10 model articles on economics

Time: January 1, 2024 23:11:42

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 Economic Papers

Format of Economic Paper

After the first draft of the economic paper is completed, it will be revised again and again. If it is confirmed that the article has reached a relatively satisfactory level, it can be considered to determine the draft. At this time, read through the full text for final inspection, and then finalize the draft. After the final draft is finalized, it shall be copied and transcribed with manuscript paper or specified paper paper in accordance with the standard format of the bank payment and writing requirements. After being transcribed, the full text shall be checked again to see whether there are missing words or wrong words; If there is anything that does not meet the requirements of the text, and so on, confirm that there is no error, and the writing of the paper will be finally completed.

1、 Project composition of the final economic paper

A complete and standard economic paper usually consists of the following items: title; Author signature; catalog; Abstract; key word; Text; notes; thank; reference; Appendix. The 10 items listed above are all constituent items of economic papers. A specific economic paper may or may not include all the projects. In general, the title, author signature, abstract, key words, text, notes, and references are essential items in the general exchange papers published in academic journals. Due to their long length, graduation papers and dissertations need not only the items necessary for general exchange papers, but also the contents The appendix and summary (slightly more detailed than the summary) and other items.

2、 Writing method and requirements of each item of economic paper

1. Title. The title is the name given by the author to the paper, and it is the general representative of the paper. The author must carefully determine. For the writing requirements, see the Title of Economic Thesis, and for the writing format, see the Text of Economic Thesis. 2. Author signature. Signature is the embodiment of ownership of literary rights and responsibility. Only those who have directly participated in the research work and are responsible for the content of the paper have the right, and it is necessary to sign their names on the paper. As for the naming of experts, leaders or non researchers, it is an abnormal phenomenon and an unhealthy trend in academic research, which must be eliminated. For the writing method and requirements, please refer to the Text of Economic Thesis.

3. Directory. A simple table of contents should be compiled for long papers. Thesis directory is the sequential arrangement of all levels of subtitles in the paper. The subtitle is arranged and the page number of the page where the title is located is indicated, which is convenient for readers to grasp the logic system of the article as a whole, and also provides convenience for readers to select relevant parts of the paper. Its writing method and format are the same as those of general books and periodicals. 4. Summary. The abstract is a brief statement without comments and comments on the content of the paper. It is a complete short article with the same amount of information as the main content of the paper. It focuses on the final conclusion of the paper. For the writing method and requirements, please refer to the Abstract, Key Words and References of Economic Papers, and for the writing format, please refer to the Text of Economic Papers.

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Format of Economic Paper

1、 Project composition of the final economic paper

A complete and standard economic paper usually consists of the following items: title; Author signature; catalog; Abstract; key word; Text; notes; thank; reference; Appendix. The 10 items listed above are all constituent items of economic papers. A specific economic paper may or may not include all the projects. In general, the title, author signature, abstract, key words, text, notes, and references are essential items in the general exchange papers published in academic journals. Due to their long length, graduation papers and dissertations need not only the items necessary for general exchange papers, but also the contents The appendix and summary (slightly more detailed than the summary) and other items.

2、 Writing method and requirements of each item of economic paper

1. Title. The title is the name given by the author to the paper, and it is the general representative of the paper. The author must carefully determine. For the writing requirements, see the Title of Economic Thesis, and for the writing format, see the Text of Economic Thesis. 2. Author signature. Signature is the embodiment of ownership of literary rights and responsibility. Only those who have directly participated in the research work and are responsible for the content of the paper have the right, and it is necessary to sign their names on the paper. As for the naming of experts, leaders or non researchers, it is an abnormal phenomenon and an unhealthy trend in academic research, which must be eliminated. For the writing method and requirements, please refer to the Text of Economic Thesis.

3. Directory. A simple table of contents should be compiled for long papers. Thesis directory is the sequential arrangement of all levels of subtitles in the paper. The subtitle is arranged and the page number of the page where the title is located is indicated, which is convenient for readers to grasp the logic system of the article as a whole, and also provides convenience for readers to select relevant parts of the paper. Its writing method and format are the same as those of general books and periodicals. 4. Summary. The abstract is a brief statement without comments and comments on the content of the paper. It is a complete short article with the same amount of information as the main content of the paper. It focuses on the final conclusion of the paper. For the writing method and requirements, please refer to the Abstract, Key Words and References of Economic Papers, and for the writing format, please refer to the Text of Economic Papers.

5. Keywords. The key words are selected from the papers for the purpose of literature indexing. The staff members said that the content of the items in the book was the same as that of the materials in the paper. They said that the information in the book was the same as that in the paper? BR>6、 Body. The main body consists of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion. Generally, these three parts need not be clearly stated in the text, but if the main part of the paper is divided into several chapters or parts to discuss, subtitles should be added as far as possible to show the discussion content of each part. For the writing method and requirements of the text, see Introduction to Economic Papers, Origin of Economic Papers, Conclusion of Economic Papers, Citation of Economic Papers, Pattern of Economic Papers, Structure of Economic Papers, Expression of Economic Papers, Performance of Economic Papers, and Language of Economic Papers. For the writing format, see Text of Economic Papers. 7. Comments. In the writing of economic papers, some issues need to be explained outside the text, which requires another content of the paper - notes. It is an integral part of the economic paper, rather than an item outside the article. There are two kinds of annotations in the paper: annotations to supplement the content and annotations to indicate the source of the data. For the writing method and requirements, see the notes in Citation of Economic Papers. 8. Thanks. Xie Ci is to express gratitude to those who have helped themselves in the process of writing this paper. It can be written in the conclusion of the text or listed separately, making it an item in the paper. See the Conclusion of Economic Thesis for the writing method and requirements.

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How to write a good economic paper

1. Project composition of the final economic paper

A complete and standardized economic paper usually consists of the following items: title; Author signature; catalog; Abstract; key word; Text; notes; thank; reference; Appendix. The 10 items listed above are all constituent items of economic papers. A specific economic paper may or may not include all projects. Generally, among the general exchange papers published in academic journals, title, author signature, abstract, key words, text, annotations, and references are essential items. Due to their long length, graduation papers and dissertations, in addition to the necessary items for general exchange papers, should also have a catalog, appendix, and content summary (slightly more detailed than the summary) Etc.

2. Writing method and requirements of each item of economic paper

1. Title.

The title is the name given by the author to the paper, and it is the general representative of the paper. The author must carefully determine. For the writing requirements, see the Title of Economic Thesis, and for the writing format, see the Text of Economic Thesis.

2. Author signature.

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Olympic Political and Economic Thesis

When the Olympic Games just started in the world, the Olympic Games were just a pure sports event, thus refusing commercial intervention, and professional athletes were excluded from the Olympic Games for a long time. In 1976, Montreal hosted the Olympic Games. Montreal had applied for the Olympic Games five times. When the bid was successful, the city actively prepared, spent huge amounts of money, and made use of many modern scientific and technological achievements. The Olympic Center was opened in the north of the city, and large stadiums, swimming pools, bicycle parks, Olympic villages, etc. were built. However, all this has paid a high price. Due to the economic depression, soaring prices, long-term strikes by construction workers, and poor management, the construction of the Olympic Center has been repeatedly funded and delayed. The future Olympic Games were all based on the original intention of Coubertin, who wanted to make the Olympic Games purely sports and eliminate all impurities. However, this idea was too idealistic, which caused a great economic burden on the host city. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, Peter Ueberroth took office as the chairman of the Los Angeles Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games and raised funds from Coca Cola and other companies. This was the first time to start commercial investment in the Olympic Games, changed the history of losing money at the Olympic Games, and created a profit of 225 million dollars. The Olympic Games were pulled back from the edge of the cliff, and then became a "cash cow" pursued by all countries.

China's economy will have a greater development with the Olympic Games. The first is the inflow of funds from a large number of sponsors. In particular, some foreign-funded enterprises can use the Olympic Games as a platform to enter the Chinese market, which is very helpful to China's economic development. Secondly, during the Olympic Games, a large number of domestic and foreign visitors poured into Beijing, greatly stimulating consumer demand. The employment problem can also be solved to a certain extent by taking the opportunity of the Olympic Games. With the arrival of the Olympic Games, the workload of various service departments has also increased significantly. The previous Olympic Games have alleviated the employment pressure of the host country, especially the host city, to a certain extent. Experts estimate that the Beijing Olympic Games will bring 2 million jobs. In addition, the hosting of the Olympic Games has accelerated the pace of industrial restructuring in the host region, and the non goods trade industry has become a new economic growth point. The action plan for the 2008 Olympic Games clearly proposed to accelerate the industrial restructuring in Beijing, especially to encourage the development of non goods trade industries. The hosting of the Olympic Games will lead to a large number of international personnel flows, technology dissemination and capital transfer, which will be closely linked with the construction, transportation, tourism, finance and insurance, communication and broadcasting and other industrial fields in the service industry, and drive the upgrading of related technologies and products. Finally, the successful hosting of the Olympic Games will establish a good image of China to the outside world, followed by the expansion of import and export trade, the accelerated development of economic and technological exchanges, and the corresponding increase in the credit rating index of China from international credit rating departments. It can be said that the holding of the Olympic Games will greatly stimulate China's economy.

However, we should also pay attention to the negative impact of the commercialization of the Olympic Games. In the centennial celebration of the Olympic Games, Americans pushed the commercialization of the Olympic Games to the extreme, but every investment of businessmen was aimed at obtaining the maximum economic benefits. NBC, which invested 45.6 billion dollars to buy the exclusive TV broadcasting rights of the Olympic Games, played a crucial role in the arrangement of the Olympic Games schedule. The marathon route of the Atlanta Olympic Games has been changed into a route with extremely steep slopes and countless uphill and downhill routes due to the company's broadcast needs (through areas with many places of interest), known as the "worst marathon route in history", which has brought the athletes' physical consumption to the extreme. All this is to charge more huge advertising fees ($500000 for advertising every 30 seconds). In terms of the interests and monetary effects of athletes, the merchants did not hesitate to choose the latter. When sponsors provided huge financial support for the Olympic Games, they became the "king without crown" of the Olympic Games. People not only have to ask: Who is the purpose of this Olympic Games? Is the protagonist of the Olympic Games an athlete or a businessman? When commercial interests are the primary consideration, the interests of sports will become the object of sacrifice. When the commercial anvil is overweight on the balance of the Olympic movement, it will seriously interfere with the normal state of sports, and will conflict violently with the Olympic ideal, which will pose a huge threat to the Olympic movement. No wonder Athens lamented that "Coca Cola defeated the Olympic spirit" after its failure in bidding for the 1996 Olympic Games. The excessive commercialization is bound to cause the deterioration of the Olympic Games, which is what Coubertin worried about, and which we should try our best to avoid. So how to do it? I don't think I can make a thorough analysis of how to master the balance between the Olympic Games and business. It needs further study by economic experts.

The Beijing Olympic Games will stimulate the economy through a huge amount of direct investment, and after the Olympic Games, Beijing will inevitably experience the "economic downturn effect". Therefore, we should make a long-term plan, learn from the successful experience of previous host countries, ensure the relatively stable economic growth of Beijing and even China, and prevent the "trough effect".

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Papers on Political Change and Low Carbon Economy

1、 Reflection on "Low Carbon" in Green Politics

Green politics regards ecology and environment as an important political thought, which is realized through a broad and participatory democratic system. The initiator of green politics is the participant of green movement. In the process of the continuous development of the green political movement, various consensus has emerged in ecology, socialism, grass-roots democracy and so on. Grassroots democracy plays an important role in this movement. Due to the distance between the government formed in the past representative democracy and the grassroots people, and driven by economic indicators or election politics to a certain extent, the transaction between the government and the relevant enterprises and industries was conducted without the knowledge of the grassroots people, and the prepared decisions completely violated the ecological protection regulations. In response to this situation, all participants in the green political movement strongly proposed that the grassroots people should be given full voice, because in the event of an ecological crisis, the grassroots people are the most severely affected. When most grassroots people are involved in issues that have nothing to do with their own interests, they are often opposed to the proposed carbon reduction decision because they do not have sufficient information, do not have a high level of rational thinking ability, and do not establish a sense of global responsibility. If grass-roots democracy is very decentralized, it will directly hinder the normal operation of carbon emission reduction and fail to achieve the goal of low-carbon economy. The market failure faced by global public goods will be manifested on the basis of democratic failure. The failure of democracy here mainly refers to the difficulty of making decisions based on democratic mechanisms to win the public goods actually needed by everyone. The political path to which green politics is committed when democracy fails has become a major obstacle in low-carbon economy. At the same time, the ideal of "full employment" and the means of "international cooperation" contained in some green political platforms are also facing severe challenges and strong doubts in the low-carbon economy. Therefore, it is an inevitable trend for green politics in the context of low-carbon economy to carry out in-depth reflection and reform, whether in concept or operation path.

2、 Green Political Change in the Context of Low Carbon Economy

1. Promote global democracy. Green politics has replaced representative democracy with grassroots democracy, which mainly takes the decentralized and self-sufficient community economy structure as the economic basis. Due to the strong decentralization of this democracy, it has caused great obstacles to the development of low-carbon economy, and is not suitable for carbon emission reduction. To this end, global democracy has become the mainstream. Global democracy refers to the implementation of a decision-making mechanism in which the minority is subordinate to the majority on a global scale. As for carbon emission reduction, a global public good, scientific and democratic decision-making must be implemented globally. When faced with the phenomenon of market failure and the lack of world government, things will come naturally only if they are recognized by most people around the world. At this stage, the global democratic decision-making mechanism has certain operational difficulties, and even some places have obstacles that are difficult to overcome. However, if analyzed logically, global democracy is the only effective mechanism that can enable people in the whole world to actively control and control their own desires out of consideration of the overall interests of mankind. Therefore, green politics should be realized as a political ideal that needs to be completed, and the path and method with strong operability will be imperceptibly formed and constantly improved in the process of realizing the ideal.

2. Strengthen the foundation of rule of virtue. Green politics always takes the rule of law as the benchmark. In fact, legal means should be taken in the process of punishing human-computer and regulating government behavior that causes pollution problems. Ecological protection is inextricably linked to the foundation of the rule of law, and constantly improving the legal system is the prerequisite guarantee for promoting the sustainable and stable development of low-carbon economy. However, if the low-carbon economy is based only on the rule of law, it is not enough, and the corresponding rule of virtue is also indispensable. The rule of virtue mentioned here is not the rule of law or the rule of man. It is mainly a governance model formed by the negation of the negation of the political system, which organically combines individual morality with group democracy, and is committed to promoting human progress towards a harmonious social ecology. In this governance model, consciousness is regarded as the result of rationality and the basis of freedom. The morality of individuals, especially leaders, is the key to ensuring the formation of a mechanism of mutual education and learning among individuals with group consciousness. Therefore, the "greening" of leaders' good morality and other core qualities is an essential means to promote the development of low-carbon economy. At present, the individual morality and quality of leaders in the micro level should be included in the core element category of the political mobilization mechanism in the macro level, so that the green politics in the macro political science, public management science and the "green leaders" in the micro leadership and management science can be reasonably integrated, thus forming a perfect system based on the green leadership model.

3. Rely on international checks and balances. At present, because there is no public goods such as world government and low-carbon environment, in fact, it can only be obtained on the basis of rational global democracy, but this democracy cannot be separated from rational international cooperation among countries and regions. Participants in the green political movement have long been deeply aware of the global nature of environmental issues, and also clearly see the obstacles brought about by international egoism. Therefore, in the process of international cooperation, it is explicitly required to abandon some ideas such as national sovereignty. The most important means of modern green politics is to constantly strengthen the role of international organizations. However, from the perspective of international political realities, all international organizations, even the United Nations, cannot exercise sovereignty on behalf of all countries. Under the current world pattern, all countries are required to delegate their sovereignty to international organizations. The final result will be that developed countries, especially the United States, will intervene or even deprive developing countries of more sovereignty in the name of international organizations, which will lead to obvious injustice. As a result, the natural ecological crisis can not be effectively solved, and it will also lead to a serious social ecological crisis. Therefore, strengthening international checks and balances among economies is the only feasible means at present. Only with efficient checks and balances can countries provide scientific and rational decisions and implement rational international cooperation. We should promote world multipolarization, create a series of strong checks and balances between economic and political entities, and treat the rights and responsibilities of countries with a fair attitude. This is not only the premise for the whole world to move towards rational international cooperation in a low-carbon economy, but also plays an important supporting role in international green politics.

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Accounting National Economy Thesis

With the development of social economy, its form and content are gradually developing and enriching. In the capitalist society, accounting is an important means for the bourgeoisie and monopoly capitalists to manage the capitalist economy. In the socialist society, it is the basis for the national economy to implement planned management and focus on economic results, which is more important than its status and role in the capitalist society. However, today, the position and role of accounting in national economic management have not been fully recognized and valued, which is a very serious problem.

1、 The Position of Accounting in National Economic Management

(1) Accounting can maintain China's financial system and discipline

In China's current social form and socialist system, the era of public ownership of means of production and private ownership of means of production has gone forever. Collectivism is the main form of ownership in China, and many other distribution systems of means of production have also emerged under the public ownership economy. Under such circumstances, the state realizes the growth of national income through taxation, These national incomes will be distributed to all sectors of the country in the form of financial distribution to promote the vigorous development of all sectors of the country. However, in this process, there may be some cases of tax evasion or concealment of real income when enterprises pay taxes, which requires the accounting industry to give full play to its functions, strictly carry out accounting inspection, and disclose some situations that harm the national economic interests. For example, some companies or enterprises only pay attention to their own interests and use some illegal means to increase their own income, withhold or occupy financial income, or issue excessive bonuses and subsidies. At this time, the state should severely punish some illegal enterprises in the process of accounting inspection, and formulate corresponding financial systems and disciplines. If an enterprise or company violates the regulations, it will be given serious punishment in turn. Only in this way can the accounting industry play its role in maintaining the financial system and discipline.

(2) Accounting can strengthen the economic management of a country or enterprise and improve its economic efficiency

We know that besides the state will set up a special accounting inspection department, each company or enterprise will also set up an accounting and financial department. Therefore, we can see that accounting can not only help the state to review the tax evasion of some illegal companies, but also help enterprises to make cost budget, economic forecast, promote capital turnover and improve economic efficiency. In the past, Chinese enterprises paid insufficient attention to the accounting industry, which led to high capital consumption and low income in the process of economic operation. Fortunately, the country and enterprises learned the important role of accounting in reducing operational risks and controlling costs in their continuous exploration, and began to set up accounting departments to strengthen their management. The important functions of the accounting industry to strengthen economic management and improve economic efficiency have been fully played.

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Papers on Regional Low Carbon Economy

1、 Strengthen government planning guidance and supervision

The government should establish a supervision mechanism and punish the "indiscriminate discharge" and other acts according to law through corresponding specific rules and regulations. The Circular Economy Law and other laws and regulations are used to restrict and supervise, so that there are laws to abide by and violations must be prosecuted. The government should also establish an incentive mechanism to reward enterprises engaged in waste utilization. At the same time, for the government's performance evaluation, the evaluation contents of circular economy efficiency, green GDP, urban green communities, and resource recycling rate can be added. The following aspects are the top priorities of the supervision work: first, carry out the review of cleaner production audit of key enterprises to ensure the audit quality of key cleaner production enterprises that have passed the acceptance. The focus of this work is to screen the cleaner production audit list of key enterprises and publish it in a timely manner in combination with the energy conservation and emission reduction in our region, the comprehensive improvement of the environment in key regions and key river basins, the 12th Five Year Plan for the comprehensive prevention and control of heavy metal pollution and other major environmental pollution prevention and control special plans, as well as the review and creation of the national environmental protection model city. Second, improve the environmental forcing mechanism. Promote industrial transformation and upgrading with the environmental forcing mechanism, annual implementation plan of heavy metal pollution prevention, urge enterprises to improve various environmental protection procedures, deadline control system, pollution reduction work, various special environmental protection fund applications, relevant environmental protection approval, standardized management of hazardous waste and other work, and solidly promote cleaner production of key enterprises, Promote cleaner production audit, assessment and acceptance of key enterprises. Third, strengthen law enforcement. Further strengthen the management of the consulting service institutions, circulate a notice of criticism and exposure to the consulting institutions with low business level and poor service quality through the assessment mechanism, and punish the key enterprises that refuse to implement the cleaner production audit according to the Cleaner Production Promotion Law. Government guidance and supervision effectively promote the development of low-carbon economy. From Table 2, we can see that in recent years, especially after 2010, the growth rate of industrial solid waste production in Guangxi has declined year by year due to technical improvement and adequate supervision; At the same time, the disposal and comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste have been rapidly improved, while the discharge has decreased from 1.27 million tons in 2000 to 4100 tons in 2012. As an important source of pollution in production and life, industrial solid waste has been effectively controlled and utilized.

2、 Create a low-carbon economic chain integrating production, service and consumption

As we all know, the secret of efficient operation of EMUs is that multiple vehicles carry operating loads and carry their own power. Similarly, giving production, service and consumption the role of "power source" will promote the establishment of a low-carbon economic chain in an all-round way.

(1) Build low-carbon industrial parks

"No work, no wealth", industrial construction promotes regional economic development, but also brings high carbon pollution sources to the regional environment. How to build a closed cycle system according to the concept of circular economy is the key to building an ecological park. Circular economy is a kind of ecological economy. It uses ecological laws to guide the economic activities of human society. The closed cycle system realizes the process of transforming natural resources into products and supplies, and then transforming renewable resources. All raw materials and energy are used most rationally, and the impact on the natural environment is greatly reduced, that is, "small cycle medium cycle recovery cycle". First of all, "small cycle" means that a single enterprise reduces the use of raw materials and energy through ecological design of product production, recycles as much as possible, and realizes closed material cycle and multi-level energy utilization. Secondly, the "small cycle" within a single enterprise will be upgraded to a "medium cycle" system, that is, through the "producer consumer decomposer" cycle of the ecosystem, and through the metabolic and symbiotic coupling relationship between enterprises, waste heat, waste water, waste gas, waste residue and other wastes or by-products of one factory will become the raw materials and energy of another factory, and an industrial ecological park will be established. Finally, establish a multi-level "recycling" system in the whole Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, carry out publicity and education activities on recycling economy through television, radio, advertising and other forms, and create a good atmosphere for saving resources, protecting the environment and starting from ourselves. For the construction of low-carbon industrial parks in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, Qisha in Fangchenggang and Tieshangang in Beihai can be selected as the pilot sites. According to the principle of circular economy, the ecological planning of the park can be carried out in combination with regional energy planning such as available energy resource data, selection and optimization of the park's energy system, etc. If the pilot project is successful, it can be gradually promoted in the industrial park.

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Marketing Analysis Olympic Economics Thesis

The analysis of the Olympic economy from sports marketing is collected by Xiaoke's paper website through the network and sorted out by the staff of this website. The analysis of the Olympic economy from sports marketing is an academic paper of high quality, which is used for learning and academic exchange of visitors to this website. It cannot be used for other business purposes. The copyright of the paper on the analysis of the Olympic economy from sports marketing belongs to the original author, Due to the network sorting, some articles are unknown, please forgive me. If you need to extract, please indicate the source of Xiaoke Thesis Network. If this paper cannot meet your paper requirements, you can apply to this website to help you with your paper. The following is the text.

[Abstract] The modern Olympic Games is not only a sports arena, but also a final arena for enterprise marketing. The Olympic Games has brought business opportunities to many enterprises, and has also built a marketing platform for many enterprises. The preparation for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has brought a broad prospect for sports marketing in China. Chinese enterprises should cherish this business opportunity, combine the ancient Olympic spirit with modern marketing concepts, forge famous brands with sports spirit, establish corporate image, and lay the foundation for distinctive and successful sports marketing.

[Key words] Olympic economy Olympic business opportunities Sports marketing Sports spirit

The history of the Olympic Movement should always be engraved with the names of these two people: Samaranch, the former President of the International Olympic Committee, who has just left office, and Ueberroth, the American financier. Samaranch updated the concept of the Olympic Games, advocated that the Olympic Games should serve the development of a country and a city, combined the sports spirit with the economic opportunities of a country or city, and opened up a broad space for the development of the modern Olympic Games. Before 1984, the Olympic funds were mainly allocated by the government, which made the host country or city bear heavy debts. In 1984, the Los Angeles Olympic Games changed its old practice. Instead of relying on government funding, it operated by selling television broadcasting rights and collecting advertising fees. It was the first time that commercial operations were involved in Olympic operations. Ueberroth was the planner and operator of this operation. Thanks to his wisdom and talent, the Olympic Games not only achieved the first profit in history ($200 million), but also transformed the Olympic Games from sports to a large-scale social and economic activity widely participated in by all sectors of society and became more popular. In the future, TV broadcasting rights and TOP (top) sponsor plans will complement each other, and the Olympic Movement and modern commercial marketing will be closely combined, so that enterprises and brand competition will provide a more challenging modern platform, so that Olympic sponsorship will become the hot spot of international well-known enterprises and brand competition, forming a unique "Olympic economy."

Sports marketing has two meanings. From the aspect of sports industry, it means how to more profoundly and effectively promote sports industrialization and marketization, so that it can gradually have a self-development and self-improvement operating mechanism and become an independent operating body. In terms of enterprises, sports activities and the sports industry, as a means of promotion or image background, use naming, sponsorship and other forms to promote their own brands or establish corporate image through sponsored sports activities to achieve marketing purposes. Now, the concept of sports marketing has gone deep into the hearts of major dealers around the world. The infinite business opportunities behind sports have become the focus of attention of world famous enterprises. Sports events have also become one of the best advertising carriers recognized for brand promotion.

China's sports marketing started late but developed rapidly. When China participated in the Olympic Games in 1984, only two enterprises, Jianlibao and Seagull Watch, sponsored the delegation with a total amount of 700000 yuan in capital and in kind. Just over a decade ago, the total amount of sponsorship received by the Chinese delegation for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000 was 100 times that of 1984, which shows that the concept of sports marketing has been deeply popular and has generated strong social resonance. Many manufacturers have shifted their promotional subjects from "star advertising" and "government relations" to sports marketing. Marketing methods have also diversified, from sponsorship, naming and other basic ways to image public relations and industrial linkage. The most typical is Yili Group, which employs track and field star Liu Xiang as the "image ambassador." Modern Olympics is not only limited to sports venues, but also the final venue for corporate brand and image marketing. There are still "friendship first, competition second" in sports competitions, but for enterprises, it is purely a "hand to hand fight" of promotional strength. The enterprise marketing competition is more cruel than sports competitions. In the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, international well-known enterprises will take advantage of the Olympic Games to enter the Chinese market and create popular brands. In the face of a strong offensive, Chinese enterprises are afraid that it will be very difficult to win every profit. This requires Chinese enterprises to enrich their strength, accurately position themselves, take advantage of the Olympic Games, carry out successful sports marketing, go abroad and go global. In a word, the investment of 280 billion yuan in Beijing 2008 Olympic Games has brought business opportunities for many enterprises, and has also built a market promotion platform for many enterprises.

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Thesis on Private Enterprise Strategy Revitalizing Economy

Editor's note: This article mainly evaluates the development and status of private enterprises in the past 20 years of reform and opening up; The bottleneck restricting the development of private enterprises and some theoretical misunderstandings; The development opportunities faced by private enterprises are discussed. It mainly includes: private enterprises belong to the system category of individual private enterprises, China's non-public economy has become an important part of the national economy after 20 years of continuous development, and the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by China is the practical need for China to quickly get rid of backward economic level, and the bottleneck restricting the sustainable development of private enterprises The internal defects have also seriously restricted its further development and growth, played an irreplaceable role in ensuring the continuous and forward development of the national economy, the rapid progress of global economic integration process and the knowledge economy have become the promotion of economic growth, and the asset structure adjustment and capital expansion pace of private enterprises have been gradually promoted with the development requirements of enterprises, See for details.

Private enterprises belong to the system category of individual private enterprises. Therefore, the rise of private enterprises benefited from the implementation of China's basic national policy of reform and opening up. The 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China further established the position of private enterprises in the national economy, and upgraded the private economy from a necessary and beneficial supplement to the public economy to an important part of China's socialist market economy, It shows that after 20 years of continuous development of reform and opening up, China's private economy has grown from scratch, from small to large, and has formed stronger and stronger economic strength, which plays an increasingly important role in China's national economic macro pattern. With the arrival of the new century, the knowledge economy has become an irresistible trend of development in the world. The rapid progress of information technology has also made the traditional model of economic development face more and more serious challenges. In this era, As a private enterprise that has just acquired the basic skills to adapt to the operation law of market economy through nearly two decades of development and efforts under the market mechanism, how to maintain its vigorous vitality, achieve sustainable development in the new round of economic globalization competition pattern, and make a decisive contribution to China's ultimate economic revitalization and overall prosperity, It should be the subject that every manager of private enterprises should pay great attention to when positioning the development strategy of enterprises. In the long run, when China's socialist market economy enters a new century, facing the dazzling and unpredictable economic globalization, The dizzying wave after wave of new technological revolutions that promote the extraordinary development of the economy, and the concern for the survival and development of private enterprises, are particularly significant for whether China's socialist market economy has finally achieved brilliant achievements and the ultimate goal of bringing China into an economic power. Here, this chapter will be divided into four parts to describe the development strategy of private enterprises:

1、 The evolution of private enterprises in the past 20 years of reform and opening up and the evaluation of their due status

After 20 years of continuous development, China's non-public economy has become an important part of the national economy, and its share is also growing. In particular, private enterprises, as the absolute main force in the non-public economy, play an inestimable role. In 1978, at the beginning of China's reform and opening up, the share of private economy in China's total industrial output value was 0.7%, which can be said to be very small. But 20 years later, in 1998, when the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was proposed, private enterprises actually made irreplaceable contributions to the improvement of China's socialist market economy and the development of economic construction by their own strength, Therefore, it is natural for private enterprises to occupy an important place in China's market economic structure, which is the inevitable result of China's implementation of the basic national policy of reform and opening up. According to relevant statistics, by the end of 1998, there were more than 78 million private practitioners in China, accounting for nearly 12% of the national practitioners; The output value reached 1180 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 12% of the total industrial and agricultural output value of the country; The total retail sales of consumer goods is nearly 1300 billion yuan, accounting for 44% of the total social sales; Tax revenue reached more than 70 billion yuan, accounting for nearly 10% of the country's total tax revenue. At present, China has more than 1 million private enterprises, about 30 million self-employed businesses, and the private economy has accumulated more than 1300 billion yuan of registered capital. Among them, private enterprises account for 1 trillion yuan. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that the private economy represented by private enterprises has made due contributions to the sustainable development of China's socialist market economy. In recent years, state-owned enterprises have faced difficulties. In order to adjust the industrial structure and establish a modern enterprise system, a large number of laid-off and unemployment problems have emerged. Private enterprises have become an important way to settle the unemployed. Nearly 6 million laid-off workers have been absorbed by private enterprises, which has greatly helped the serious problem of unemployment of laid-off workers in state-owned enterprises, It has supported the normal implementation of China's economic system reform and promoted the development of the national economy. In particular, in recent years, private enterprises have contributed more than 60% of China's GNP increase in succession, while their financing accounts for only 30% of the total social financing. Through the above statistical data, we can feel the great vitality of the private economy in the past 20 years of reform and opening up. Through the continuous growth of private enterprises, we have full reason to believe that with the further development of China's market economy, the private economy will also get faster and better development.

The cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics initiated by China is the practical need for China to quickly get rid of backward economic level. The reform of the economic system is to develop the economy according to the market law, reasonably allocate resources, and achieve optimal input and output. Facing the 21st century, if China's economy is to be fully revitalized, whether the private economy can play a positive role is a major strategic issue related to the national economy and the people's livelihood. We cannot regard the development of the private economy as the need of economically backward regions and certain industries, as we did at the beginning of reform and opening up. Instead, we should fully recognize the outstanding advantages of the private economy in the mechanism, take advantage of its strong market adaptability and self accumulation ability, and recognize China's large population and lack of per capita resources, Give full play to the advantages of the private economy in absorbing a large number of labor resources, start with the combination of labor and the simplest means of production, carry out primitive accumulation, develop various resources, accelerate the accumulation of capital in the whole society, and improve the overall efficiency of the national economy. From this point of view, we will not completely separate the private economy from the public economy, but draw the conclusion that they promote and transform each other. Whether more than 30 private enterprises have become listed companies in China, especially the rapid development of private high-tech companies represented by Beijing and Shenzhen in the past two years, or more and more large-scale private enterprises have begun to enter the modern enterprise management road of stock economy, We have reason to believe that the private economy will develop into a form of ownership with bright prospects in China. This is the cornerstone for private enterprises to position their own development strategy on the premise that they believe they will make greater achievements in the construction of China's socialist market economy. It is also a correct evaluation of their unshakable position in the development pattern of the national economy.

2、 Bottlenecks Restricting the Development of Private Enterprises and Some Theoretical Misunderstandings

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Thesis on Marine Ecological Economy

1 Opportunities and foundation for Tianjin to develop marine ecological economy

After years of development, we found that only the economy that follows the ecological principle is sustainable, so we need to take effective measures to explore and establish an ecological economic model that conforms to the principle of sustainable development. Marine ecosystem is the platform for the development of marine economy, which is superimposed and coupled with human economic activities to form a marine ecological economic system. Marine ecological economy is a healthy and sustainable marine industrial economy built by tapping the potential of marine resources within the carrying capacity of the marine ecosystem.

1.1 Tianjin has a rare opportunity to develop marine ecological economy

The development of marine ecological economy has national policy support, which is consistent with the development strategy of the Bohai Rim region. On the one hand, the Party and the state attach great importance to the marine economy, creating a rare opportunity for the development of Tianjin's marine ecological economy. The report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly pointed out that we should vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, develop the marine economy, protect the marine ecological environment, and build a marine power. The State Oceanic Administration pointed out that the construction of marine ecological civilization should be put on a more prominent position, adhere to the planning, intensive, ecological, scientific and technological and legal use of the sea, promote the construction of marine ecological civilization demonstration areas, improve the marine ecological carrying capacity, and integrate the construction of marine ecological civilization into the whole process of marine work. On the other hand, the implementation of the coordinated development strategy of Beijing Tianjin Hebei provides necessary conditions for the development of Tianjin's marine ecological economy. With the accelerated implementation of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei integration strategy, the Bohai Rim Economic Circle has risen rapidly. For Tianjin, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the central city around the Bohai Rim, radiate and drive the economic development of surrounding coastal areas, and build a modern maritime silk road with all its efforts. These provide unprecedented opportunities for the development of Tianjin's marine ecological economy.

1.2 Tianjin has a good foundation for the development of marine ecological economy

In recent years, Tianjin has made some achievements on the road of exploring the development of ecological circular economy, laying the foundation for the comprehensive development of marine ecological economy. For example, a national circular economy pilot project, represented by Beijiang Power Plant, was established in Hangu, and a circular economy industrial chain integrating seawater cooling, seawater desalination, concentrated seawater salt production, seawater chemical resource extraction, and waste recycling was created to realize the "five in one" virtuous cycle and truly "eat dry and squeeze clean" seawater. Among them, Phase I and Phase II projects are carried out in the way of spreading and drying salt production and factory vacuum salt production respectively, to comprehensively utilize the concentrated seawater, effectively avoid the ecological damage caused by the direct discharge of concentrated seawater into the sea, and at the same time produce huge economic benefits. For another example, as a national circular economy demonstration area, Tianjin Harbor Economic Zone is planned and constructed in accordance with the principle of combining distance and distance, combining length and length, intensively and economically using shoreline resources, forming an industrial cluster, and paying more attention to ecological construction while developing characteristic industries. At present, a harbor ecological wetland park with ecological restoration and sewage treatment functions has been built, According to statistics, 1.75 × 104t sewage can be ecologically purified every day, and all of it can be used as landscape water, realizing "zero" discharge of sewage.

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