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Current location: Guangxi Automobile Network > Car purchase quotation > Quotation of Guangxi Automobile

Price: unlimited Within 50000 50000~80000 8-120000 120000-180000 180-250000 2.5-35 million 350000-500000 500000 to 800000 800000-1200000 More than 1.2 million
Displacement: unlimited zero point eight one one point one one point two one point three one point four one point five one point six one point eight one point nine two two point two two point three two point four two point five two point seven two point eight three three point two three point five three point six three point eight four
Category: unlimited Mini car Light-Duty Vehicle Compact car Medium-sized car Medium and large vehicles Luxury car SUV MPV Sports car Pickup other
other: unlimited Hatchback Hatchback Manual gear (MT) Automatic transmission (AT) Listing year: unlimited two thousand and nine two thousand and ten two thousand and eleven two thousand and twelve two thousand and thirteen two thousand and fourteen
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