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Chapter V Grass roots Organizations of the Communist Youth League

Article 22 Enterprises, rural areas, government organs, schools, hospitals, scientific research institutes, street communities, social organizations, the People's Liberation Army companies, the People's Armed Police Squadrons and other grass-roots units that have more than three League members should establish grass-roots organizations of the League.

The basic level organizations of the League shall, according to the work needs and the number of League members, set up the basic level committees, general branch committees and branch committees of the League respectively with the approval of the committee of the League at a higher level.

A branch shall be established under the basic level committee and the general branch. A general branch may also be established under the basic level committee if necessary. A branch can be divided into several groups.

The branch committee and the general branch committee are elected by the League members' assembly. The term of office of the student branch committees of universities and middle schools is one year, and that of the other three years. Grass roots committees are elected by the League members' assembly or congress, and each term is three to five years, generally consistent with the term of the party committee at the same level.

Article 23 The establishment of the basic level organizations of the Youth League should proceed from reality and may not completely correspond to the Party organization and administrative system. Adapt to the characteristics of subdistrict communities, non-public economic organizations, social organizations and other units and fields, adapt to the characteristics of youth mobility, distribution and aggregation of League members, and flexibly set up League organizations.

Article 24 The grass-roots organizations of the Youth League are the basic units of the work and activities of the Youth League, and should give full play to the core role of uniting and educating young people. Its basic tasks are:

(1) Organize League members and young people to study Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Party's line, principles and policies, the League's constitution and basic knowledge, and science, culture, law and business.

(2) Publicize and implement the instructions and resolutions of the Party and Youth League organizations, participate in democratic management and democratic supervision, give full play to the exemplary role of League members, actively strive for excellence, unite and lead young people to actively participate in reform, opening up and modernization, and make contributions to socialist economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, and ecological civilization construction.

(3) Educate League members and young people to learn from the revolutionary predecessors, inherit the fine traditions of the Party, carry forward socialist morality, carry forward the theme of the Internet, establish new ideas that are compatible with reform, opening up and social development, consciously resist bad tendencies, and resolutely fight against various violations of discipline and law.

(4) Understand and reflect the thoughts and requirements of League members and young people, safeguard their rights and interests, care about their study, work, life and rest, and carry out cultural, recreational and sports activities.

(5) Cultivate and educate young people who want to join the League, do a good job of regular development of League members, collect League dues, and go through the departure procedures for over age League members.

(6) Educate, manage and serve the League members, improve the organizational life of the League, implement the "three meetings, two systems and one lesson" system, carry out criticism and self-criticism, supervise the League members to fulfill their obligations, ensure that the rights of the League members are not violated, commend the advanced, and implement the discipline of the League.

(7) Educate League members on the basic knowledge of the Party and the history of the Party, and recommend outstanding League members as the development targets of the Party; Discover and train outstanding young talents, and recommend them to more important production and work posts.

Article 25 The Youth League branch is the basic organization of the Youth League, which is responsible for directly educating, managing, supervising, organizing, publicizing, cohering and serving the youth.

Article 26 The grass-roots organizations of the League that are active in their work and have made outstanding achievements shall be rewarded by the organizations of the League at higher levels.

The awards are divided into: circulate a notice of commendation, and the Central, Provincial, Municipal, County level Committee and the grass-roots Youth League Committee of the Communist Youth League of China will award the title of the May 4th Red Flag Youth League Organization.