Guangxi Organ Party Construction Network

Propaganda and ideological work

Special column MORE+
  •  Study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee
  •  Deepen the reading of the whole people and build a scholarly organization - the 2024 reading activity for the whole people of the district level organs
  •  Build a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation
  •  Incorruptibility education
New media for party building MORE+
  •  Working Committee of Organs Directly under Guangxi District
  •  Online service platform for party building of Guangxi authorities
Journals of the Working Committee MORE+
  •  2022 Guangxi Organ Party Building, Issue 6 (349 in total)
Quick navigation MORE+
  •  Online registration of training
  •  Discipline inspection, supervision and reporting website
  •  Party School of Guangxi Working Committee
  •  Disclosure of budget and final accounts
Top 10 contributions in the station