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Starting from 109800 yuan, Zhengzhou Nissan Ruiqi 7 arrived as "7"

June 21, 2022 Source: Guangxi Automobile Network

The breeze blows the moon, and the mountains and seas meet. On June 16, Zhengzhou Nissan's new Shuxiang joint venture pickup truck Ruiqi 7 did not fail the "7" treatment. As the "7" arrived, it was officially announced to be listed next to Baisha Ancient Town at the foot of Yulong Snow Mountain in Lijiang, Yunnan. The price range of Ruiqi 7 gasoline model is 1098-154800 yuan, and that of diesel model is 1138-160800 yuan. The new car also provides manual/automatic, two drive/four-wheel drive and other combinations, and includes different container versions, color combinations, a total of more than 30 models. On the long road to "vigorous life", I believe there will always be a sharp vernon 7 for you.

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In order to repay the long-term support and trust of users, Zhengzhou Nissan launched multiple "energetic" gifts at the same time. During the period from June 16 to July 31, car buyers can enjoy financial subsidies of up to 3500 yuan, basic traffic free for 10 years (limited to Internet of Vehicles models), and three-year warranty for 100000 km vehicles.

   Factory and customer create a two-way rush to public praise and create a value model

At the event, Fujiki Renda, the executive vice general manager of Zhengzhou Nissan, said frankly that in recent years, users' expectations for pickups have been evolving. Thanks to the lifting and promotion of the national pickup truck restriction policy, pickups are gradually changing from the former "working car" for transporting goods to "a car for leisure on holidays and enjoying happy time with family and friends", Zhengzhou Nissan has been committed to producing vehicles that can meet users' demand for differentiated vehicles.

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Executive Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Nissan Renda Fujiki

"In response to the market change of the diversity of user needs, Zhengzhou Nissan insists on insight into the user's use scenarios, constantly explores the user needs of the market segment, and creates this comfortable joint venture pickup vernon 7 for a group of customers who are relying on their career, struggling bravely, taking family responsibility as love, and pursuing dreams as a challenge to achieve self achievement." Zhang Xiaoqiang, Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Nissan, said.

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Zhang Xiaoqiang, Deputy General Manager of Zhengzhou Nissan

Over the past 29 years, Zhengzhou Nissan has continued to deepen its efforts in the pickup truck market. The valuable experience it has accumulated is that it has constantly moved closer to users, from users to users, and created a win-win situation with users. Ruiqi 7 is born of users, while Yunnan gathers a large number of pickup truck users who use, understand and play with pickup trucks. Zhengzhou Nissan, with reliable quality and considerate service, has a solid user base here. From "Fengfeng Village", one of the top ten famous villages in Puer, to Weidong Village in Xishuangbanna, one after another, Zhengzhou Nissan Pickup Village has settled in Yunnan in recent years.

At the event site, Li Jie, who came from Weidong Village and has successively obtained three Zhengzhou Nissan pickup trucks, was a loyal pickup powder of Zhengzhou Nissan. Under his leadership, the village has successively purchased more than 80 pickup trucks, of which more than 50 are Zhengzhou Nissan pickup trucks. Zhengzhou Nissan has obviously become the most trusted brand of the villagers.

The market performance and reputation are the most direct recognition of products by users. At the event site, the deputy general manager of Zhengzhou Nissan, Shinozaki Xiuzhao, delivered the car keys to the first batch of users of Ruiqi 7. Li Yi, from Yiwu Town, the starting point of the ancient tea and horse road in Xishuangbanna, said at the scene that he was an ardent fan of Zhengzhou Nissan. Since 2007, he has successively obtained five pickup trucks from Zhengzhou Nissan. Because of the reliable product quality, durable leather, and upgraded passenger and intelligent configuration, He is a good helper in business and a good partner in life.

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   Powerful Pickup Strength Benchmark New Vernon 7 Comes for You

Ruiqi 7 is a pickup with high appearance, high performance, high quality, comfort and intelligence. On the basis of maintaining the competitive advantages such as power, economy and cargo carrying capacity, the user's driving experience will be greatly improved through all-round upgrading of passenger configuration.

Appearance is justice, and personality can capture people's hearts. The overall appearance of Ruiqi 7 imitates the look of "tiger", the front face of X-shaped sports style, and the combination of bright LED lights highlights the aggressive, flexible and brave demeanor of tiger roaring mountains and forests.

Of course, if you have a tiger in your heart, you should also sniff the roses. In terms of interior decoration, Ruiqi 7 finds inspiration from the reflection of mountains and waters in traditional Chinese painting, and creates an artistic space like "high mountains and flowing water". A large number of soft bags, piano paint, wood texture and other materials and processes add a sense of luxury. The zero gravity seat supports the driver's 8-way electric adjustment. Lying on such a comfortable seat and watching the stars from afar through the super large skylight of the same level pickup truck is just a kind of comfort for the cause and a determination for the family to move forward for love.

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Enjoy what you want and enjoy the comfort and calmness brought by technology. With the development of science and technology, pickups are no longer simply tool cars, but more of them have both the comfort and scientific attributes of passenger cars. Ruiqi 7 is equipped with intelligent configurations such as keyless entry, one key start, and 10 way seat adjustment. The 10 inch high-definition suspended central control large screen can realize voice control, intelligent navigation, remote start, remote air conditioning, remote locking, OTA upgrade and other functions. With Ruiqi 7, you can enjoy comfort, peace of mind, safety and convenience.

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The "core" can only cross mountains and mountains if it is desired. As a new and sincere work, Ruiqi 7 inherits Nissan's strong off-road gene. The new car is on the same platform as Nissan Navarra. It upgrades the power of the M9T diesel engine of the Renault Nissan Alliance, and cooperates with the ZF 8AT gearbox to create golden power and bring freedom of driving and riding at will.

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Wandering around the world, peace of mind is home. When you drive a pickup truck to cross mountains and mountains with dreams, your intimate company can make you feel secure in the future. Whether Turpan, which is hot at 45 ℃, Mohe, which is extremely cold at minus 40 ℃, or Kunlun Mountain Pass, which is the roof of the world at an altitude of 5500m, all left the footprints of Ruiqi 7. Adhering to the Nissan durability verification system, and after more than 2.3 million kilometers of rigorous comprehensive durability tests, it has created the stable and reliable excellent quality of Ruiqi 7. The new car is equipped with four-wheel ventilation disc disc brake, tire pressure monitoring, cruise control, body stability, 360 panoramic image, electronic handbrake and other active and passive safety configurations, which always guard the driving safety of the vehicle and bring a full range of comfort experience.

   Encounter Yulong, One Step in Wonderland, Powerful Pickup, Enjoy a Powerful Life

From Baisha Ancient Town, the ancient capital of the ancient Naxi Kingdom, to Wenhai, a mysterious place beyond the world, to Runangu, a fairyland under the Yulong Snow Mountain, the magical scenery of mountain rushing and water raging can not help but make people admire the beauty of nature, and the strong performance and reliable quality of Ruiqi 7 have been praised by the test drive media repeatedly.

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On the way to Wenhai Village, the team passed a section of 28 consecutive curve mountain road, and the continuous turning back enabled the fledgling but fearless Ruiqi 7 to play an extraordinary dynamic performance. Stable climbing, fast acceleration, small turning radius, flexible handling, and strong power performance make Ruiqi 7 show an excellent driving texture on the "Devil's Road".

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From Wenhai Village to Runangu, the road conditions become more complex as they get closer to the foot of the Yulong Snow Mountain. The steep unpaved mountain road and sandstone bumpy road pose a higher test for the comfort and stability of Ruiqi 7. However, even if you step on the accelerator here, the rest will be handed over to Borg Warner's electronic time-sharing 4WD. At the same time, thanks to the design of uphill assistance, steep descent, large approach angle and departure angle, you don't have to worry about getting stuck. More importantly, the ZONE BODY area body structure and the fully enclosed "O" structure frame provide all-round protection for your driving safety.

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As a strategic product of Zhengzhou Nissan, both business and passenger, this Ruiqi 7 passenger pickup perfectly gives consideration to the dual experience of urban SUV and high-quality pickup: on the one hand, it is comfortable to drive and equipped in all aspects; One side is solid and reliable, worthy of long-term trust. It can not only take you to pursue mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, poems and distant places, but also become a loyal partner in your fireworks family. It is like this. It has both sides and materials. Ruiqi 7 will strive to let more and more people who strive for the top find a sense of belonging, share Youjiner pickups with many practitioners of common prosperity, and enjoy the life of Youjiner!

Vernon sharp Enter the train

  • Guiding price: RMB 768-152800
  • Level: Pickup
  • Displacement: 2.4 2.5 3.0 3.2 2438 2184 2951 2498 2953
  • transmission case: MT
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