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Behind the sharp year-on-year increase of 24%: Zhengzhou Nissan's user thinking

April 20, 2022 Source: Guangxi Automobile Network

"Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it." What enlightenment does this millennium truth have for today's automobile enterprises? Through the potential energy of automobile enterprises in the first quarter of this year, we can see a little bit.

In the first quarter, affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, chip shortage, suspension of auto parts suppliers and other factors, domestic auto sales only achieved a slight increase of 0.2% year on year. For each automobile enterprise, some of them rose more than 20% year on year, and some fell more than 60% year on year. Putting aside objective factors and returning to the auto companies themselves, can we find the secret of sales growth? This time, we focus on the car companies whose sales growth is "reasonable but unexpected" - Zhengzhou Nissan, which has increased by 24% year on year. Explore the true meaning of sales growth from its practice of "user centered".

Understand user needs and create a new lifestyle

If we compare car enterprises to boats, the users are water. Boats are driven by water, and automobile enterprises are driven by users. Zhengzhou Nissan is well aware of this. Through deep insight into user needs, it continues to build a product lineup, continuously contributes to new travel lifestyles for users, and firmly establishes the "boat water situation" with users.

From D21 to Ruiqi 7, what has changed is the model, and what has not changed is the sincerity to users. At present, Zhengzhou Nissan's pickup models have a product matrix of international high-end pickup Navarra, high-quality joint-venture pickup Ruiqi 6 (off-road version, urban version, flat box version, crossover version and other derivatives), high-performance Chuangfu pickup Ruiqi, etc., realizing the full coverage of entry-level to high-end pickup trucks, and comprehensively meeting the diversified vehicle needs of users, Create a more exciting way of life and work for users, such as travel, sand wearing, mountain running, and cargo carrying.

With the increasing demand of users for pickup trucks, Zhengzhou Nissan has further enriched its product layout. Today, in March, Zhengzhou Nissan Ruiqi 7 was exposed. The appearance design, passenger interior design and leading power parameters based on the "tiger" prototype highlight the functional attributes of IKEA, which will be another travel artifact and fully enable the life and work of users.

In addition, in order to further meet users' needs for comfort, energy saving and urban SUVs, as early as last December, Qijun Glory was sold and maintained by Zhengzhou Nissan dealers. With the product strength of "big space", "big sofa", "zero failure" and other products, Qijun · Glory creates a high "smart" travel mode for users. At the same time, Zhengzhou Nissan has created a "5+2" new travel mode for users through the complementary functions of Qijun · Glory and pickup truck models, to meet users' travel scenarios in all fields in 5 working days and 2 rest days, and to create a rich and colorful travel life for users.

Realizing dreams for users and creating a platform for civilian cross-country events

"Boat and water" have the same frequency, and travel steadily. How to resonate with users on the same frequency? Zhengzhou Nissan has insight into the yearning of ordinary users for sports events, and has realized their dreams by building a cross-country event platform.

As the first domestic automobile enterprise to participate in Dakar Rally, Zhengzhou Nissan has won more than 40 championships in 22 competitions in 19 years, which is the existence of "totem level" in the competition field. Based on this, Zhengzhou Nissan has given full play to its advantages, combined with years of experience in auto racing and rich experience in racing, and taken the lead in setting up the X-Driving Race Academy in the mode of "mass production vehicles+user drivers". It has gathered top racing coaches, rigorous cross-country venues, Ruiqi 6, Navarra and other championship vehicles to provide users with professional off-road platforms, Let cross-country events fly into the homes of ordinary people and realize more people's cross-country dreams.

Today, the X-Driving Race Academy has been held for two years and is deeply loved by users. Every year, it will attract users to participate actively. By helping users improve their professional event knowledge and vehicle driving skills, Zhengzhou Nissan has the same frequency with users, continues the legend of the game and leads the new trend of off-road culture.

The environment is changeable and the original intention remains unchanged. Affected by the general environment, the sales of Zhengzhou Nissan in the first quarter still increased by 24% year on year. The reason is that it has insisted on making pickup trucks professionally for 29 years, consistently adhered to the product quality, and practiced "user centered", which has gained users and won the market. In the future, Zhengzhou Nissan will continue to adhere to the principle of "believe in success with each other", through innovative products, deepening events, caring for users, etc., to achieve stability, reach a far future, and gather momentum to climb.

Vernon sharp Enter the train

  • Guiding price: RMB 768-152800
  • Level: Pickup
  • Displacement: 2.4 2.5 3.0 3.2 2438 2184 2951 2498 2953
  • transmission case: MT
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