charm of pickups more closely.



Zhengzhou Nissan has always been carrying the business philosophy of "user centered", to close to users, embrace users, continue to deepen its products and services, and led its high-quality products to launch a series of special outdoor activities to expand the user's life circle. Although this "Chicheng · Light and Shadow Travel" activity is the first cross-border activity between Zhengzhou Nissan and the photographic circle, its formal innovation and content integration once again demonstrate the unchanged original intention of Zhengzhou Nissan, that is, to guard users' diversified travel vision with heart and improve users' travel happiness with products and services.


The journey of chasing light has come to an end, and the online photography contest is about to open. At that time, there will be a professional jury to appreciate and evaluate the submitted works, and the winners can obtain the professional cloud deck and tripod provided by Manfutu, the exquisite photography backpack provided by Le Camera, and the photography fund provided by Zhengzhou Nissan. It is exciting and exciting to continue. Please follow the official announcement of Zhengzhou Nissan for details of the competition. Zhengzhou Nissan will accompany you to taste every touch of amazement under the camera!

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Vernon sharp Enter the train

  • Guiding price: RMB 768-152800
  • Level: Pickup
  • Displacement: 2.4 2.5 3.0 3.2 2438 2184 2951 2498 2953
  • transmission case: MT
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