Article 10 The Communist Youth League of China is a unified whole organized in accordance with democratic centralism. The basic principles of the League's democratic centralism are:

(1) Individual League members are subordinate to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, and lower level organizations are subordinate to higher level organizations.

(2) The national leading organ of the Youth League is the National Congress of the Youth League and the Central Committee formed by it. The leading organs of the local leagues at various levels are the congresses of the leagues at the corresponding levels and the committees of the leagues that they form. The leagues' committees at various levels are responsible for and report on their work to the congresses at the corresponding levels.

(3) The leading organs of the regiment at all levels, with the exception of the representative organs dispatched by them, are elected.

(4) The leading organs of the League at all levels shall regularly listen to and seriously deal with the opinions of the lower level organizations and League members; The subordinate organizations of the League should not only ask for instructions and report work to the superior organizations, but also independently and responsibly solve problems within their own responsibility. League organizations at all levels should enable League members to have more understanding and participation in League affairs.

(5) The Youth League committees at all levels adopt a system of combining collective leadership with individual division of labor and responsibility.

Article 11 The League committees at all levels may, according to the needs of their work, establish appropriate working departments. The Youth League committees at or above the county level may dispatch representative offices.

When the Youth League's congresses at all levels are not in session, the Party organizations at the same level and the organizations of the higher level Youth League may, if they deem it necessary, transfer or appoint the head of the Youth League after joint study and agreement.

Article 12 The election of deputies and committees to the delegations' congresses at all levels should reflect the will of the electors. The election is held by secret ballot. The selection of candidates should be widely democratic, and the list of candidates should be fully deliberated and discussed. The election can be conducted directly by the method of differential election, in which the number of candidates is more than the number of candidates to be elected, or by the method of differential election to conduct preliminary election, generate a list of candidates, and then conduct a formal election of equal amount. Electors have the right to know about candidates, request to change candidates, not to choose any candidate or to choose another person. No organization or individual may in any way force voters to elect or not to elect a person.

If the full-time League cadres among the members and alternate members of the Central and local committees at all levels of the League are transferred from their posts, their members or alternate members shall be removed from their posts. The leading cadres of the central and local organizations of the League among the members who are vacant shall be replaced in accordance with the relevant provisions; Vacancies of other members shall be filled by the alternate members according to the number of votes obtained. Removal, replacement and replacement shall be confirmed by the plenary meeting.

Article 13 The committee of the Youth League at or above the county level may, when necessary, convene a meeting of deputies to discuss and decide on major issues to be solved by the congress. The meeting of deputies may adjust and elect some members of the committee. The number of members and alternate members of the adjusted or newly elected committee shall not exceed one-third of the total number of members and alternate members elected by the congress at that level. The number of deputies to the congress and the method for selecting them shall be decided by the committee that convenes the congress.

Article 14 The work related to the whole regiment shall be decided by the Central Committee of the regiment and deployed in a unified way.

Newspapers, periodicals and other propaganda tools of the League organizations at all levels must publicize the Party's line, principles and policies, the resolutions and work tasks of the League organizations at higher levels and at the same level, and reflect the opinions and requirements of the youth.