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After decoration, how long did everyone stay?

Release time: 2024-06-27 12:30:11 Number of views: three hundred and eighty-one second

1. Formaldehyde is usually released from sofa, mattress, curtain and other cloth leather soft clothing in 3-6 months (more ventilation).

2. The formaldehyde release of the cabinet board is about 13 years, which belongs to long-term release. Therefore, the formaldehyde exceeding the standard is closed, and the normal ventilation will not exceed the standard. Of course, the board should be above E0, preferably ENF or F 4 star.

Make less tatami. The space is not large. Don't make too many cabinets. It's easy for formaldehyde to exceed the standard.

3. The floor tile or imitation wood grain floor tile shall be selected as far as possible, especially when it is uncertain whether the floor purchased is environmentally friendly! 4. You can choose to check in after professional testing. For long-term formaldehyde release, you can choose activated manganese, activated carbon, and Duotong.

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