2021-09-27 09:54:00
Index number: 000014349/2021-00082 Subject classification: Population and Family Planning, Women and Children Work Women and Children
Issued by: the state council Written date: September 8, 2021
title: Circular of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women and the Outline for the Development of Chinese Children
Document No.: GF [2021] No.16 Date of issue: September 27, 2021

Index number:


Subject classification:

Population and Family Planning, Women and Children Work Women and Children

Issued by:

the state council

Written date:

September 8, 2021


Circular of the State Council on Printing and Distributing the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women and the Outline for the Development of Chinese Children

Document No.:

GF [2021] No.16

Date of issue:

September 27, 2021

The State Council's Decision on Printing and Distributing the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women

Notice on the Outline of China's Child Development

GF [2021] No.16

People's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions of the State Council, and institutions directly under the State Council:

The Program for the Development of Chinese Women (2021-2030) and the Program for the Development of Chinese Children (2021-2030) are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please implement them carefully.

the state council

September 8, 2021

(This document is publicly released)

Outline of Chinese Women's Development



The pursuit of gender equality is great. Women are pioneers of human civilization, promoters of social progress, and important forces in building a socialist modern country in an all-round way. Gender equality and women's overall development are important indicators of social civilization and progress. The Party and the state attach great importance to the development of women's cause, and have successively formulated and implemented the three cycle program for the development of Chinese women, which provides an important guarantee for optimizing the environment for women's development and safeguarding women's legitimate rights and interests.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has included "adhering to the basic national policy of gender equality and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of women and children" in the Party's policy program, which is an important part of governing the country. It has constantly improved the coordination, multi sectoral cooperation The women's working mechanism with the participation of the whole society fully takes into account the practical differences between the sexes and women's special interests when introducing laws, formulating policies, preparing plans and deploying work, supports women to fully play the role of "half the sky", and accelerates actions to promote women's comprehensive development. Women's ability to participate in economic and social development and their contribution rate have significantly improved, their social status has significantly improved, their legitimate rights and interests have been effectively protected, their health status has been greatly improved, their education level has continued to improve, their ways of participating in decision-making and management have become more diverse, the level of social security has steadily improved, their important role in family life has been further highlighted, and the development environment has been increasingly optimized. Historic new achievements have been made in the development of women's cause and gender equality.

In the new era, major social contradictions in China have undergone historic changes, women's needs for a better life are increasingly widespread, and the imbalance and inadequacy of women's development are still prominent. There are gaps in women's development between urban and rural areas, regions and groups, and women's livelihood in rural areas, especially in underdeveloped areas, needs to be improved. The guarantee of women's equal rights in employment, personal property, marriage and family is still facing practical difficulties. The level of women's participation in the management of national, economic, cultural and social affairs needs to be comprehensively improved. Various forms of discrimination against women exist to varying degrees, the concept of gender equality needs to be further popularized, and the social environment for women's development needs to be further optimized. It is an arduous task and a long way to go to implement gender equality and promote women to be at the forefront of the times.

At present, China is in the historical intersection period of achieving the "two centenary goals". The overall layout of "Five in One", the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions", and the modernization of the national governance system and governance capacity have been promoted in a coordinated manner, which provides a major opportunity for promoting gender equality and women's all-round development at a higher level. The implementation of the people centered development thought, the adherence to the new development concept, and the systematic concept put forward higher requirements for giving full play to women's unique role in social life and family life, and significantly enhancing women's sense of gain, happiness, and security. The great changes in the world that have not happened in a hundred years have accelerated the evolution, promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, building a world free of discrimination for women, and building an inclusive and developing society, which put forward new requirements for promoting the development of global gender equality. In the process of grasping the new stage of development, implementing the new concept of development, and building a new pattern of development, we must scientifically plan new goals and tasks for women's all-round development, improve systems and mechanisms, and unite and lead women to make contributions to a new era and forge ahead on a new journey.

In accordance with the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests and other relevant laws and regulations, in accordance with the overall goal of the country's economic and social development, gender equality and women's development reality, with reference to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and other international conventions and document purposes, this outline is formulated.

1、 Guiding ideology, basic principles and overall objectives

(1) Guiding ideology.

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee, adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and unswervingly implement the new development concept, Adhere to the people centered development thought, adhere to the path of socialist women's development with Chinese characteristics, implement the basic national policy of gender equality, constantly improve the system and mechanism to promote gender equality and women's all-round development, and promote gender equality to become a common code of conduct and value standard for the whole society, Give full play to women's "half sky" role in building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, ensure women's equal exercise of democratic rights in accordance with the law, equal participation in economic and social development, and equal enjoyment of the fruits of reform and development, and promote women to be at the forefront of the times.

(2) Basic principles.

1. Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party. Adhere to the correct political direction for the development of women's cause, implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on the development of women's cause, and effectively put the leadership of the Party through the whole process and all aspects of women's cause development.

2. Adhere to the coordinated development of women's cause and economic society. The goal and task of promoting women's comprehensive development will be included in the overall national and local economic and social development plans, special plans, and practical projects for people's livelihood, and will be deployed and implemented together, so that the achievements of economic and social development will benefit women more and more equitably.

3. Adhere to the development of gender equality between men and women. We will implement the basic national policy of gender equality, take full account of the practical differences between the sexes and women's special interests when enacting laws, formulating policies, formulating plans, and deploying work, create a more equal, inclusive, and sustainable development environment, and narrow the gender development gap.

4. Insist on promoting women's all-round development. Make overall plans to take into account women's development interests in politics, economy, culture, society and family, effectively solve the key and difficult problems that restrict women's development, make overall plans to promote the balanced development of women between urban and rural areas, regions and groups, and coordinate to promote women's comprehensive development in all fields.

5. Adhere to co construction, co governance and sharing. Give full play to the important role of women in the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions", promote women's active participation in height and quality development, actively participate in the modernization process of national governance system and governance capacity, and share the fruits of economic and social development.

(3) Overall objectives.

The basic national policy of gender equality has been thoroughly implemented, and the institutional mechanisms to promote gender equality and women's all-round development have been innovated and improved. Women have equal access to comprehensive and life-cycle health services, and their health level has continued to improve. Women enjoy equal rights to education, and their quality and ability continue to improve. Women enjoy equal economic rights and interests, and their economic status has steadily improved. Women enjoy equal political rights, and their participation in the management of national, economic, cultural and social affairs has gradually improved. Women have equal access to multi-level and sustainable social security, and their treatment level has steadily improved. The system of laws, regulations and policies to support family development has been improved, and the new style of socialist family civilization has been widely promoted. The concept of gender equality is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the environment for women's development is more optimized. The rule of law system has been improved, and women's legitimate rights and interests have been effectively protected. Women's sense of gain, happiness and security were significantly improved. Looking forward to 2035, in line with the country's basic realization of socialist modernization, gender equality and women's all-round development will make more significant substantive progress. Women will better shoulder the glorious mission entrusted by the new era and work tirelessly to realize the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

2、 Development fields, main objectives and strategic measures

(1) Women and health.

Main objectives:

1. Women enjoy good health services throughout their life cycle, and their average life expectancy has increased.

2. The maternal mortality rate has dropped below 12 per 100000, and the gap between urban and rural areas and between regions has narrowed.

3. Women's awareness of prevention and treatment of cervical cancer and breast cancer has improved significantly. The comprehensive prevention and treatment capacity of cervical cancer and breast cancer has been continuously enhanced. The screening rate of cervical cancer among school-age women has reached more than 70%, and the screening rate of breast cancer has gradually increased.

4. The knowledge of reproductive health and eugenics should be fully popularized to promote healthy pregnancy and reduce unwanted pregnancy.

5. Reduce mother to child transmission of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, and reduce the rate of mother to child transmission of AIDS to less than 2%.

6. Women's mental health literacy level has been continuously improved. The prevalence of anxiety disorder and depression in women has slowed down.

7. Popularize health knowledge and improve women's health literacy.

8. Improve women's nutritional status. Prevent and reduce maternal anemia.

9. Increase the proportion of women who often participate in physical exercise, and increase the proportion of women who pass the physical fitness test standard.

10. Improve the maternal and child health service system, improve the maternal and child health service ability, and constantly improve women's health level.

Strategic measures:

1. Improve the system and mechanism to ensure women's health. We will comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China, place the protection of people's health as a strategic priority for development, adhere to prevention first, thoroughly implement the "Healthy China Action" and "Healthy China Mother Action", and improve the working mechanism for women's health security led by the government, coordinated by departments, social participation, industry supervision, and supported by science and technology. We will deepen the joint reform of medical care, medical insurance, and medicine, make overall plans to reform the regulatory system, and ensure that women have access to high-quality, efficient, and affordable medical and health services. We will support the development of women's health through multiple channels. Improve the public health emergency management system and pay attention to the special needs of women.

2. Strengthen the construction of maternal and child health service system. Improve the maternal and child health service network with maternal and child health care institutions as the core, basic medical and health institutions as the foundation, and large and medium-sized hospitals and teaching and research institutions as the support, and improve the supply capacity and level of maternal and child health services. Provinces, cities and counties should make full use of existing resources, strengthen the construction of standardized maternal and child health care institutions held by the government, comprehensively carry out performance assessment of maternal and child health care institutions, strengthen the application of assessment results, and ensure that women and children enjoy high-quality medical care services. Relying on existing medical institutions, provinces, cities and county-level governments have comprehensively strengthened the construction of treatment centers for critical pregnant and lying in women, and strengthened the treatment guarantee for critical pregnant and lying in women. We will strengthen the construction of maternal and child health service networks at the county, township and village levels, and improve the grassroots network and referral network. We should strengthen the training and use of complex maternal and child health talents and urgently needed talents in obstetrics, midwifery and other posts.

3. Establish and improve women's life cycle health management model. Provide comprehensive health management services for the health needs of women in adolescence, childbearing age, pregnancy, menopause and old age. Adhere to the combination of health care and clinical care, focus on prevention and move forward, give play to the advantages of multidisciplinary cooperation, and actively play the role of Chinese medicine in maternal and child health care and disease prevention. Provide women with comprehensive health services such as publicity and education, consultation and guidance, screening and evaluation, comprehensive intervention and emergency treatment, and improve women's health level and life expectancy per capita. We will strengthen supervision and promote the standardized development of new formats of maternal and child health.

4. Ensure safe delivery of pregnant women. We should promote scientific pregnancy preparation and age appropriate pregnancy, maintain appropriate birth spacing, and reasonably control the cesarean section rate. We will improve the standardized management system for obstetric quality in medical institutions. We will provide basic health care services throughout childbirth, and incorporate maternal health management into the scope of basic public health services. The system management rate of pregnant and lying in women will reach more than 90%. Strengthen the management and service of mobile pregnant and lying in women. To provide necessary assistance for low-income pregnant women in hospital delivery and critical pregnant women treatment. We will continue to promote classified management and services for the elderly, pregnant women and other key groups. We will fully implement the system of screening and assessment of pregnancy risks, special project management of high-risk pregnant women, critical care, and case reports and interviews of maternal deaths. Effectively operate the critical maternal care network to improve the ability of critical care.

5. Improve the comprehensive prevention and treatment system and relief policies for cervical cancer and breast cancer. Women's awareness and ability to prevent and treat cervical and breast cancer will be improved, and the awareness rate of cervical and breast cancer prevention and treatment knowledge will reach more than 90%. We will promote the pilot work of papillomavirus vaccination for women of appropriate age. We will implement the basic public health services for rural women's cervical and breast cancer screening programs, promote 70 percent of women to receive efficient cervical cancer screening at the age of 35-45, urge employers to implement health care provisions for women workers, regularly screen women workers for cervical and breast cancer, and improve the screening rate of the population. We will strengthen the innovative application of screening and diagnostic technologies for cervical and breast cancer, improve screening and service capabilities, and strengthen monitoring and evaluation. Strengthen the connection between screening and follow-up diagnosis and treatment services, promote early diagnosis and treatment, and the treatment rate of cervical cancer patients reaches more than 90%. Strengthen the rescue of patients with difficulties.

6. Improve women's reproductive health. Popularize knowledge on prevention and control of reproductive tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases and other diseases. Scientific and practical health education is carried out in various forms at different stages of school education to promote students to master reproductive health knowledge and improve their self-protection ability. We should strengthen the awareness of sexual morality, sexual health and sexual safety of men and women, and advocate sharing the responsibility of contraception. Integrate reproductive health services into the whole process of women's health management, and ensure that women enjoy the right to informed and independent choice of contraception. We will implement basic contraceptive services, strengthen postpartum and post abortion contraceptive services, improve service accessibility, and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Promote premarital medical examination, prenatal health examination, supplementation of folic acid and other premarital and prenatal health care services to be more equitable and accessible. Reduce induced abortion for non-medical needs. Strengthen the quality assurance of women's health and safety products. To standardize the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. To standardize the application of human assisted reproductive technology.

7. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of mother to child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B. Comprehensive intervention measures to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B were fully implemented, and the detection rate in early pregnancy was increased. The detection rate of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B in pregnant women reached more than 98%, and the treatment rate of HIV and syphilis infected pregnant women reached more than 95%. We will strengthen the prevention and control of AIDS, strengthen the publicity and education of AIDS prevention and control knowledge and related policies, and improve women's awareness and ability to prevent. We will strengthen medical services for women infected, especially those in mobile and underdeveloped areas, and increase follow-up rates. To provide various forms of health consultation, psychological and social support services for pregnant women infected with HIV and their families.

8. Promote women's mental health. Strengthen the publicity of mental health related knowledge, carry out psychological consultation, assessment and guidance according to women's needs, promote women to master basic psychological adjustment methods, and prevent depression, anxiety and other psychological problems. In the construction of mental health and mental health service system, the mental health of women in adolescence, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause and old age should be focused. Strengthen the application of psychological consultation and treatment technology in women's health care and disease prevention. Increase the training of applied mental health and social workers, and promote medical institutions, mental health and social work service institutions to provide standardized services. Encourage the community to provide mental health service support for women in need.

9. Improve women's health literacy. Implement the health knowledge popularization action, increase the popularization of women's health knowledge, establish and improve the health science popularization expert database and resource database, continue to carry out in-depth health science popularization publicity and education, standardize the release of women's health information, guide women to establish scientific health concepts, learn health knowledge, master physical and mental health, disease prevention, scientific medical treatment, rational drug use and other knowledge and skills. Improve women's awareness and ability to participate in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and emergency risk aversion. Publicity and education on controlling the harm of tobacco, rejecting alcohol abuse and keeping away from drugs should be carried out for women. We should guide women to actively participate in patriotic health campaigns and develop a civilized and healthy lifestyle.

10. Improve women's nutrition level. Continue to carry out scientific publicity and education on nutrition and health, carry out nutrition and diet guidance according to local conditions, improve women's awareness of nutrition labels, promote women to learn and master nutrition knowledge, balance diet, eat and move, and prevent and control malnutrition and obesity. Develop nutrition and health promotion information and products for women of different ages, and provide targeted services. We will carry out nutritional monitoring and regular evaluation of pregnant and lying in women to prevent and reduce iron deficiency anemia in pregnant and lying in women. Prevention and control of low weight and anemia in elderly women.

11. Guide women to actively participate in national fitness activities. We will improve the public service system for national fitness. We should guide women to make effective use of the facilities in the national fitness venues, actively participate in national fitness events, and join various fitness organizations. We should encourage government agencies, enterprises and institutions to carry out workplace exercises. Encourage and support trade union organizations and communities to carry out women's fitness activities, constantly improve women's awareness of sports activities and cultivate sports habits.

12. Strengthen scientific and technological support for women's health services. Promote "Internet+Maternal and Child Health", and promote the innovative application of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, computer simulation technology, etc. in the field of women's health. Implement women's health management and health risk early warning. Promote the application of information technology in the construction of specialized medical associations in the field of women's health, strengthen the cooperation among medical institutions, and promote hierarchical diagnosis and treatment and up and down linkage. Promote scientific research and achievements transformation in the field of women's physical and mental health. Give play to the role of the National Clinical Medical Research Center in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.

(2) Women and education.

Main objectives:

1. Strengthen ideological and political education, enhance women's political, ideological and emotional identification with Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and lead women to be builders of great cause, advocates of civilization, and strivers who dare to pursue dreams.

2. The education work fully implements the basic national policy of gender equality.

3. Gender equality education in universities, middle schools and primary schools has been comprehensively promoted, and teachers and students' awareness of gender equality has been significantly enhanced.

4. Girls have equal access to compulsory education, and the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education has risen to more than 96%.

5. Women have equal access to high school education, and the gross enrollment rate in high school education has reached and remained above 92%.

6. Women's level of receiving vocational education has gradually improved.

7. The proportion of men and women among college students remains balanced, and the gender structure of disciplines and majors in higher education is gradually becoming balanced.

8. Vigorously cultivate female scientific and technological talents. The gap between men and women in scientific quality has been narrowing.

9. Promote women to establish lifelong learning awareness, and women's level of lifelong education continues to improve.

10. The illiteracy of young and middle-aged women has been basically eliminated. The average length of schooling of women has been increasing.

Strategic measures:

1. Broadly carry out ideological and political education for women. We will deepen the study and education of Xi Jinping's ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, strengthen education in the history of the Party, the history of the new China, the history of reform and opening up, and the history of socialist development, strengthen education in patriotism, collectivism, and socialism, and promote women to be more firm in their ideals and beliefs, constantly foster patriotism, and integrate their pursuit of personal ideals into the overall cause of the Party and the country, To contribute to the overall construction of a modern socialist country. Deepen the education of national unity and progress, and build a strong sense of the Chinese national community. Give full play to the role of school education as the main front, run the ideological value guidance through the whole process of education, teaching and management and all aspects of campus life, and integrate into various thematic education and practice activities of the school's Party organization, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers. Give full play to the role of patriotism education base and national defense education base in ideological and political education.

2. The implementation of the basic national policy of gender equality will be reflected in the whole process of education. We will strengthen the initiative and initiative of educators to conscientiously implement the basic national policy of gender equality. The basic national policy of gender equality will be implemented in the formulation, revision, implementation and evaluation of educational laws, regulations, policies and plans, as well as in the educational content, teaching process and school management at all levels and in all types. Strengthen the gender equality assessment of textbook compilation, curriculum design and teaching process. The content of gender equality should be included in the curriculum and teaching of teachers' colleges and universities, and in the training of teachers at all levels and in all types.

3. Promote gender equality education in schools at all levels and in all types. Timely issue guidance on gender equality education. Promote the development of gender equality courses in line with local conditions, and strengthen the training of special teachers. Promote the integration of gender equality education into school teaching content, campus culture, community activities and social practice activities. Explore the construction of a gender equality education model combining school education, family education and social education.

4. Guarantee girls' equal rights and opportunities to receive compulsory education. We will deepen education and teaching reform, accelerate the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, allocate educational resources in a balanced manner, and ensure that girls receive fair and high-quality compulsory education on an equal basis. We will improve the long-term mechanism for precisely controlling dropouts, strengthen classified guidance, urge legal guardians to ensure that girls receive compulsory education in accordance with the law, and effectively solve the problem of girls dropout from compulsory education. The right and opportunity to education for girls in underdeveloped areas, left behind girls, children of agricultural migrants and disabled girls should be guaranteed. Support girls with learning difficulties to complete compulsory education and improve the consolidation rate of girls' compulsory education.

5. Increase the proportion of women receiving general high school education. We will ensure that women, especially those from underdeveloped areas and low-income rural families, have equal access to general high school education. Encourage the diversified and distinctive development of ordinary high schools to meet the needs of women's all-round development and personalized development. Specifically carry out discipline selection and career planning guidance, improve women's ability to make independent choices, and eliminate the impact of gender factors on women's academic and career development.

6. Promote women to receive high-quality vocational education. We will improve the modern vocational education system that pays equal attention to academic education and training, optimize the professional settings, provide a variety of learning methods, support women to obtain vocational skill grade certificates, and train women with complex technical skills, skilled craftsmen, and craftsmen from large countries. Vocational colleges are encouraged to carry out employment, entrepreneurship and vocational skills training for key groups such as female college graduates, female migrant workers, and female workers who have lost production capacity.

7. Guarantee women's equal access to higher education. Strictly control the scope of special majors in the enrollment process, strengthen supervision, and establish an interview and punishment mechanism. To maintain a balance between men and women among college students. Take incentive measures to increase the proportion of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and other disciplines, support the construction of basic discipline bases and cutting-edge science centers such as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology, and strengthen the training of top girls in basic disciplines.

8. Vigorously improve women's scientific quality. We will carry out nationwide scientific literacy action, and use modern information technology to increase the education, dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge for women. We will carry out activities for women scientists to enter the campus, and give play to the exemplary role of outstanding women scientists in science and technology. Guide girls in primary and secondary schools to participate in various science popularization activities and science and technology competitions, and cultivate scientific interest, innovative spirit and practical ability. Encourage female college students to actively participate in project design, social practice, innovation and entrepreneurship, science and technology competitions and other activities. We will thoroughly implement the plan to improve the quality of rural women and support their participation in the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.

9. Vigorously strengthen the training of female scientific and technological talents. Explore the establishment of a multi-level training system for female scientific and technological talents, and cultivate female scientific and technological talents with international competitiveness. Attention should be paid to the cultivation of girls' interest and ambition in loving and learning science during the compulsory education period. Guide girls in senior high school to develop scientific interest and research spirit, and support willing girls to apply for science and engineering colleges. We will strengthen the training of women's innovative and application-oriented talents, encourage female college students to participate in scientific research projects, and cultivate scientific spirit and innovative ability in practice. Guide women to engage in science and technology related work, and increase opportunities for female scientific and technological talents to participate in continuing education and professional training.

10. Provide support for women's lifelong learning. Establish and improve a more open and flexible lifelong learning system, improve the system of registered learning, flexible learning and continuing education, broaden the channels of academic education, meet women's diverse learning needs, and pay attention to the development needs of career women who have interrupted their studies due to childbirth. Establish and improve the national credit bank and learning achievement recognition system. Expand the supply of educational resources, provide convenient community and online education for women, and provide targeted vocational skills training for migrant women, female new citizens, unemployed women, etc.

11. Continue to consolidate the literacy achievements of young and middle-aged women and increase the promotion of Putonghua. We will improve the mechanism for literacy work, strengthen education in the national common language, eliminate girls' dropout from school, and put an end to new illiteracy among young women. Putonghua training and various vocational training are inclined to women in underdeveloped areas and disabled women and other groups. We will deepen post literacy continuing education. We will increase women's average length of schooling.

12. Strengthen the research and talent cultivation of women's studies. Strengthen the construction of women's colleges and universities, and promote qualified colleges and universities to offer courses related to women's studies and gender equality. Cultivate professionals with interdisciplinary knowledge base and gender equality awareness. We will increase support for women's theoretical research, strengthen interdisciplinary research, and increase the proportion of women's or gender related topics in major research projects such as the National Social Science Fund.

13. Build an equal, respectful, safe and friendly campus environment. Promote the establishment of mutually respectful, equal and harmonious relations between teachers and students and classmates, encourage schools to set up life education, mental health education and courses related to prevention of sexual assault and harassment, and improve students' self-protection awareness and ability. Primary and secondary schools have established and improved the working mechanism to prevent sexual assault on minors, and colleges and universities have established and improved the working mechanism to prevent sexual assault and harassment, and strengthened daily management, prevention and troubleshooting, complaint acceptance and investigation and disposal. Strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and conduct, fulfill the statutory obligation of inquiry, and dispose of unqualified teachers and staff.

(3) Women and the economy.

Main objectives:

1. Encourage and support women to contribute to high-quality economic development, and ensure women's equal rights and opportunities to participate in economic development.

2. Promote equal employment and eliminate gender discrimination in employment. The proportion of women in employment remained at about 45%. Promote full employment of female college students.

3. Optimize women's employment structure. The proportion of female employees in urban units reached about 40%.

4. Promote the development of female talents. The proportion of women among senior professional and technical personnel should reach 40%, and women workers should be promoted to improve their professional skills.

5. Ensure that women receive fair labor remuneration and the income gap between men and women is significantly reduced.

6. Ensure the labor safety and health of female workers. The incidence of occupational diseases among female workers decreased significantly.

7. Ensure that rural women enjoy the right to land contractual management, the right to use homestead and other rights and interests equally, as well as the right to income distribution of rural collective economic organizations, land expropriation or resettlement compensation.

8. Consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, and enhance the sustainable development capacity of low-income rural women.

9. The role of women in the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy is fully played.

Strategic measures:

1. Improve laws, regulations and policies that guarantee women's equal access to economic resources, participation in economic construction and enjoyment of the fruits of economic development. Formulate and implement policies and measures to support female scientific and technological talents to play a greater role in innovation and development. Innovate systems and mechanisms to protect women's rights and interests in employment and entrepreneurship, career development, labor remuneration, occupational health and safety, occupational withdrawal, land and other aspects, protect the labor rights and interests of employees in new businesses, and create favorable conditions for women to fully participate in high-quality economic development.

2. Strengthen efforts to eliminate gender discrimination in employment. Fully implement laws, regulations and policies to eliminate gender discrimination in employment, and create a gender equal employment mechanism and market environment. Conduct joint interviews with employers suspected of gender discrimination in recruitment and employment, and punish them according to law. Urge employers to strengthen self-examination and self correction of gender discrimination in employment. Give play to the role of legal supervision of labor security, put forward corrective suggestions to employers suspected of gender discrimination in employment, or put forward handling suggestions to relevant administrative departments. Accept the lawsuit involving gender discrimination in employment according to law. Give play to the coordination and supervision role of industry associations and chambers of commerce, and improve the self-discipline awareness of the industry. Party and government organs, state-owned enterprises and institutions play an exemplary and leading role in the recruitment (employment), promotion and promotion of employees, evaluation of professional and technical titles, etc.

3. Promote women's employment and entrepreneurship. We will improve the public employment service system, deepen special activities for employment services, and promote the docking of people and posts for women's employment. Give full play to the function of modern service industry and new business forms to absorb women's employment, and support women to participate in skills training for employees in new business forms and new models. We will increase assistance and help women with employment difficulties find employment through multiple channels. Support the development of traditional ethnic handicrafts industry, improve the degree of organization, and promote the local employment of women of all ethnic groups. We will support female scientific and technological talents to engage in scientific and technological entrepreneurship, develop rural e-commerce, encourage migrant women to return home and start businesses, and support willing women to go to the countryside to start businesses. Innovate financial and insurance products and service models, and expand financing channels for women's entrepreneurship.

4. Promote female college students' employment and entrepreneurship. We will strengthen career planning guidance services, guide female college students to establish a correct concept of career selection and employment, and improve their employability. We will improve and implement employment and entrepreneurship support policies, provide continuous employment services by colleges and local governments, and expand the market-oriented and socialized employment channels for female college students. Female college students are encouraged to work at the grass-roots level, in small and medium-sized enterprises or in the new economy. Promote the entrepreneurship tutorial system for female college students, carry out the innovation and entrepreneurship contest for female college students, and support female college students' entrepreneurship. Provide employment assistance to unemployed female graduates who are willing to work.

5. Improve the employment structure of women. We will improve the lifelong vocational skills training system, improve women's vocational skills, and vigorously cultivate knowledge-based, skilled, and innovative female workers. We will continue to increase the proportion of women in high-tech industries, strategic emerging industries and modern service industries. Gradually eliminate occupational gender segregation and increase the proportion of women in urban employment. We will expand the scale of rural women's transfer of employment and narrow the gap between men and women in transfer of employment.

6. Strengthen the construction of female professional, technical and skilled talents. Formulate relevant policies, strengthen institutional guarantee, support female scientific and technological talents to undertake scientific and technological projects, participate in scientific and technological decision-making consultation, expand scientific research academic network, enhance international influence and activity, improve the evaluation and incentive mechanism for female scientific and technological talents, and cultivate high-level female scientific and technological talents. We will implement the Women in Science and Technology Innovation Initiative, build a platform, provide services, and encourage women science and technology talents and technical talents to innovate based on their posts. We will strengthen the training of women's professional and skilled personnel in professional knowledge, scientific research management, innovation and entrepreneurship. Strengthen the publicity of models and play a leading role by example.

7. Narrow the income gap between men and women. We will fully implement equal pay for equal work for men and women and ensure equal income. Promote women's mastery and application of knowledge, technology, management, data and other production factors, and improve women's professional competitiveness. Urge the employing units to formulate and implement the human resources system of equality between men and women, and unblock women's career development and promotion channels. We will explore and carry out salary surveys, strengthen gender specific statistics on income, and dynamically master the income status of both sexes.

8. Improve the labor safety of female workers. We will extensively carry out publicity and education on labor safety and health, strengthen the publicity and implementation of the Special Provisions on Labor Protection for Women Workers, and improve the awareness of employers and women workers on labor protection and production safety. The labor protection of female employees will be included in the supervision and management of occupational health and production safety, and the labor security supervision, labor safety and occupational health supervision of employers will be strengthened. Urge employers to strengthen special protection for female workers during menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, and implement lactation time and maternity leave system. Urge employers to strengthen occupational protection and occupational health supervision and protection, and ensure that female workers are free from toxic and harmful substances and dangerous production processes in their work.

9. Protect the labor rights and interests of female employees. Urge employers to standardize employment behavior, sign labor contracts with female employees according to law, and promote the signing of special collective contracts for the protection of the rights and interests of female employees. We will strengthen legal supervision over labor and social security. Guide employers to establish a working mechanism to prevent and stop sexual harassment, and improve relevant law enforcement measures. We will strengthen credit building in the field of labor and employment, and intensify the punishment of dishonesty for violations of the labor rights and interests of women workers. We will promote qualified labor and personnel dispute arbitration institutions to set up arbitration tribunals for safeguarding the rights of women workers, and handle labor dispute cases of women workers in accordance with the law.

10. Create favorable conditions for women's career development after childbirth. It is prohibited for employers to reduce wages, maliciously transfer posts, dismiss, and terminate labor (employment) contracts due to pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding of female employees, promote the implementation of wages during maternity incentive holidays, and regularly carry out special supervision on the protection of maternity rights and interests of female employees. Provide training and other support for women returning to their posts or re employment after childbirth. Employing units such as universities and research institutions explore the establishment of a post childbirth scientific research return fund for female scientific researchers. Promote employers to establish facilities such as women's nursing room and maternity lounge according to the needs of women workers. Support qualified employers to provide welfare childcare and trusteeship services for employees.

11. Ensure that rural women enjoy equal economic rights and interests. In the work of rural land contracting, the rights and interests of rural women should be protected according to law. The rights and interests of rural women should be guaranteed in the confirmation, registration and certification of the right to use homestead. We will establish and improve the management system for rural collective assets, standardize the methods for determining the identity of members of rural collective economic organizations, improve the internal distribution mechanism of asset returns of rural collective economic organizations, including land acquisition, compensation and resettlement, and ensure that women's equity in rural collective economic organizations' assets is quantified, rights and interests are transferred and inherited, As members of rural collective economic organizations and family members, they have equal rights to know, participate in decision-making and benefit. We will ensure the economic rights and interests of women farmers who settle in cities. Smooth the channels for safeguarding the rights of rural women whose economic rights and interests have been violated.

12. Support women out of poverty to increase their income steadily. We will establish a mechanism to help low-income people in rural areas and underdeveloped areas. We will improve the monitoring and assistance mechanisms for preventing poverty return. Support the development of handicraft weaving, rural e-commerce and other characteristic industrial projects suitable for the independent development of low-income women in urban and rural areas. Support rural women to find jobs locally and nearby, and achieve income increase and prosperity through the cultivation of wealth leaders, assistance in workshop construction, and work relief.

13. Support women's active participation in rural revitalization. We will give full play to women's role in the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas and in the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. Vigorously carry out the construction of modern agricultural demonstration bases, and thoroughly implement the "Women's Action" of rural revitalization. We will give full play to the role of rural entrepreneurship and innovation parks (bases) and other platforms, and encourage and support women to establish new agricultural business entities and agricultural socialized service organizations. We will strengthen the cultivation of high-quality women farmers, and guide them to become rural craftsmen, cultural experts, handicraftsmen, leaders of agricultural technology associations, and new agricultural management experts.

(4) Women's participation in decision-making and management.

Main objectives:

1. Ensure women's participation in socialist democratic political construction and social governance, and improve their participation level.

2. Women members of the Communist Party of China should maintain a reasonable proportion. In general, the proportion of female party members in the CPC party congress at all levels is not lower than the proportion of women in the total number of party members in the region.

3. The proportion of women among deputies to people's congresses at all levels and members of standing committees has gradually increased. The proportion of women among CPPCC members and standing members at all levels has gradually increased.

4. The proportion of female cadres in the leading bodies of local governments at or above the county level has gradually increased, and the proportion of female cadres holding the leading positions in the leading bodies of local governments at the same level has gradually increased.

5. The proportion of female cadres in the leading bodies of state organs, ministries and commissions and local government departments at or above the county level has gradually increased, and the proportion of female cadres in the leading bodies at the same level has gradually increased.

6. The proportion of women in the leading groups of public institutions at all levels and in all types has gradually increased.

7. The proportion of women in the board of directors, board of supervisors and management of enterprises has gradually increased. The proportion of women in the staff and workers' congress of enterprises and institutions should be consistent with that of women workers.

8. The proportion of women among village party organization members and village party organization secretaries has gradually increased. The proportion of women in the members of the village committee has reached more than 30%, and the proportion of women in the directors of the village committee has gradually increased.

9. The proportion of women among community party organization members and community party organization secretaries has gradually increased. The proportion of women among the members of community neighborhood committees remains around 50%, and the proportion of women among the directors of community neighborhood committees reaches more than 40%.

10. Encourage and support women to participate in social organizations and serve as heads of social organizations.

Strategic measures:

1. Strengthen support for women's participation in decision-making and management. Give full play to the important role of women's participation in the management of national and social affairs, remove the obstacles that restrict women's participation in decision-making and management, and promote women's participation in decision-making and management to adapt to the role of women's status. We will strengthen training, raise the awareness of leading cadres at all levels to implement the basic national policy of gender equality, put the promotion of women's participation in politics on the important agenda, and put forward goals and measures. We will take effective measures to increase the proportion of women in Party committees, people's congresses, governments, CPPCC committees, party and government departments at all levels, as well as enterprises and institutions, grass-roots mass autonomous organizations and social organizations.

2. Improve women's awareness and ability to participate in social affairs and democratic management. We will train women leaders in their political quality and leadership. Colleges and universities are encouraged to offer leadership related courses to cultivate young women's political literacy and awareness of participating in decision-making and management. We will strengthen training for key women at the grass-roots level, improve women's awareness and ability to participate in autonomy, rule of law, and rule of virtue, encourage women to actively participate in village (residents) councils, councils, and other autonomous organizations, promote the full coverage and effective operation of urban and rural community women's councils, and give play to women's positive role in urban and rural grass-roots governance. We will explore ways to create an online discussion platform for women and guide them to actively and orderly participate in grass-roots democratic management and consultation.

3. Attach importance to the development of women members of the Communist Party of China. Deeply carry out ideological and political work for women, expand the women's mass base of the Party, cultivate feelings for the Party, deepen understanding of the Party, guide and support the Party's propositions, and stimulate women's political will to join the Party. We will strengthen the training and education of activists who join the Party. Pay attention to recruiting Party members from young women in all walks of life. In the process of preparing candidates for Party representatives, we should pay full attention to outstanding women who are politically competent, have a good style of work, dare to take responsibility and have outstanding achievements, and ensure that a reasonable proportion of women Party members' representatives are kept in the Party congress.

4. Increase the proportion of women deputies to the National People's Congress and CPPCC members. We will implement the rules and procedures for the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, and ensure that women enjoy equal rights and opportunities in constituency division, quota allocation, candidate recommendation, and election. Attention should be paid to recommending women candidates for deputies to the National People's Congress from the grass-roots level and the production line. There should be an appropriate number of women deputies among the candidates, and the proportion of women deputies should be gradually increased. When nominating, recommending and negotiating the list of CPPCC members, a certain proportion of women should be nominated. Give full play to the positive role of women deputies to the National People's Congress and women members of the CPPCC in the development of socialist democracy and the cause of equality between men and women.

5. Strengthen the training and selection of female cadres. Cultivate high-quality professional women cadres who are loyal, clean and responsible, and promote women cadres to constantly enhance their learning skills, political leadership skills, reform and innovation skills, scientific development skills, legal governance skills, mass work skills, and ability to implement and manage risks. Optimize the growth path of female cadres, pay attention to daily training and strategic training, and create conditions and opportunities for female cadres to participate in education and training, exchange positions, and take temporary jobs. Pay attention to the training and selection of female cadres from the grass-roots level and the production line, and pay attention to the selection of female cadres to important departments and key positions. Pay attention to maintaining a reasonable proportion of female cadres in the ranks of outstanding young cadres. Implement the goal and task of selecting and equipping female cadres, and achieve the goal of "matching as much as possible" on the premise of ensuring quality. We will ensure that women are not discriminated against on the basis of gender in the recruitment, selection, appointment (employment), promotion and retirement of cadres.

6. Promote women's active participation in decision-making and management of public institutions. Cultivate and select excellent female professional technicians to enter the decision-making management. Pay attention to improving the proportion of women in decision-making management in industries where women are concentrated, such as health, education and culture, encourage women to actively participate in the construction of their own party and mass organizations, and promote the proportion of female staff representatives in the staff congress of public institutions to match the proportion of female staff in public institutions. In the process of deepening the reform of public institutions, women should be guaranteed equal rights and opportunities in post promotion, staff promotion, professional title evaluation and employment, etc.

7. Promote women's wide participation in enterprise decision-making and management. We will incorporate the selection and deployment of women cadres into the plans for building the leadership and cadre ranks of state-owned enterprises, and increase efforts to train, select and use them. In the process of deepening the reform of enterprise personnel system, we will promote outstanding women to enter the board of directors, board of supervisors and management of enterprises by means of organizational recommendation, open recruitment, democratic recommendation, etc. We will improve the democratic management system of enterprises, promote that the proportion of female staff representatives in enterprise staff and workers' congresses is compatible with that of enterprise women staff and workers, and support women staff and workers to participate in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision of enterprises through staff and workers' congresses and other forms. The enterprise formulates relevant rules and regulations, and listens to the opinions of the women workers committee of the trade union on matters involving the rights and interests of women workers, which shall be reviewed and approved by the workers' congress according to law.

8. Promote women's orderly participation in urban and rural grass-roots social governance. Focus on training and selecting village (community) cadres from such groups as women become rich experts, business workers, rural women teachers, women doctors, women social workers, female university village officials, female retired cadres and workers. In the work of changing the "two committees" of the village (community), through the nomination of female candidates, the full-time election of female members, the vacancy of female members and other measures, the proportion of women among the members of the village (neighborhood) committee and the directors of the village (neighborhood) committee will be increased. Organize women to actively participate in the formulation and revision of village regulations and conventions, and carry out consultation and deliberation activities. Promote women from new social strata, social workers and volunteers to actively participate in social governance.

9. Support and guide women to participate in social organizations. Optimize the institutional environment for the development of social organizations, strengthen the cultivation of social organizations with women as the main members or with women as the main practitioners, strengthen support and guidance services, promote their healthy and orderly development and actively participate in social organization consultations. Encourage and support more women to become members or employees of social organizations, strengthen the training of female professionals and management talents in social organizations, and focus on finding and training female leaders in social organizations.

10. Give play to the role of women's federations in promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capacity. We will support women's federations in fulfilling their responsibilities to represent women in the management of national affairs, economic and cultural undertakings and social affairs, strengthen their participation in democratic decision-making, democratic management and democratic supervision, participate in the formulation of relevant laws, regulations, rules and policies, and participate in the institutional guarantee of social governance and public services. In formulating laws, regulations and policies to promote equality between men and women and protect women's legitimate rights and interests, as well as in training and selecting women cadres, we should fully listen to the opinions and suggestions of women's federations.

(5) Women and social security.

Main objectives:

1. Women enjoy equal rights and interests in social security, and the level of security is constantly improving.

2. Improve the maternity security system. Increase the participation rate of maternity insurance.

3. Improve the medical security system. The participation rate of women in basic medical insurance has remained stable at over 95%, and their treatment is fair and appropriate.

4. Improve the pension insurance system. The participation rate of women's basic old-age insurance has increased to 95%, and the treatment level has steadily improved.

5. Improve the unemployment insurance and industrial injury insurance systems. We will increase the number of women participating in unemployment insurance and work-related injury insurance, and ensure their benefits.

6. Improve the hierarchical and classified social assistance system. The lives of women in need are basically guaranteed.

7. The level of women's welfare benefits continued to improve, with emphasis on elderly women, disabled women and other groups.

8. Establish and improve multi-level pension services and long-term care security system. We will ensure that elderly women enjoy equal access to basic elderly care services, and the level of care services for disabled women will continue to improve.

9. Strengthen care services for women, focusing on providing assistance to women in need.

Strategic measures:

1. Improve the social security system that benefits women. In the process of formulating and revising relevant laws and regulations on social assistance and social insurance, as well as improving the social security system covering the whole people, we should pay attention to and protect women's special interests and needs. We will continue to promote the expansion of social insurance coverage, support women with flexible employment to participate in the corresponding social insurance, achieve full coverage and narrow the gender gap in social security. We will establish a national social insurance registration database for all, and strengthen gender based statistics, dynamic monitoring and management of information on social security.

2. Improve the maternity security system covering urban and rural women. We will consolidate and increase the coverage rate of maternity insurance, and improve the policy of maternity insurance, maternity medical expense payment, and maternity allowance. We should properly solve the problem of maternity security for women during their employment and receiving unemployment benefits. We will improve the effectiveness of combining maternity insurance and basic medical insurance for workers. We will strengthen medical expenses for childbearing among urban and rural residents.

3. Constantly improve women's medical security. We will encourage women workers and urban and rural women residents to continue to participate in basic medical insurance to meet women's basic medical security needs. We will give full play to the comprehensive role of the triple system of basic medical insurance, serious disease insurance, and medical assistance, promote the complementarity and convergence of multi-level medical security, and do a good job of medical assistance for low-income women who meet the conditions. We will promote the establishment of mutual medical assistance for women workers, and give full play to the role of commercial insurance in protecting major diseases such as cervical cancer and breast cancer.

4. Promote women to enjoy sustainable multi-level pension insurance. We will establish and improve the national overall planning system for basic old-age insurance. Urge employers to pay basic endowment insurance premiums in full and on time for all employees, including female employees, in accordance with the law, continue to increase the number of women participating in basic endowment insurance, and promote women's fair enjoyment of basic endowment insurance rights and interests in accordance with the law. Qualified employers are encouraged to establish enterprise annuities for all employees, including female employees, to enrich commercial endowment insurance products and improve the level of women's endowment insurance.

5. Protect women's unemployment insurance rights and interests. Urge employers to apply for unemployment insurance for female workers in accordance with the law, and increase the participation rate of female workers, especially female migrant workers. We will ensure that eligible unemployed women workers enjoy unemployment insurance benefits on time. We will strengthen the function of unemployment insurance to promote employment and prevent unemployment, and support women workers in stable employment. Timely formulate unemployment security policies for special periods to provide unemployment security for workers, including women workers.

6. Expand the coverage of women's work-related injury insurance. We will strengthen the functions of industrial injury insurance to prevent work-related injuries, ensure life, and promote rehabilitation, promote the pilot project of occupational injury insurance for people in new forms of employment, and include women in new forms of employment in the insurance coverage. Urge employers, especially those in high-risk industries, to apply for work-related injury insurance for female employees in accordance with the law, and ensure the implementation of work-related injury insurance benefits.

7. Strengthen the social assistance for women with financial difficulties. We will promote the implementation of laws, strengthen policy convergence, improve the basic living assistance system and special assistance systems such as medical assistance, education assistance, housing assistance, employment assistance, and disaster relief, improve temporary assistance policies and measures, strengthen the function of social assistance in emergencies, actively develop service-oriented social assistance, and promote the government to purchase social assistance services, Ensure that qualified women should be saved as much as possible. Encourage and support charity organizations to provide relief and assistance to women in need according to laws and regulations. We will promote the establishment of a unified relief information platform, strengthen gender based statistics of social assistance, and accurately identify the recipients of assistance.

8. Better meet the social welfare needs of women groups. We will improve the subsidy system for the elderly who are economically disadvantaged and disabled, implement various subsidies, and gradually improve the welfare level of elderly women. We will improve the subsidy system for disabled people, dynamically adjust and reasonably determine the standard of living subsidies for disabled people in difficulty and nursing subsidies for severely disabled people, and expand the supply of public services that meet the special needs of disabled women.

9. Ensure that women enjoy basic elderly care services. We will accelerate the construction of an elderly care service system that is coordinated by home based community institutions and combines medical care with health care, and vigorously develop inclusive elderly care services. We will improve the community home-based elderly care service network, promote the aging adaptation of public facilities, and promote the extension of professional institutional services to communities and families. We will improve the service capacity and level of public pension institutions, improve the management mechanism of public and private institutions, appropriately expand the service target in combination with the service capacity, and focus on providing care services for the elderly in economically difficult disability, dementia, and family planning families. Promote the elderly care institutions to provide diversified, convenient and personalized services, and improve the service level of elderly women's life care, emergency rescue, spiritual comfort, etc. Support social forces to expand the supply of inclusive elderly care services, and support mutual aid elderly care between neighbors. Strengthen the training of nursing talents for the elderly, and build a high-quality and professional elderly care service team.

10. Explore the establishment of a multi-level long-term care security system. We will steadily establish a long-term care insurance system, include qualified disabled women into the coverage as required, and properly solve their care security problems. Strengthen the organic connection between the long-term care insurance system and the long-term care service system. Explore the establishment of a long-term care security system linked with relevant insurance, welfare and assistance, expand the supply of nursing beds in elderly care institutions, and improve the quality of nursing services. Provide care training, psychological counseling and other support for family caregivers.

11. Improve the level of care services for women. We will carry out caring activities for women left behind in rural areas. Conduct thorough investigation on rural left behind women, and establish and improve the information account at the county level. Actively build a platform and provide services for the entrepreneurial development of rural left behind women. Support left behind women in rural areas to participate in rural revitalization and family civilization construction, and play an active role in rural governance, neighborhood mutual assistance, and care services for left behind elderly and children. We will improve the visiting care system for the disabled elderly left behind in special difficulties, continue to expand care services for women groups, support the participation of social forces, and focus on providing care services such as rights protection, life assistance, and spiritual comfort for women groups with living difficulties, disabilities, and serious diseases.

(6) Women and family building.

Main objectives:

1. Establish a new era family outlook, promote the new trend of socialist family civilization, which is patriotic and family loving, loving each other, being good, and building and sharing together, and promote the core socialist values to take root in the family.

2. Establish and improve the family policy system to promote gender equality and women's all-round development, enhance family functions and enhance family development ability.

3. Expand public services that support the comprehensive development of families and women.

4. Pay attention to the important role of family tutoring in grass-roots social governance.

5. Give full play to women's unique role in family life, carry forward the family virtues of the Chinese nation, establish a good family style, and support women to become builders and advocates of happy and healthy families.

6. Advocate the construction of equal, harmonious and civilized marriage and family relations between men and women, and reduce the negative impact of marriage and family disputes on women's development.

7. Advocate and support men and women to share housework and narrow the time gap between men and women in housework.

8. Support families to assume the responsibility of supporting the elderly, and constantly improve the quality of family life of elderly women.

9. Promote couples to jointly assume the responsibility of raising, educating and protecting minor children, and create a good family environment for the physical and mental development of minor children.

Strategic measures:

1. Promote family members to practice core socialist values. We should strengthen education and guidance, publicity, cultural influence, and practice, promote family virtues such as respecting the old and loving the young, gender equality, husband and wife harmony, thrifty housekeeping, and neighborhood unity, promote the excellent traditional family style of the Chinese nation, the revolutionary predecessors' red family style, and the modern family style of practicing socialist core values, and create an equal, civilized, harmonious, and stable family environment, Realize the family pursuit of joint construction and sharing, and guide women and family members to consciously integrate the family dream into the Chinese dream.

2. Formulate and issue family policies that promote gender equality and women's all-round development. We will improve laws, regulations and policies related to population and fertility, and promote the integration of fertility policies and economic and social policies. Research and promote the inclusion of care service fees for infants and young children under the age of 3 into the special additional deduction of individual income tax, housing and other support policies, so as to reduce the burden of family childbearing, rearing and education. We will improve policies on child rearing, youth development, elderly support, and care for the sick and disabled, form a family policy system that supports the improvement of the basic functions of the family, promotes gender equality and women's all-round development, and enhance family development capabilities. We will improve the maternity leave system and explore ways to implement parental leave. Establish a policy evaluation mechanism to promote family development.

3. Vigorously develop family public services. We will develop an inclusive childcare service system, comprehensively use land, housing, finance, finance, talent and other support policies, and expand the supply of childcare services. We will accelerate the improvement of service standards for elderly care and housekeeping, promote inclusive access to marriage and family counseling services and family education guidance services, and improve the level of family oriented public services. Guide social forces to carry out family services by means of government purchase of services to meet the growing personalized and diversified needs of families. Focus on providing support for families with economic difficulties, housing difficulties, temporary difficulties and disabled families, increase support and security for special family planning families, and strengthen support and security for retired military families. Comprehensive service facilities in urban communities have been fully covered. Strengthen the construction of community childcare service facilities, and improve the service network of community elderly care and childcare, housekeeping and property management. Develop digital home.

4. Promote family tutoring and family style to play an important role in grass-roots social governance. We will build a family building work pattern under the leadership of the Party Committee, the leadership of the government, departmental cooperation, family responsibility and social participation. Building a good family, implementing good family education and promoting good family style will be included in the grass-roots social governance system and the evaluation and assessment of grass-roots social governance. Encourage family members to fulfill their family and social responsibilities. We will enhance the positive interaction between government governance, social regulation, and residents' autonomy, and support the good ethos of the whole society with the good family ethos of millions of families.

5. Encourage and support women to play a unique role in family life. We will deepen the implementation of the "Family Happiness and Health Project", encourage women to lead family members to actively participate in mass cultural and ethical construction activities such as civilized families, five good families, and the most beautiful families, participate in the creation of green families, improve health literacy, practice a green, low-carbon, circular, and sustainable lifestyle, develop a good habit of thrift, and eliminate waste. We will promote the building of safe and smoke-free families.

6. Promote the healthy development of marriage and family relations. Publicity of relevant laws, regulations and policies is carried out for families to promote the implementation of the concept of equality between men and women in the construction of marriage and family relations, advocate equal participation of couples in family affairs decision-making, and oppose all forms of domestic violence. Carry out love, marriage and family concept education, build a platform for young men and women of the right age to make friends in marriage and establish families, and promote "one-stop" services such as marriage registration, marriage and childbearing health publicity and education, marriage and family relationship counseling. Propaganda on fertility policy was widely carried out. Promote the transformation of customs, ensure the freedom of marriage of women of all ethnic groups, resist early marriage, early childbearing, high bride price and other phenomena, select and publicize new models of marriage, guide the change of preference for men, and build a new marriage and childbearing culture. We will strengthen the standardized management of radio, television, Internet and other marriage activities and services.

7. Strengthen the prevention and resolution of marriage and family disputes. We will improve the working mechanism for prevention and resolution of marriage and family disputes, give full play to the role of comprehensive management center and grid service management, strengthen cohesion and linkage, strengthen the prediction, prevention and early warning of marriage and family disputes, and improve the dispute investigation and mediation system. Promote the establishment and improvement of people's mediation committees for marriage and family disputes in counties (cities, districts and banners), build a team of people's mediators, build an "Internet+" dispute prevention and resolution platform, support the participation of social forces, and provide diversified and convenient services. We will promote the reform of the family trial system, strengthen the construction of the litigation mediation docking platform, and build a new model of comprehensive and coordinated settlement of family disputes.

8. Promote the equal sharing of housework between men and women. It is advocated that the husband and wife should cooperate in the division of labor in the household work, and jointly assume the family responsibilities of caring for the elderly accompanying their children, educating their children, and housekeeping, so as to narrow the time gap between men and women in household work. Promote the socialization of care, cleaning, cooking and other domestic work, continue to promote the quality, expansion and efficiency of the domestic service industry, develop infant care services and long-term care services for the disabled and dementia elderly, enhance family care capabilities, and develop household labor facilitation products. Urge employers to implement home leave, paid leave for employees, spouse paternity leave and other systems, encourage employers to implement flexible leave and flexible work system, create a child-bearing friendly working environment, and support male and female employees to jointly fulfill family responsibilities.

9. Improve the quality of family life of elderly women. Advocate the family virtues of providing for the elderly, filial piety and respect for the elderly, and support families to fulfill the main responsibility of supporting the elderly. Encourage children to live with the elderly or live nearby, and provide "respite service" for family members who care for the elderly for a long time. Urge the employing units to ensure the right of home leave of the maintenance obligors, and promote the establishment of a child care leave system. Establish and improve the care service mechanism for the elderly in the community. Develop the silver economy, promote intelligent and healthy elderly care, and meet the needs of elderly women. The freedom of marriage and family property rights of elderly women are guaranteed in accordance with the law.

10. Enhance the awareness and ability of parents to share the responsibility of family education. Promote family education legislation and implementation, promote parents to jointly implement the main responsibility of family education, and create a family environment conducive to the healthy growth and development of minor children. Carry out publicity and training to help parents establish the concept of scientific family education, abandon the concept of "valuing wisdom over morality", master scientific knowledge and methods, pay attention to teaching by words and deeds, pay attention to the physical and mental health of minor children, and improve the ability of family scientific parenting. Encourage parents to strengthen parent-child communication and accompany minor children together.

(7) Women and the environment.

Main objectives:

1. Improve women's ideological and political awareness, and guide women to actively practice socialist core values.

2. Improve the awareness of gender equality in the whole society, and promote the publicity and education of the basic national policy of gender equality in government agencies, schools, enterprises, urban and rural communities, and families.

3. Improve the gender equality assessment and supervision mechanism in the field of culture and media.

4. Comprehensively improve women's media literacy, and improve women's ability to use information technology to participate in high-quality economic and social development in the new era.

5. Improve women's awareness of ecological civilization, promote women to practice the concept of green development, and become promoters and practitioners of ecological civilization construction.

6. Reduce the harm of environmental pollution to women's health. The rural tap water penetration rate reached 90%, and the quality of urban centralized drinking water source was improved.

7. Steadily improve the popularization rate of rural sanitary toilets, and the standardized construction of the proportion of male and female toilet seats in urban public toilets should meet the actual needs.

8. Women's ability to respond to emergencies has been constantly improved, their role has been played, and their special needs have been met.

9. Widely participate in international exchanges and cooperation in the field of women, and comprehensively enhance China's influence in international women's affairs.

Strategic measures:

1. Strengthen the ideological and political guidance for women. Adhere to the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to guide women, continue to carry out publicity and education on socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese Dream, give play to the role of the new era civilization practice center, mainstream media, women's home and other fronts, promote the normalization and institutionalization of education in ideals and beliefs, and carry forward the great spirit of the Party and the people formed in the struggle in various historical periods, Stimulate women's sense of historical responsibility and the spirit of ownership, guide women to listen to the Party's words, follow the Party, strengthen the "Four Consciousness", firm the "Four Confidence", and achieve the "Two Safeguards". Through educational contact services, young women, intellectual women, women working in emerging industries and women active in cyberspace will be gathered. Through training, selection, commendation and publicity of women's advanced collectives and individuals, women are encouraged to advocate, learn and strive for advancement. By deepening the counterpart support, exchanges and cooperation between the eastern and central regions and the western ethnic minority areas, we will promote extensive exchanges and in-depth integration of women of all ethnic groups.

2. Carry out advanced gender culture publicity and education with gender equality as the core. We will incorporate the construction of advanced gender culture into the system of advanced socialist cultural system. Vigorously publicize the unique role of women in social life and family life in the new era, and publicize outstanding women's models and outstanding cases of gender equality. We will encourage cadres at all levels to learn from General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on women and women's work, as well as the Marxist concept of women and the basic national policy of gender equality. Publicity and education on the basic national policy of gender equality are carried out in various forms in government agencies, schools, enterprises, urban and rural communities and families, so as to make gender equality the code of conduct and value standard followed by the whole society.

3. Promote women to jointly build and share the achievements of building spiritual civilization and improving urban and rural living environment. We will enrich the supply of high-quality cultural products and public cultural services to meet women's spiritual and cultural needs. Encourage women to actively participate in the construction of urban civilization, and include women's participation and satisfaction in the selection of civilized cities. We should guide women to love their posts and work hard in the establishment of civilized units and strive to be civilized workers. Promote women's participation in the creation of civilized villages and towns, actively participate in the improvement of rural living environment, rural cultural development, the cultivation of civilized rural customs, and rural social governance. We will promote the integration of urban and rural public cultural service systems, innovate and implement cultural projects that benefit the people, and benefit urban and rural women.

4. Strengthen gender equality training, evaluation and supervision in the field of culture and media. Carry out gender equality training for cultural media workers and students of media related majors, and improve gender equality communication ability in the field of culture and media. Strengthen the monitoring and supervision of public cultural products and media related to gender equality, attract gender experts to participate in relevant assessments, eliminate negative phenomena such as discrimination against women, insulting women's human dignity and objectifying women's image in online media, film and television products, public publications, etc., and standardize the communication behavior of online celebrities and public accounts. We improved the warning and recording system for violations, and optimized the online public opinion early warning and offline evaluation and disposal mechanism.

5. Guide women to improve their media literacy. Use women's homes, libraries, online classes, etc. to carry out media literacy training and guidance for women, strengthen women's online literacy education, improve women's ability to select, judge and effectively use media information, enhance women's awareness and ability of network security, and eliminate the gender digital divide. Strengthen students' network literacy education, guide girls to use the network reasonably and safely, improve their self-protection ability, and prevent network addiction. Focus on helping the elderly women, women in need and women with disabilities to master the basic knowledge and skills of the Internet. The campaign of striving to be a "good woman netizen" was carried out to promote women's positive online energy.

6. Give full play to the important role of women in the construction of ecological civilization. Extensive ecological culture publicity, education and practice activities were carried out to guide women to establish ecological civilization awareness, improve environmental science literacy, master environmental science knowledge, and improve women's awareness and ability of ecological environment protection. Women are encouraged to lead green production and life, develop a moderate, green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption mode, and eliminate waste. Support women's participation in ecological environment governance.

7. Continuously improve the environmental quality of women's lives. Strengthen ecological environment monitoring and health monitoring, carry out research on the impact of environmental pollution factors, monitor, analyze and evaluate the impact of environmental policies, infrastructure projects, production, living and learning environments on women's health. Promote the improvement of urban and rural living environment, promote the full coverage of urban sewage pipe network, develop and utilize clean energy, promote waste classification, reduction and recycling, and promote the use of energy-saving and environmental protection products.

8. Provide guarantee for urban and rural women to enjoy safe drinking water. Guide women to actively participate in water source protection. We will promote the standardization of urban centralized drinking water sources, strengthen water source protection and water quality monitoring, and safeguard the lifeline of drinking water safety. We will strengthen the construction of water conservancy infrastructure, implement rural water supply security projects, improve the ability to optimize the allocation of water resources, and facilitate women's access to water.

9. Strengthen the construction of sanitary toilets that meet the needs of women. We will promote the transformation of urban public toilets, improve the implementation of urban public toilet design standards, and promote the standardized construction of the proportion of male and female toilet seats and the rate of reaching the standard to be included in the selection criteria for civilized cities, civilized communities, civilized villages and towns, civilized units, and civilized campuses. Promote the revolution of rural toilets in a classified and orderly manner, steadily increase the popularity of sanitary toilets, and strengthen the harmless treatment and resource utilization of toilet waste. Promote the construction of the third toilet in public places such as tourist attractions, shopping malls, passenger transport hubs and service areas.

10. Pay attention to the special needs of women, especially pregnant women, breast-feeding women and women in need in emergency response. In the construction of emergency response system, prevention and emergency response mechanism, relevant emergency plans and planning, women's special needs should be taken into account as a whole, and women's health supplies, maternity supplies and important medical supplies should be given priority. Training on emergency prevention and response knowledge and self rescue and mutual rescue skills was carried out for women to improve their awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation and their ability to self rescue and mutual rescue. In response to emergencies, we should strengthen relief services and psychological counseling for women in need. We will guide women to actively participate in disaster prevention and reduction.

11. Actively promote international exchanges and cooperation on women's affairs. Earnestly implement the international conventions and documents on promoting gender equality and women's comprehensive development, and actively implement the gender equality related goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations. Participate in the global cause of promoting gender equality, enhance China's voice and influence, carry out international exchanges and cooperation, promote women's development exchanges and mutual learning, tell a good story about the development of Chinese women, and publicize the development achievements of China's women's cause. Actively host and participate in various international conferences related to women's issues, promote the development of women's folk diplomacy, continue to build a brand of cultural exchanges among Chinese women, and show the image of China on the international stage. We will support women's participation in the Belt and Road Initiative and play an important role in building a community with a shared future for mankind.

12. Give full play to the positive role of women's federations in creating an environment of gender equality and women's all-round development. We will improve the working mechanism that leads services to connect women, play the role of a bridge, and rally women's hearts. Together with the central mainstream media and relying on the full media of the Women's Federation, we will vigorously promote General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on women and women's work, promote the Marxist concept of women and the basic national policy of gender equality, and promote the role of women in "half the sky". We should strengthen the monitoring of women's public opinion, especially online public opinion, timely voice wrong opinions, coordinate supervision and disposal, positively guide public opinion, and optimize the public opinion environment conducive to women's all-round development.

(8) Women and the law.

Main objectives:

1. Fully implement the constitutional principle of equality between men and women and the basic national policy, and improve the legal system to protect women's legitimate rights and interests.

2. Promote the standardized construction and effective operation of the gender equality assessment mechanism for laws, regulations and policies.

3. Improve women's awareness and ability to respect laws and abide by laws. Give full play to women's role in building a rule of law China.

4. Deeply implement the law against domestic violence to prevent and stop all forms of domestic violence against women.

5. Strictly crack down on trafficking in women, sexual assault on women and other illegal and criminal acts.

6. Improve the awareness of the rule of law to prevent and stop sexual harassment, and effectively curb sexual harassment against women.

7. Strictly crack down on illegal and criminal acts against women by using the Internet.

8. Guarantee women's property ownership and inheritance rights in family relations, and guarantee women's right to know and equal treatment of common property in marriage and family relations.

9. Provide public legal services for women according to law. We will ensure that women who are victims of violations receive timely and effective judicial assistance.

Strategic measures:

1. Promote the implementation of the constitutional principle of equality between men and women and the basic national policy to the whole process of building a rule of law China. Timely revise laws and regulations such as the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, the Criminal Law, the Social Insurance Law, and the Special Provisions on the Labor Protection of Women Workers, and improve the legal system to protect women's legitimate rights and interests. We will strengthen the implementation of laws and regulations such as the Civil Code and the Law on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, strengthen law enforcement inspection and supervision, and ensure that cases of violations of women's rights and interests are handled fairly and impartially. We will promote public interest litigation in the field of protecting women's rights and interests. We will incorporate the protection of women's rights and interests into grass-roots social governance, into the construction of the rule of law team, the plan for law popularization by the whole people, and mass cultural activities related to the rule of law, so as to enhance the awareness of equality between men and women and the rule of law literacy of the whole society.

2. Strengthen gender equality assessment of laws, regulations and policies. Improve the gender equality evaluation mechanism of national, provincial (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government), municipal (prefecture, prefecture, league) laws and policies and the gender equality evaluation mechanism of county (city, district, banner) policies, clarify the scope of evaluation, standardize the evaluation process, and refine the evaluation indicators. Strengthen the institutionalization construction of research and judgment before the formulation of laws and regulations, implementation in decision-making, and evaluation after implementation. Carry out training related to gender equality assessment, strengthen the construction of professional teams, and implement the basic national policy of gender equality in all aspects of the whole process of formulating and implementing laws, regulations and policies.

3. Improve women's awareness of the rule of law and their ability to participate in the construction of a rule of law China. We will carry out special law popularization activities such as the Civil Code, provide legal advice and other services to women, guide women to consciously study the Constitution and legal knowledge, strengthen the concept of the rule of law, and develop the rule of law thinking and behavior habits of doing things in accordance with the law, finding ways to solve problems, and resolving conflicts by relying on the law. Women are encouraged to participate in legislative, judicial and law popularization activities through multiple channels. Give full play to the role of women's deputies, women CPPCC members, women's federations, social organizations with women as the main members or women as the main service objects in scientific legislation, democratic legislation and legislative consultation.

4. Strengthen the implementation of the law against domestic violence. We will improve the multisectoral cooperation mechanism to prevent and stop domestic violence, issue timely judicial interpretations, guidance or implementation rules for the implementation of the Anti Domestic Violence Law, and issue typical cases or guiding cases of anti domestic violence. Promote provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government) and cities (prefectures, prefectures, leagues) to issue local laws and regulations against domestic violence. Strengthen publicity and education, prevention and investigation, and establish a community grid focused monitoring mechanism for domestic violence. We will improve and implement the mechanism for detecting, reporting and handling domestic violence, strengthen the awareness of relevant subjects to make mandatory reports, and fulfill their obligations to make mandatory reports. Strengthen the work of receiving and handling the police, and carry out statistics on the situation of domestic violence warning and issuance of cautions. The perpetrator who constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, and serious malignant cases shall be handled strictly. Promptly issue the writ of habeas corpus, improve the audit issuance rate and strengthen the implementation. Strengthen the management of emergency shelters and improve the level of asylum services. Strengthen psychological comfort and life assistance for women victims of domestic violence to help them recover physically and mentally. Strengthen the education and warning, psychological guidance and behavior correction of perpetrators. Carry out follow-up visits to domestic violence cases. Strengthen training and statistics on anti domestic violence.

5. We will resolutely crack down on the crime of trafficking in women. We will improve and implement a long-term mechanism for combating kidnapping that integrates prevention, strike, relief, resettlement and rehabilitation. Adhere to the principle of putting prevention first and combining prevention and treatment, and improve the anti abduction awareness of the whole society and women's awareness and ability of prevention. We will deepen the implementation of the action plan against trafficking in human beings and crack down on criminal gangs involved in trafficking in women. Rectify the "buyer's market", rescue the abducted women in time and help them integrate into the society normally. We will crack down on transnational and trans regional trafficking in women.

6. Strengthen the fight against criminal acts such as organizing, forcing, luring, sheltering, and introducing prostitution. Strengthen network governance, use big data to improve illegal information filtering, reporting and other functions, and severely crack down on the use of networks to organize, force, lure, shelter and introduce women into prostitution. In accordance with the law, we will intensify the fight against forcing and luring young girls and women with intellectual disabilities into prostitution. We will strengthen comprehensive governance of public security, establish a regular governance mechanism, and encourage the masses to supervise and report illegal and criminal acts involving pornography.

7. Effectively control and severely punish the illegal and criminal acts of rape, indecency, insulting women, especially girls and women with intellectual and mental disabilities. We should strengthen anti sexual assault education and improve women's awareness and ability to prevent sexual assault, especially girls. We will establish and improve the care service mechanism for key groups and families, the tort case discovery and reporting mechanism, the multi sector joint defense mechanism, and the tort case promotion supervision system. We will improve the case filing and investigation system, collect fixed evidence in a timely, comprehensive and one-time manner, and prevent women victims from suffering "secondary injuries". We will establish an information inquiry system for sexual assault offenders, and improve and implement the employment prohibition system. Strengthen privacy protection, psychological counseling and intervention for women victims.

8. Prevent and stop sexual harassment against women. We will promote the improvement of legislation related to the prevention and control of sexual harassment. Spread knowledge on prevention and control of sexual harassment in various forms and channels, and improve women's awareness and ability to prevent and stop sexual harassment. Establish and improve the working mechanism to prevent and stop sexual harassment, strengthen joint prevention and control, and give play to the role of model cases as a guide. Prevent and stop sexual harassment in public places and places of work and study, establish relevant working mechanisms in organs, enterprises, schools and other units to prevent and stop sexual harassment by taking advantage of power and subordination. Smooth relief channels.

9. Protect women from using the Internet to commit crimes. We will strengthen the ecological governance of online information content, strengthen the supervision and investigation of online pornographic information, and crack down on online information service platforms, producers and users' acts of indecency, insult, slander, sexual harassment, rumor spreading, privacy infringement and other illegal and criminal acts against women in accordance with the law. We will strengthen the standardized management of network platforms and protect women's personal information security. The illegal and criminal acts of illegally collecting, using, processing, transmitting, trading, providing or disclosing women's personal information through the Internet shall be punished according to law. Improve women's awareness and ability to prevent telecom network fraud, and crack down on illegal and criminal acts of swindling women's money by means of illegal network loans, false investments, consulting services, etc.

10. To safeguard women's property rights and interests in the handling of marriage, family and inheritance cases according to law. Women should be guaranteed equal rights to possess, use, benefit from and dispose of family property. Women shall be guaranteed the right of husband and wife to inherit inheritance from each other and children to inherit inheritance equally according to law. We will ensure that couples have equal rights to know and deal with their common property, and ensure women's legitimate rights and interests when identifying and dividing their common property and identifying and paying off their joint debts. At the time of divorce, women's rights and interests such as land, housing and shares are guaranteed in accordance with the law, and women who bear more family obligations are guaranteed compensation, women who live in difficulty are guaranteed economic assistance, and women who have no faults are guaranteed compensation for damages in accordance with the law.

11. Provide women with high-quality and efficient public legal services. Promote the integrated development of three platforms of public legal service entities, networks and hotlines, and provide convenient, efficient, equal and inclusive public legal services for women, especially low-income women, elderly women, disabled women, mothers with single parents in difficulty, etc. Implement the relevant provisions of laws and regulations on women's application for legal aid, and ensure that women enjoy litigation agency and rights protection guidance services in criminal, civil and administrative cases. We will strengthen the building of legal aid social organizations, professional lawyers, and grass-roots legal workers to safeguard women's legitimate rights and interests. To ensure that women with difficulties in life in specific cases can obtain judicial assistance.

12. Give play to the role of the Women's Federation in representing and safeguarding women's legitimate rights and interests. Support the Women's Federation to improve the working systems of joint interviews, joint meetings, information circulars, research and supervision, and case release, and promote the formulation and implementation of laws and policies to protect women's rights and interests. We will strengthen the construction of the "12338" women's rights protection hotline, and open channels for women to express their demands in an orderly manner. Timely discover and report infringement problems, suggest to investigate and deal with gender discrimination incidents or assist in handling cases of infringement on women's rights and interests according to law, cooperate in combating illegal and criminal acts against women's legitimate rights and interests, and provide assistance to women who have been infringed.

3、 Organization and implementation

(1) Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the development thought of taking the people as the center, adhere to the path of socialist women's development with Chinese characteristics, and put the leadership of the Party through the whole process of organizing and implementing the program. We will implement the CPC Central Committee's decision and deployment on the development of women's cause, adhere to and improve the system and mechanism to promote gender equality and women's all-round development, and promote the implementation of the Outline in the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions".

(2) Implement the responsibility for implementing the program. We will improve the working mechanism for implementing the Program under the leadership of the Party Committee, the responsibility of the government, the coordination of the Women's and Children's Working Committee, multi sectoral cooperation, and the participation of the whole society. The State Council and the local people's governments at all levels are responsible for the implementation of the Outline, the women's and children's working committees at all levels are responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding and supervising the work, and the women's and children's working committee offices at all levels are responsible for specific work. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people's organizations shall, in combination with their responsibilities, undertake the implementation of the objectives and tasks related to the Outline. The basic national policy of gender equality is implemented when laws, policies, plans and deployment are introduced, so as to effectively protect women's legitimate rights and interests and promote women's all-round development.

(3) Strengthen the link between the Outline and the national economic and social development plan. Implement the basic national policy of gender equality in the overall plan for economic and social development and relevant special plans, incorporate the implementation of the program and the development of women's cause into the overall plan for economic and social development and relevant special plans, promote the implementation of the program in combination with the deployment requirements of the overall plan for economic and social development, and realize the simultaneous planning and deployment of women's cause development and economic and social development Promote and implement simultaneously.

(4) Formulate local women's development plans and departmental implementation programs. The people's government at the provincial level formulates a development plan for women at the same level on the basis of this Outline and in combination with the actual situation. The people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall, in accordance with this Outline and the women's development plan at the next higher level, formulate the women's development plan at the same level in combination with the actual situation. The provincial, municipal and county-level plans shall be submitted to the office of the women and children working committee at the next higher level within one month after promulgation. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people's organizations at the central and local levels responsible for the objectives of the outline (plan) shall, in combination with their responsibilities and according to the division of tasks, formulate implementation plans and submit them to the office of the women and children's working committee at the same level.

(5) We will improve the working system and mechanism for implementing the Program. Improve the objective management responsibility system, incorporate the implementation of the outline into the government agenda and assessment content, and decompose the objectives of the outline to the responsible units and incorporate them into the objective management and assessment content. Improve the supervision and inspection system, and regularly supervise the implementation of the outline. The reporting system should be improved. The responsible unit should report the implementation of the outline and the work arrangement for the next year to the women and children's working committee at the same level every year. The women and children's working committee at the lower level should report the implementation of the local plan and the work arrangement for the next year to the women and children's working committee at the higher level every year. We will improve the system of deliberation and coordination, hold regular working meetings for women and children, plenary meetings of women and children's working committees, liaison meetings, etc., summarize the exchange, study and solve problems, and deploy work tasks. We will improve the demonstration system for the implementation of the Outline, and give full play to the role of demonstration units in point to area and demonstration. We will improve the system of commendation, and commend advanced collectives and individuals for implementing the Program in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) We will strengthen financial support for women's development. The people's governments at all levels will incorporate the working funds necessary for the implementation of the Program into their financial budgets, so as to realize the simultaneous development of women's cause and the economy and society. We will focus on supporting the development of women in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and underdeveloped areas, and support the development of women with special difficulties. Mobilize social forces, raise resources through multiple channels, and jointly develop the cause of women.

(7) Adhere to and innovate effective practices for implementing the Outline. We will implement the new development concept, adhere to the problem oriented and goal oriented approach, build a system of laws, regulations and policies to promote women's development, improve the mechanism for safeguarding women's legitimate rights and interests, and implement livelihood projects to promote women's development. Summarize and promote good practices and experience through classified guidance and demonstration. We will give full play to the role of social forces in promoting the implementation of the Program through government purchase of services and other means. We should carry out international exchanges and cooperation, exchange and learn from each other's experiences and practices, and tell stories about the development of Chinese women.

(8) We will strengthen capacity building for the implementation of the Program. Incorporate the important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping on women and women's work, as well as relevant contents of the basic national policy on gender equality, relevant laws, regulations and policies into the learning content of cadres at all levels, incorporate the knowledge required for the implementation of the program into the training plan, organize multi-level and multi form training, and enhance the sense of responsibility and ability of relevant government departments, relevant institutions and personnel to implement the program. Guided by political construction, strengthen the capacity building of women and children's working committees and their offices at all levels, promote the optimization and efficiency of institutional functions, provide necessary human, material and financial support for better performance of duties, and provide organizational guarantee for the implementation of the Program.

(9) Strengthen the publicity of the Outline. Vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on women and women's work, publicize the achievements of women's cause development under the strong leadership of the Party, publicize the basic national policy of gender equality and the laws, regulations and policies to protect women's legitimate rights and interests and promote women's development, publicize the content of the program and the experience and effectiveness of its implementation, and strive to create a social atmosphere conducive to women's development.

(10) We will strengthen research on women's development. Give full play to the role of women's and children's working committees at all levels and their offices, strengthen the construction of women's development experts, build women's development research bases relying on universities, research institutions, social organizations, etc., cultivate professional research forces, extensively and deeply carry out theoretical and practical research, and provide reference for the formulation and improvement of relevant laws, regulations and policies.

(11) We will encourage all sectors of society to participate extensively in the implementation of the Program. Enterprises and institutions, social organizations, charities and public welfare personages are encouraged to participate in the work of safeguarding women's legitimate rights and interests and promoting women's development. We should encourage women to participate in the implementation of the Platform and improve their awareness and ability to achieve their own comprehensive development in the implementation of the Platform.

4、 Monitoring and evaluation

(1) Strengthen the construction of monitoring and evaluation system. Carry out annual monitoring, mid-term evaluation and final evaluation on the implementation of the Outline. Implement and gradually improve the gender statistics monitoring program. Statistical departments at all levels take the lead in organizing annual monitoring. Member units of women and children's working committees at all levels, relevant departments and relevant institutions submit annual monitoring data to statistical departments at the same level, and timely collect and analyze relevant data and information reflecting women's development. The working committees for women and children at all levels shall organize the mid-term and final evaluation, and the member units, relevant departments and relevant institutions of the working committees for women and children at all levels shall submit the mid-term and final evaluation reports to the working committees for women and children at the same level. Through evaluation, we can understand and grasp the implementation progress of the Program and the development situation of women, systematically analyze and evaluate the completion of the goals and tasks of the Program, evaluate the implementation effect of the strategic measures of the Program, summarize experience and practices, find out outstanding problems, predict the development trend, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. The funds required for monitoring and evaluation shall be included in the financial budget.

(2) Strengthen the organization and leadership of monitoring and evaluation work. The women's and children's working committees at all levels shall set up a monitoring and evaluation leading group, which shall be composed of the heads of the women's and children's working committees at the same level and relevant departments, and shall be responsible for the organization and leadership of the monitoring and evaluation work, the approval of the monitoring and evaluation plan, the review of the monitoring and evaluation report, etc. The leading group consists of a monitoring group and an assessment group.

The monitoring team is led by the statistical departments at all levels, with the participation of the personnel responsible for the statistical monitoring of the implementation of the outline from the relevant departments. They are responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the monitoring work, the development of monitoring programs and indicator systems, the collection and analysis of data and information, the submission of annual, mid-term and final monitoring reports to the women and children's working committees at the same level, and the editing and publication of annual statistics on women and children. The members of the monitoring group are responsible for coordinating the monitoring, analysis, data reporting, gender and age indicators improvement of the implementation of the department's program.

The evaluation team is led by the offices of women and children's working committees at all levels, with the participation of personnel responsible for the implementation of the outline from relevant departments, responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the evaluation work, formulating the evaluation plan, organizing the evaluation work, and submitting the mid-term and final evaluation reports to the women and children's working committees at the same level. The members of the evaluation team are responsible for coordinating the self-evaluation of the implementation of the departmental outline and participating in the evaluation organized by the Women and Children Working Committee. Support relevant departments of the evaluation team to carry out special investigation and evaluation on prominent issues in women's protection and development, and the results can be used as reference for mid-term and final evaluation.

(3) Strengthen gender specific statistical monitoring. We will standardize and improve the gender statistical monitoring indicator system, adjust and expand the statistical indicators of women's development as needed, promote their inclusion in the national and departmental regular statistics and statistical investigation system, strengthen the gender specific statistical work of departments, and promote the institutionalization of gender specific statistical monitoring. The national, provincial and municipal levels should establish and improve statistical monitoring databases for women's development, and support the construction of statistical monitoring databases for women's development at county level. Encourage and support relevant departments to carry out special statistical surveys on the data of women's development gaps.

(4) Improve the ability and level of monitoring and evaluation. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation training and department cooperation, standardize monitoring data collection channels and submission methods, and improve data quality. Use the Internet and big data to enrich gender specific statistical information. Scientifically design monitoring and evaluation programs and methods, and explore third-party evaluation. Improve the scientific, standardized and professional level of monitoring and assessment.

(5) Make effective use of monitoring and evaluation results. Give play to the role of monitoring and evaluation results in serving decision-making, and regularly report the monitoring and evaluation to the people's government at the same level and relevant departments to provide basis for decision-making. Establish a monitoring and evaluation report exchange, feedback and release mechanism. Strengthen the research, judgment and application of the monitoring and evaluation results, give early warning to the monitoring indicators that are expected to be difficult to complete and fluctuate greatly, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the outstanding problems and weak links found in the evaluation in a timely manner. Use the monitoring and evaluation results to guide the implementation of the next stage of the Outline, and realize the regular monitoring, dynamic early warning, precise intervention and high-quality promotion of the implementation of the Outline.

Outline of China's Child Development



Children are the future of a country and the hope of a nation. The children of contemporary China are not only the experiencers and witnesses to achieve the first century goal, but also the new force to achieve the second century goal and build a modern socialist power. Promoting the healthy growth of children can provide valuable resources and inexhaustible power for the sustainable development of the country, which is an inevitable requirement for building a modern socialist power and realizing the Chinese Dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The Party and the state have always attached great importance to the development of children's cause, and have successively formulated and implemented a three cycle program for the development of children in China, which has provided an important guarantee for the realization of children's rights to survival, development, protection and participation.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has made it a strategic and basic work to cultivate children, adhere to the principle of children first, vigorously develop the cause of children, and further improve the system of laws, regulations and policies to protect children's rights. The Party Committee, the government, and the Women and Children's Working Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Women and Children's Working Committee) coordinate The working mechanism for children with multi sectoral cooperation and the participation of the whole society was further consolidated, and the environment for children's development was further optimized. By the end of 2020, the infant mortality rate and the mortality rate of children under 5 years old will have dropped from 13.1 ‰ and 16.4 ‰ in 2010 to 5.4 ‰ and 7.5 ‰ respectively; The gross enrollment rate of preschool education rose from 56.6% in 2010 to 85.2%, the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education rose from 91.1% in 2010 to 95.2%, and the gross enrollment rate of senior high school rose from 82.5% in 2010 to 91.2%; Vulnerable groups, such as left behind children in rural areas and children in distress, have received more care and protection. New historic achievements have been made in children's development and cause.

Restricted by the level of economic and social development, the development of children's cause in China is still unbalanced and inadequate. The implementation of the principle of children first needs to be further strengthened, the ideological guidance of children needs to be further strengthened, the construction of the rule of law to safeguard children's rights needs to be continued, the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and groups for children's development needs to be further narrowed, and the mechanisms for child protection and services at the grass-roots level need to be further improved, The progress of science and technology and the change of lifestyle have brought new challenges to the work for children, and the development of children's cause is arduous and has a long way to go.

At present, China is in the historical intersection period of achieving the "two centenary goals". Adhering to the overall leadership of the Party, adhering to the people as the center, adhering to the new development concept, promoting the overall layout of "Five in One", coordinating the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions", promoting the modernization of national governance system and governance capability, and building a community with a shared future for mankind, have provided major opportunities and charted a bright future for the development of children's cause. At a new historical starting point, we need to further implement the principle of children first, comprehensively improve the comprehensive quality of children, cultivate and train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, and lead hundreds of millions of children to shoulder new missions and contribute to a new era.

The Outline is formulated in accordance with the Constitution, the Law on the Protection of Minors and other relevant laws and regulations, the overall goals and requirements of the country's economic and social development, the actual situation of children's development in China, and the purposes of international conventions and documents such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

1、 Guiding ideology, basic principles and overall objectives

(1) Guiding ideology.

Hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Plenary Sessions of the 19th Central Committee, adhere to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and unswervingly implement the new development concept, Adhere to the people centered development thought, adhere to the path of socialist children's development with Chinese characteristics, adhere to and improve the system and mechanism that are most conducive to children and promote their all-round development, implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, optimize the environment for children's development, ensure children's rights to survival, development, protection and participation, and comprehensively improve children's comprehensive quality, To lay a solid talent foundation for achieving the second centenary goal and building a modern socialist power.

(2) Basic principles.

1. Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party. Grasp the political direction of the development of children's cause, implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on the development of children's cause, and effectively implement the leadership of the Party in the whole process and all aspects of the development of children's cause.

2. Adhere to the priority guarantee for children's development. Give priority to children's interests and development needs when enacting laws, formulating policies, preparing plans and deploying work.

3. Insist on promoting children's all-round development. Respect children's personal dignity, follow the characteristics and laws of children's physical and mental development, ensure children's physical and mental health, and promote children's all-round development in all aspects of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

4. Adhere to ensuring the equal development of children. Create a fair social environment, eliminate all forms of discrimination against children, and ensure that all children enjoy equal rights and opportunities for development.

5. Keep encouraging children to participate. Respect the dominant position of children, encourage and support children to participate in family, social and cultural life, and create a social environment conducive to children's participation.

(3) Overall objectives.

The system of laws, regulations and policies to protect children's rights is more perfect, the working mechanism to promote children's development is more perfect, the social trend of children first is generally formed, and the gap between urban and rural areas, regions and groups in children's development is significantly reduced. Children enjoy more equal and accessible basic public services, more inclusive and superior welfare security, and a more harmonious and friendly family and social environment. Children's rights in health, safety, education, welfare, family, environment, legal protection and other fields were further realized, their ideological and moral literacy and overall development level were significantly improved, and their sense of gain, happiness and security were significantly enhanced. Looking forward to 2035, in line with the country's basic realization of socialist modernization, the principle of children first is fully implemented, and more significant substantive progress has been made in the comprehensive development of children. The vast majority of children have grown into new people in the era of building a strong socialist modernization country and undertaking the task of national rejuvenation.

2、 Development fields, main objectives and strategic measures

(1) Children and health.

Main objectives:

1. The children's health service system covering urban and rural areas has been improved, children's health care service capacity has been significantly enhanced, and children's health level has been continuously improved.

2. Popularize children's healthy lifestyle and improve the health literacy of children and their caregivers.

3. The mortality rates of newborns, infants and children under 5 years old dropped to 3.0 ‰, 5.0 ‰ and 6.0 ‰ respectively, and the gap between regions and between urban and rural areas gradually narrowed.

4. Build and improve the birth defect prevention and control system covering all stages of marriage, pregnancy, pregnancy, newborn and children to prevent and control birth defects.

5. Common diseases and malignant tumors of children and other diseases seriously endangering children's health have been effectively prevented and treated.

6. The immunization coverage rate of school-age children in the immunization plan shall be maintained at more than 90% per township (town, street).

7. Promote the supply of early childhood development services in urban and rural areas, and popularize the knowledge, methods and skills of early childhood development.

The anemia rate and growth retardation rate of children under 8.5 years old were controlled below 10% and 5% respectively, and the rising trend of overweight and obesity of children was effectively controlled.

9. The rate of new myopia among children has decreased significantly. The rate of myopia among primary school students has dropped to below 38%, the rate of myopia among junior high school students has dropped to below 60%, and the rate of myopia among senior high school students has dropped to below 70%. The coverage of eye care and vision examination for children aged 0 to 6 years old reached more than 90%.

10. Improve children's physique. The excellent rate of reaching the national student physique and health standards for primary and secondary school students has reached more than 60%.

11. Strengthen children's mental health service ability and improve children's mental health level.

12. Sex education was widely accepted by school-age children, and the accessibility of children's sexual health services was significantly improved.

Strategic measures:

1. Give priority to children's health. The concept of children's health was integrated into the economic and social development policy, and the main indicators of children's health were included in the government's objectives and responsibility assessment. We will improve the basic medical and health system covering children, and strengthen the connection between children's medical security policies and public health policies. We will increase investment in children's health care and health care, support the development of children's health care in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas and underdeveloped areas, and gradually realize the equalization of basic maternal and child health services. Build a unified maternal and child health information platform, promote the interconnection and information sharing between the maternal and child health information platform and electronic health archives, improve the statistical survey system of maternal and child health, promote the service model of "Internet+maternal and child health", improve the big data of maternal and child health, strengthen the information interconnection and sharing, and realize the informatization and intelligence of the whole process management and service of children's health throughout the whole cycle. Carry out the construction activity of "Demonstration County for Comprehensive Development of Children's Health".

2. Improve the child health service system. Build a national, regional, provincial, municipal and county-level child health care service network, focus on maternal and child health care institutions, children's hospitals and pediatrics in general hospitals, and plan and allocate child health service resources in the region as a whole. Each province, city and county has set up a standardized maternal and child health care institution run by the government, with 1.12 pediatric practicing (assistant) doctors and 3.17 beds per 1000 children. Establish and improve the primary child health care service network with district and county maternal and child health care institutions as the leader, township hospitals and community health service centers as the hub, and village clinics as the basis. Each township hospital and community health service center should be equipped with at least one general practitioner who provides standardized basic medical services for children, and at least two doctors specializing in child health care. Improve the first aid system for children. We will accelerate the training of children's medical personnel, improve the professional skills of general practitioners in pediatrics and child health care, and improve the remuneration of pediatric medical personnel.

3. Strengthen the publicity and popularization of children's health knowledge. Strengthen the concept that parents or other guardians are the first responsible person for children's health. Rely on families, communities, schools, kindergartens, and nurseries, strengthen the publicity and popularization of knowledge and skills such as scientific child rearing, disease prevention, timely medical treatment, rational drug use, reasonable diet, emergency risk avoidance, and mental health, and promote children to develop healthy behavior habits. Build an all media health knowledge dissemination mechanism. Give play to the role of health science popularization expert database and resource database. We will promote medical institutions to set up "maternity schools" and parent classrooms in a standardized manner, and encourage medical institutions, medical personnel, and relevant social organizations to carry out health science popularization activities. Prevent and stop children from smoking (including electronic cigarettes) and drinking, and protect children from drugs.

4. Ensure the safety and health of newborns. We will thoroughly implement systems such as screening and evaluation of critically ill newborns, special project management of high-risk newborns, critical care, and neonatal death review. The standardized visit of newborns was strengthened, and the visit rate of newborns remained above 90%. We will improve the standardized quality management system of obstetrics and neonatology in medical institutions, and strengthen the construction of neonatal health care specialties. Rely on existing institutions to strengthen the construction of critical newborn care center and strengthen the security of critical newborn care.

5. Strengthen the comprehensive prevention and treatment of birth defects. We will establish a multi sectoral working mechanism to jointly prevent and control birth defects, implement three-level prevention and control measures for birth defects, strengthen knowledge popularization and consultation on birth defects prevention and control, and promote "one-stop" services such as marriage registration, health publicity and education on marriage and childbearing, and birth guidance. We will strengthen premarital and prenatal health care, improve prenatal screening and diagnosis capabilities, promote the integration of perinatal, prenatal and postnatal care, and multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment collaboration, and standardize service and quality supervision. We will expand the scope of diseases screened for neonatal diseases, establish an integrated service model of screening, positive case recall, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, and promote early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of thalassemia. We will improve the birth defect prevention network, strengthen birth defect monitoring, and promote scientific and technological innovation and achievements transformation in the field of birth defect prevention.

6. Strengthen child health services and management. We will strengthen the standardization and standardization of child health clinics and improve the quality of child health care services. The health management of children aged 0-6 years was carried out in a solid way, and the systematic management rate of children under 3 years old and the health management rate of children under 7 years old remained above 90%. We will promote disability screening for children aged 0 to 6, focusing on five types of disabilities, including vision, hearing, limbs, intelligence and autism, and improve the working mechanism that links screening, diagnosis, rehabilitation and assistance. Improve the capacity and level of children's rehabilitation services. Strengthen the ability of schools, kindergartens and nurseries to prevent and care common diseases, and equip school doctors, kindergartens and nurseries with health care personnel and necessary health care equipment according to standards. We will strengthen health management for key groups such as orphans, migrant children, left behind children and children in need.

7. Strengthen the prevention and treatment of children's diseases. Focusing on children's health problems such as premature delivery, low birth weight, anemia, obesity, abnormal psychological behavior, poor eyesight, dental caries, etc., we will promote appropriate technologies for prevention and treatment of children's diseases, and establish an early screening, diagnosis and intervention service mechanism. The oral health care of children was strengthened, and the caries rate of 12 year old children was controlled within 25%. We will strengthen the management of major infectious diseases and new infectious diseases among children, as well as the prevention of HIV, syphilis, and hepatitis B among mothers and infants. We will improve the diagnosis and treatment system, drug supply system, and comprehensive security system for children's blood diseases, malignant tumors, and other serious diseases, and develop specific drugs to treat malignant tumors and other diseases. Scientific and reasonable formulation of rare disease catalogue and strengthening of rare disease management. Promote the application of appropriate technologies in pediatrics of traditional Chinese medicine.

8. Strengthen the vaccine management and vaccination of children's immunization program. We will expand the national immunization program and maintain a high level of vaccination coverage in the national immunization program. Support the development of new vaccines such as multi vaccine and multi vaccine. We will strengthen the management of vaccine development, production, distribution and vaccination. We will improve policies related to compensation for abnormal reactions in vaccination.

9. Strengthen early childhood development services. We will establish and improve a multisectoral working mechanism for early childhood development, and carry out multi-dimensional comprehensive services for early childhood development covering good health, adequate nutrition, responsive care, early learning, safety and security. We will strengthen guidance services for families and nurseries on early infant development. Promote early development services for children to enter rural areas, communities and families, and explore and promote early development service models suitable for children in remote rural areas and children in distress, such as home visit guidance.

10. Improve the nutritional status of children. Pay attention to the nutrition of children in the first 1000 days of life, and carry out nutrition and diet evaluation guidance before pregnancy and during pregnancy and childbirth. The promotion of breastfeeding was implemented, the management of baby friendly hospitals was strengthened, and the construction of maternal and infant facilities in public places and workplaces was strengthened. The exclusive breastfeeding rate of infants within six months reached more than 50%. Popularize the knowledge and skills of reasonably adding complementary foods for children over 6 months of age. We will monitor and evaluate children's growth and development, strengthen personalized nutrition guidance, and ensure adequate nutrition for children. We will strengthen food education, guide scientific and balanced eating and movement, and prevent and control children's overweight and obesity. We will strengthen nutrition and health education and dietary guidance in schools, kindergartens and nurseries. We will strengthen the publicity and popularization of knowledge about the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency disorders. Improve the food labeling system.

11. Effectively control children's myopia. We will strengthen the work of eye care and vision examination for children aged 0 to 6, and promote the establishment of electronic archives of children's vision. Reduce students' academic burden, guide and supervise students to do well in eye exercises, and correct bad reading and writing postures. Ensure that the indoor lighting, lighting, desks, chairs and blackboard of schools, kindergartens and nurseries meet the specified standards. Guide parents to master the knowledge of scientific eye care and guide children to use eye care scientifically. Educate children to use electronic products scientifically and rationally according to their needs. Ensure that children are exposed to outdoor natural light for at least 1 hour every day.

12. Improve children's physical fitness. We will promote sunshine sports and fully open sports and health classes. Children should be guaranteed at least one hour of moderate and above intensity exercise every day to develop good exercise habits. We will fully implement the National Standards for Students' Physical Health, and improve the system for students' physical examination and physique monitoring. Encourage public sports venues and facilities to be open to surrounding schools and children free of charge or at a discount, implement the policy of opening school sports venues and facilities to students after school and on holidays, and support schools to purchase after-school sports services from sports social organizations. Further strengthen the construction of supporting public infrastructure such as outdoor sports, fitness and leisure. Reasonably arrange children's work and rest, and ensure that the daily sleep time reaches 10 hours for primary school students, 9 hours for junior high school students, and 8 hours for senior high school students.

13. Strengthen mental health services for children. We will build a public service network for children's mental health education, counseling, assessment and treatment, crisis intervention, and psychological assistance. Primary and secondary schools are equipped with mental health education teachers. Actively carry out life education and frustration education, and cultivate children's awareness of cherishing life and self emotion adjustment ability. Pay attention to and meet the psychological development needs of orphans, children who have no parents, left behind children and children in distress. We will improve the ability of teachers and parents to prevent and identify children's psychological and behavioral abnormalities, and strengthen the construction of children's hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, and maternal and child health care institutions for children's psychological counseling and specialist clinics. Vigorously cultivate children's mental health service talents.

14. Provide sex education and sexual health services for children. We should guide children to establish correct gender and moral concepts and correctly understand gender relations. Include sex education in the basic education system and quality monitoring system to enhance the effectiveness of education. Guide parents or other guardians to carry out sex education according to children's age and development characteristics, strengthen education on prevention of sexual assault, and improve children's self-protection awareness and ability. Promote close cooperation between schools and medical institutions, provide sexual health services suitable for children, and protect the privacy of children seeking medical treatment. Establish a child sexual health protection hotline.

15. Strengthen scientific research and innovation in the field of children's health. Basic research and applied research are carried out around the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and health management of children's major diseases. We will strengthen the construction of pediatric science and technology innovation bases and platforms, and give play to the important role of the National Clinical Medical Research Center in the field of pediatric medicine. We will encourage research, development and production of drugs for children, and accelerate the application and approval of drugs for children. Improve the clinical medication specification for children, and clearly state the medication information for children in the drug package insert. We will expand the range of pediatric drugs and dosage forms in the National Essential Drug Catalog, explore the development of the National Essential Drug Catalog for Children, and update the list of drugs prohibited for children in a timely manner. Promote international exchanges and cooperation in child health science and technology.

(2) Children and safety.

Main objectives:

1. Reduce the death and disability caused by child injuries. The child injury mortality rate will decrease by 20% based on the data of 2020.

2. Check and eliminate the hidden danger of drowning, and the drowning mortality rate of children continues to decline.

3. Promote the use of child safety seats and safety helmets, so that children's travel safety can be effectively guaranteed.

4. Reduce the occurrence, disability and death of injuries such as falls, falls, burns and poisoning of children.

5. Children's food safety has been effectively guaranteed.

6. Improve the quality and safety level of children's products.

7. Prevent and stop all forms of violence against children.

8. Improve the comprehensive management ability of student bullying, and prevent and effectively deal with student bullying.

9. Prevent and intervene children's addiction to the Internet, and effectively deal with problems such as bad information and disclosure of privacy.

10. The monitoring and reporting system for accidental and violent injuries to children was further improved.

Strategic measures:

1. Create a safe environment for children. Establish the awareness that children's injuries can be prevented and controlled, and create a safe environment for children's growth in families, schools and communities through publicity and education, improving the environment, strengthening law enforcement, using safe products, carrying out assessment and other strategies. Carry out safety self-care education, improve the safety awareness of children and their caregivers, help them master safety knowledge and skills, and cultivate children's safe behavior habits. Implement the responsibilities of schools, kindergartens, nurseries and other safety management subjects, and carry out education activities such as children's injury prevention, violence prevention, disaster risk avoidance, and self rescue.

2. Establish and improve the child injury prevention and control system. We will strengthen legislation and law enforcement in the field of child injury prevention and control. We will build and improve a multisectoral cooperation mechanism for child injury prevention and control, and encourage social forces to participate in child injury prevention and control. Develop and implement national and local action plans for child injury prevention and control, explore and innovate and vigorously promote appropriate technologies for child injury prevention and control, and prioritize the development and implementation of injury prevention and control measures for migrant children, left behind children, and children in distress.

3. Prevent and control children from drowning. Strengthen nursing to ensure that children stay away from dangerous water bodies. Isolate and eliminate the potential drowning hazard in the family and campus environment, strengthen the protection, isolation and safety inspection of relevant water bodies in rural areas, strengthen the safety management of open water areas, aquatic recreation places, ships, etc., and configure emergency rescue equipment suitable for children. Strengthen education on drowning prevention and emergency rescue knowledge and skills, popularize children's swimming and water safety skills, and guide children to use safe swimming places.

4. Prevent and control children's road traffic injuries. Improve traffic safety legislation. Improve the ability of child carers to care, and cultivate children to form good traffic behavior habits. Promote the use of child safety seats, safety helmets and reflective signs for children walking and riding non motor vehicles. Improve the standards of children's road safety protection articles, and strengthen the supervision of production and sales. The road planning and construction fully consider the age characteristics of children, improve the safety facilities around the campus, and strictly investigate and deal with traffic violations. Implement school bus safety management regulations.

5. Prevent and control children from falling, falling, burning, scalding, poisoning and other injuries. Eliminate environmental hazards, promote the use of window guardrails, window limiters and other protective equipment, and reduce children's falls. Educate children to keep away from fire sources, guide families to separate heat sources, use household appliances safely, promote the use of household appliances with child protection functions, and prevent children from burning and scalding. Promote the use of child safety packaging, improve the ability of child carers to identify and store pesticides, drugs, daily chemicals, etc., and avoid children poisoning. Prevent infant suffocation and improve the ability of caregivers to effectively care for infants. Standardize dog management and pet breeding to prevent animal bites. We will strengthen education in disaster prevention and mitigation, and improve children's and their caregivers' disaster prevention and risk avoidance skills for earthquakes, fires, and stampedes.

6. Strengthen children's food safety supervision. We will improve the system of food safety standards for children. We will strengthen the safety supervision of infant formula food and auxiliary food for infants and young children, strengthen the sampling inspection and monitoring of infant formula milk powder products and punish unqualified food. Implement the main responsibility of food safety management in schools, kindergartens and nurseries, eliminate the hidden dangers of food safety in all aspects of children's group meals, and strengthen food safety supervision in and around schools. Strictly investigate and deal with food safety violations.

7. Prevent and reduce child injuries caused by products. Strengthen product quality and safety supervision. We will improve the mandatory national standard system for children's products, and improve product safety warning signs. We will establish and improve compulsory national standards for children's toys, strengthen self-discipline in the children's products industry, and encourage the development of technologically advanced group standards. Compulsory product certification management shall be implemented for some children's products according to law. We will continue to carry out the quality and safety protection action for children's products, strictly investigate and deal with the illegal acts of manufacturing and selling counterfeit and shoddy products, and encourage consumers to complain and report product safety problems according to law. Strengthen information monitoring, analysis, supervision and inspection of child injuries caused by products and recall of defective products. Eliminate "toxic runway" and "toxic school uniforms", ensure the safety of game and entertainment equipment and large recreation facilities, and guide children to use facilities and equipment such as escalators and revolving doors safely.

8. Prevent and control violence against children. Advocate the concept of zero tolerance of violence against children, improve the public's awareness of the rule of law and child protection, and enhance children's safety awareness and self-protection ability. We will strengthen the responsibility of the state, society, schools and families to protect children, establish a departmental cooperation mechanism to prevent and control violence against children, improve the work platform for the protection of minors at all levels, and implement a mechanism to detect, report and intervene violence against children. Implement the compulsory reporting responsibility of institutions and personnel who have close contact with minors. Encourage the public to dissuade, stop, report and accuse violence against children according to law. Violent, illegal and criminal acts against children shall be severely punished according to law.

9. Strengthen the comprehensive management of student bullying. We will improve the department cooperation mechanism for the comprehensive management of student bullying. Create a civilized and safe campus environment, strengthen ideological and moral education, rule of law education and mental health education, and cultivate students' sound personality and social interaction ability. Strictly manage the daily safety of the school, improve the working mechanism of early warning, in-process handling, and post intervention of student bullying, and improve the prevention and handling ability of faculty, parents, and students against bullying. Investigate and deal with bullying according to laws and regulations, and play the role of education and punishment. Strengthen the comprehensive management around the campus, and incorporate the special management of student bullying into the comprehensive management of social security.

10. Strengthen the network protection of minors. Implement the responsibility of government, enterprises, schools, families and social protection, provide children with a safe and healthy network environment, and protect children's legitimate rights and interests in cyberspace. We will strengthen network supervision and governance, improve and implement the system for monitoring, identifying, reporting and handling network information, and punish the use of the Internet to disseminate value oriented bad information and engage in acts that endanger the physical and mental health of minors. Online service providers such as online games, webcasts, online audio and video, and online social networking should set corresponding time management, permission management, consumption management and other functions for minors to use their services according to law, and should not provide webcast publisher account registration services for children under the age of 16. Strengthen the civilized education of network language, and resolutely curb the spread of vulgar and violent network language. We will implement national unified electronic identity authentication for online games for minors, and improve the classification of game products, content review, duration restrictions and other measures. Strengthen the protection of children's personal information and privacy.

11. Improve the level of emergency rescue, medical treatment and rehabilitation services for children suffering from accidental and violent injuries. Widely publicize children's emergency rescue knowledge, and improve nurses and teachers' emergency rescue skills. Improve the first aid facilities in public places. We will improve the national emergency medical rescue network, strengthen the pre hospital first aid facilities and equipment for child injuries, achieve the effective connection between pre hospital first aid and in hospital emergency, strengthen the capacity building of rehabilitation institutions, and improve the efficiency and level of medical treatment and rehabilitation services for children.

12. Improve the monitoring mechanism. Establish and improve the national and local monitoring system for accidental and violent injuries to children, collect data on child injuries through medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, nurseries, communities, judicial authorities and other channels, and promote data standardization. Establish a working mechanism for data sharing, analysis, evaluation and utilization involving multiple departments and disciplines.

(3) Children and education.

Main objectives:

1. Comprehensively implement the fundamental task of building morality and cultivating people, and cultivate socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor.

2. Preschool education of high quality is widely accepted by school-age children, and the gross enrollment rate of preschool education has reached and remained above 90%.

3. Promote high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education and urban-rural integration, and increase the consolidation rate of nine-year compulsory education to more than 96%.

4. Consolidate and improve the level of high school education popularization, and the gross enrollment rate of high school education has reached and remained above 92%.

5. The right to education of special groups such as orphans, de facto unaccompanied children, disabled children, migrant children of agricultural transfer population, left behind children and children in difficult circumstances has been fundamentally guaranteed. The consolidation level of compulsory education for disabled children was further improved.

6. Children's scientific quality has been comprehensively improved, and their scientific interest, innovation awareness and practical ability have been constantly improved.

7. The education evaluation system oriented to improving children's comprehensive quality is more perfect.

8. Strengthen the construction of campus culture, and create friendly, equal and respectful teacher-student relationship and classmate relationship.

9. The school, family and society coordinated education mechanism was further improved.

Strategic measures:

1. Fully implement the Party's educational policy. Adhere to the socialist orientation of running schools, improve the implementation mechanism of building morality and cultivating people, implement quality education, and improve the education system of comprehensive cultivation of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. Improve ideological and moral quality, guide students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, love the motherland, love the people, love the Communist Party of China, love socialism, and cultivate and practice socialist core values. Improve the level of intellectual education, develop students' lifelong learning ability, promote the development of thinking, and stimulate innovation awareness. Adhere to the principle of health first, deepen the integration of sports and education, and help students hone their strong will and build a strong physique. Improve aesthetic education teaching and enhance students' aesthetic and humanistic quality. Strengthen labor education, guide students to establish a correct labor outlook, form good labor habits, and cultivate the labor spirit of diligence, thrift, struggle, innovation, and dedication.

2. Fully implement the education priority development strategy. In economic and social development planning, priority should be given to education, in financial investment, priority should be given to ensuring education, and in allocation of public resources, priority should be given to education. We should optimize the structure of education expenditure and make compulsory education the top priority of education investment. Implement the responsibility of governments at all levels for education expenditure in accordance with the law, and improve the financial subsidy policies for all stages of education. We will support and standardize schools run by social forces.

3. Cultivate children's good ideological and moral quality, legal awareness and behavior habits. We should strengthen ideal education, moral education, rule of law education, and labor education, develop good moral quality, rule of law awareness, and behavior habits, and form a positive and healthy personality and good psychological quality. Gender equality education was widely carried out in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. We will improve the system of moral education, deepen education through courses, culture, activities, practice, management, and collaboration. Innovate the form of moral education, enrich the content of moral education, and enhance the attractiveness, appeal and effectiveness of moral education.

4. Comprehensively promote the innovation of education concept, system, system, content and method. Strictly implement the curriculum plan and curriculum standards to improve the teaching quality. Improve the mechanism of textbook compilation, revision, review, selection and withdrawal. Follow the laws of education and students' physical and mental development, respect individual differences, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and promote heuristic, exploratory, participatory and cooperative teaching. Explore the training system for students with special talents. Improve the intelligent level of the campus, improve the ability of informatization to serve education, teaching and management, promote the online radiation of high-quality educational resources to weak schools in rural and remote areas, accelerate the development of informatization independent learning methods suitable for different students, and meet personalized development needs. We will improve the quality and level of education in ethnic minority areas, and increase the promotion of the national common language. We will deepen education for national unity and progress.

5. Gradually promote the comprehensive popularization of preschool education. We will continue to implement the action plan for preschool education, focusing on making up for the shortage of inclusive resources in densely populated areas, rural areas, underdeveloped areas, ethnic minority areas and weak urban areas, and basically achieve full coverage of the public service system for preschool education. We will strengthen the education of Putonghua for preschool children and promote their learning of Putonghua. Strictly implement the policy of supporting kindergartens in urban communities, and encourage state-owned enterprises and institutions, streets, and villages to collectively organize public kindergartens. We will improve the cost sharing mechanism for inclusive pre-school education, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism for the charging standards of public parks, strengthen the regulation of fees for non-profit private parks, and curb excessive profit seeking behavior. Pay attention to scientific education, establish and improve the quality monitoring system of kindergarten education, resolutely overcome and correct the "primary school" trend, and comprehensively improve the quality of education.

6. Promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education. Scientifically plan and layout the construction of urban and rural schools, implement the regulations on supporting construction of schools in new residential areas, reasonably and orderly expand the degree supply of urban schools, and solve the problem of large class sizes in cities and towns. We will comprehensively strengthen the construction of small-scale rural schools and township boarding schools, further improve the school running conditions of rural schools, strengthen the construction of rural teachers, improve the quality of rural compulsory education, and promote the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education. We will improve the long-term mechanism for precisely controlling dropouts and ensuring schooling, and improve the consolidation of compulsory education. We will ensure that girls receive compulsory education on an equal basis. We will promote the full coverage of entrance examination free compulsory education schools to nearby schools, fully implement synchronous enrollment of public and private compulsory education schools, and support and standardize the development of private compulsory education.

7. Further popularize high school education. We will accelerate the reform of the educational methods of ordinary high schools, promote the diversified and distinctive development of high schools, and meet the needs of students' personalized and diversified development. We will promote the coordinated development of secondary vocational education and general high school education, establish a unified enrollment platform for secondary vocational education and general high school education, and deepen the integration of vocational and general education. We will vigorously develop secondary vocational education, build a number of excellent secondary vocational schools and high-quality majors, and relax geographical restrictions on secondary vocational enrollment. We will improve funding policies for students in senior high schools.

8. Guarantee the right to education of special groups of children. We will improve the security mechanism for special education, promote full coverage of education for disabled children of appropriate age, and improve the quality of special education. Adhere to the principle of regular class learning in ordinary schools, take special education schools as the backbone, and take home delivery and distance education as the supplement to comprehensively promote integrated education. Vigorously develop preschool education for disabled children, further improve the consolidation level of compulsory education for disabled children, and accelerate the development of high school education for disabled people with vocational education as the focus. We will promote the education of autistic children. We will ensure that the children of agricultural migrants have equal access to basic public education services. We will strengthen targeted funding for students from economically disadvantaged families, and improve the policies for scholarships, grants, and student loans. We will strengthen rule of law education, safety education, and mental health education for left behind children and children in need, and give priority to meeting the boarding needs of left behind children. We will vigorously promote the national common sign language and national common Braille in special education schools.

9. Improve children's scientific quality. Implement the action to improve the scientific quality of minors. We will carry forward the spirit of science throughout the whole process of education, carry out pre-school scientific enlightenment education, improve the quality of school science education, improve the curriculum standards and curriculum system, enrich curriculum resources, stimulate students' curiosity and imagination, cultivate children's innovative spirit and practical ability, and encourage students with innovative potential to develop individually. Strengthen social coordination, and focus on using science and technology museums, children's centers, youth palaces, museums and other off-site places to carry out after-school scientific learning and practice activities. Widely carry out community science popularization activities. We will strengthen the ranks of full-time and part-time science teachers and science and technology instructors. We will improve the quality of science education and the monitoring and evaluation of minors' scientific quality.

10. Establish and improve the scientific education evaluation system. Establish a scientific view of education quality, and establish and improve a scientific evaluation system guided by the development of quality education. Implement the evaluation standards for the quality of compulsory education, school running and student development at the county level. According to the characteristics of different subjects, different classes and different types of education, we should improve the result evaluation, strengthen the process evaluation, explore value-added evaluation, improve comprehensive evaluation, and overcome the tendency of only scores and only going to higher schools. We will improve the academic proficiency test and comprehensive quality evaluation system for junior and senior high school students. In the senior high school stage, the school implements the enrollment mode based on the results of the junior high school academic examination and combined with the comprehensive quality evaluation, implements the policy of allocating the enrollment indicators of high-quality ordinary high schools to junior high schools, and improves the college enrollment mechanism of classified examination, comprehensive evaluation and diversified enrollment.

11. Strengthen the construction of teaching staff. We will improve the long-term mechanism for building teachers' ethics, guide teachers to consciously practice socialist core values, improve their professional ethics, and adhere to their responsibilities of teaching and educating people. We will improve the teacher qualification access system, and focus on solving the structural, phased, and regional shortage of teachers. We will strengthen the training of teachers and improve their basic skills and professional abilities. Promote the social trend of respecting teachers and valuing education. Cultivate a high-quality professional innovative teacher team with ideals, beliefs, moral sentiments, solid knowledge and benevolence.

12. Carry out the construction of democratic, civilized, harmonious and equal friendly schools. Strengthen the construction of school spirit, teaching style and learning style, carry out the construction of civilized campus, and build the relationship between teachers and students who respect teachers and love students and the relationship between students who are united and friendly. Ensure the right of students to participate in school affairs. Beautify the campus environment, optimize students' learning and living conditions, promote the construction and transformation of barrier free campus environment, provide students with safe drinking water, sanitary toilets and desks and chairs suitable for height, and improve school dining and boarding conditions for students. Cultivate and enrich the positive, healthy and civilized campus culture.

13. Adhere to the combination of school education, family education and social education. Strengthen home, home school cooperation, and promote the institutionalization and normalization of teachers' home visits. We will strengthen the construction of primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, community parent schools, and parent committees, popularize family education knowledge, and promote family education experience. We will coordinate resources such as various venues, facilities and teams for social education, enrich the contents and forms of out of school education, encourage children to actively participate in practical activities such as science and technology, culture, sports, art and labor, and participate in daily life labor, production labor and service labor, so as to help students gain a deeper understanding of national conditions, social conditions and people's conditions. Enhance the public welfare of out of school education. Strengthen the theoretical research of out of school education. Standardize after-school training, effectively reduce the burden of students' extracurricular training, and strictly supervise the after-school online education training for young children. Give full play to the role of primary and secondary schools as the main channel for after-school services, improve the after-school service guarantee mechanism and measures for primary and secondary schools, and the end time of after-school services shall not be earlier than the local normal off duty time in principle. Give play to the role of the Communist Youth League, the Young Pioneers, the Women's Federation, the Association for Science and Technology, the Customs Working Committee and other organizations in educating people, and form a joint force of schools, families and society in educating people.

(4) Children and welfare.

Main objectives:

1. Improve the level of children's welfare, and basically build a moderately inclusive child welfare system suitable for the level of economic and social development.

2. The equalization of basic public services for children has improved significantly, and the public service needs of children in urban and rural areas, regions and different groups have been met fairly.

3. Consolidate and improve the level of basic medical security and protect children's basic medical rights and interests.

4. Build a continuous and complete child nutrition improvement project support system.

5. Accelerate the construction of inclusive childcare service system, and the number of childcare institutions and places continues to increase.

6. The survival, development and safety rights and interests of orphans, de facto unaccompanied children, disabled children and street children are effectively guaranteed.

7. The care service system for left behind children has been constantly improved, and the service mechanism for migrant children has become more sound.

8. The coverage of children's homes in urban and rural communities was further consolidated and improved, and the service capacity was continuously improved.

9. The "five in one" primary child protection mechanism of monitoring and prevention, mandatory reporting, emergency response, assessment and assistance, and monitoring and intervention has been effectively operated. People's governments at or above the county level have opened and effectively operated a unified national child protection hotline.

10. The construction of child welfare work positions and teams at the grass-roots level was further strengthened.

11. Social organizations serving children and professional teams of social work for children have grown significantly.

Strategic measures:

1. Improve the system of child welfare security and assistance. We will actively promote child welfare legislation. Gradually build a moderately inclusive child welfare system that is compatible with the country's economic and social development level and linked with relevant welfare systems. We will improve the classified security policy for children in need and increase security for children in need. We will improve child welfare policies and raise child welfare standards in a reasonable manner. Reasonably formulate the minimum living standard and the standard for the relief and support of people living in extreme poverty, and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism to improve the quality of life of children.

2. Improve the supply of public services for children. We will improve the equalization and accessibility of basic public services, give priority to the inclusion of children's education, health care, and welfare security in the list of basic public services, and improve the intelligence of services. We will improve the standard system of basic public services for children, and promote basic public services to favor underdeveloped areas, weak links, and special groups of children. We will expand the coverage of public services, fully implement preferential policies for children to take public transport and visit, and promote preferential policies for children's ticket prices that give priority to age standards and supplement height standards.

3. Do a good job in children's medical security. We will strengthen the triple guarantee functions of basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, and medical assistance, and consolidate and increase the coverage of children in basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents. We will improve the mechanism for raising funds and adjusting benefits for basic medical insurance, and improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism for the medical insurance catalogue. We will ensure that children from low-income families are covered by medical insurance for urban and rural residents. Do a good job of medical assistance for eligible children with financial difficulties. Promote the complementarity and connection of all kinds of medical security, support commercial insurance institutions to develop and promote serious illness and accidental injury insurance products suitable for children of different ages, coordinate and mobilize charitable medical assistance forces, support the orderly development of medical mutual assistance, and work together to reduce the burden of medical expenses on children's families.

4. Promote the implementation of children's nutrition improvement projects. Consolidate the implementation results of children's nutrition improvement projects in poverty alleviation areas. We will steadily promote the nutrition improvement plan for students in rural compulsory education, and improve the mechanism for sharing food costs. Strengthen the nutrition improvement of preschool children aged 3-5, implement the nutrition improvement plan for preschool children, and build a continuous and complete support system for children's nutrition improvement projects from infancy to school age.

5. Develop the inclusive childcare service system. Include infant care services into the economic and social development plan, study and prepare a special plan for the development of childcare services, strengthen policy guidance, comprehensively use land, housing, finance, finance, talent and other support policies, and expand the supply of childcare services. Vigorously develop various forms of inclusive childcare services, promote the construction of a number of model childcare service institutions and community childcare service facilities that assume the guiding function, support qualified employers to provide childcare services for employees, encourage state-owned enterprises and other entities to actively participate in the construction of inclusive childcare service system promoted by governments at all levels, Support and guide social forces to provide inclusive childcare services by relying on the community, encourage and support qualified kindergartens to enroll children aged 2 to 3, and develop management measures for family childcare centers. We will strengthen the training of professionals and gradually implement the system of professional qualification access for employees in accordance with the law. Formulate and improve the standards and specifications of childcare services, strengthen comprehensive supervision, and promote the healthy development of childcare services.

6. Strengthen the protection of orphans and de facto children who are not supported by others. Implement the security policy for orphans and de facto unaccompanied children, clarify the protection objects, standardize the identification process, and reasonably determine the security standards. The channels for the placement of orphans adopted by relatives, families, institutions and according to law shall be unblocked. Implement the responsibility of guardianship of orphans living in scattered communities and children who have no parents. We will improve laws and policies related to child adoption, guide and encourage domestic families to adopt sick and disabled children. We will improve the adoption evaluation system, establish a return visit supervision system for adoption status, and strengthen the informatization of adoption registration. Promote the high-quality development of adoption work.

7. Implement the rehabilitation assistance system for disabled children. We will improve the integrated working mechanism for screening, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children with disabilities, and establish a disability reporting and information sharing system. Improve the coverage of rehabilitation services for disabled children, provide basic rehabilitation services such as rehabilitation medicine, rehabilitation aids and rehabilitation training for disabled children in need, and promote the upgrading of rehabilitation aids. We will improve the standards of rehabilitation services for disabled children, strengthen the supply capacity of rehabilitation services for disabled children, and standardize the management of rehabilitation institutions for disabled children. We will support child welfare institutions to provide social disabled children with alternative care, parenting education, counseling, rehabilitation training and other services.

8. Strengthen the rescue and protection of street children. Implement street patrol and referral responsibilities for street children, and provide daily care, identity inquiry, pickup and return services for street children according to laws and regulations. The county-level government in the outflow area shall establish a mechanism for source control and return to stability, implement the relevant social security and compulsory education policies for street children, and educate and urge the parents or other guardians of street children to fulfill their upbringing obligations. We will severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts of abandoning and maltreating minors in accordance with the law.

9. Strengthen the care and protection of left behind children. Further improve the care and protection system for left behind children. Strengthen the main responsibility of family guardianship and improve the ability of guardianship. Strengthen the territorial responsibilities of county and township governments, and implement the care and assistance policies and measures. Regularly carry out special care activities in winter and summer vacation, give full play to the role of group organizations, social organizations, social workers, volunteers, etc., and strengthen guidance services for the psychology, emotion, behavior and safe self-care of left behind children. Actively advocate enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities and provide support for migrant workers to strengthen communication with left behind minor children. We will implement policies and measures to support migrant workers to return home, find jobs and start businesses, and reduce the number of children left behind at the source.

10. Improve the service mechanism for migrant children. We will deepen the reform of the household registration system, improve the basic public service delivery mechanism based on the residence permit and the length of residence, promote the equalization of basic public services for the urban permanent population, and ensure that children have equal access to basic public services such as education, health care, and so on. We will improve the management and service network for migrant children's families based on the community, improve professional service capabilities, and promote migrant children and their families to integrate into the community.

11. Improve the construction, management and service level of children's homes. We will improve the working pattern of government led, departmental coordinated, multi-party participation and joint construction of children's homes, and consolidate and improve the coverage of children's homes. We will improve the construction standards, working systems and management norms of children's homes, equip full-time and part-time staff, give play to the role of community children directors and executive committee members of the Women's Federation, and improve management and use efficiency. Ensure the service duration of Children's Home, expand the service content, ensure the service safety, introduce qualified relevant social organizations to provide professional and refined services for children through purchase of services, project cooperation and other ways, and give full play to the role of Children's Home in grassroots social governance and child protection.

12. Establish and improve the grass-roots child protection mechanism. We will improve child protection mechanisms at the county (city, district, and banner), township (street), and village (community) levels. Urge schools, kindergartens, nurseries, medical institutions, child welfare institutions, juvenile relief and protection institutions, village (resident) committees and other subjects to strengthen the awareness of active reporting, and fulfill the obligation of compulsory reporting for children in distress and children injured by violence. Open a national unified child protection hotline, timely accept and refer complaints and reports of violations of children's legitimate rights and interests, explore and improve the integrated work process of receiving, evaluating, handling, and helping, clarify the work responsibilities and cooperation procedures of relevant departments, and form a working mechanism of "one door acceptance and cooperation".

13. Improve the service capacity of juvenile rescue and protection institutions, child welfare institutions and grass-roots children's work teams. We will promote the optimization and quality improvement of child welfare institutions responsible for centralized parenting, and promote the integrated development of child rearing, rehabilitation, education, medical care, and social work. Integrate the functions of county-level child welfare institutions and institutions related to the rescue and protection of minors, and provide services for minors in temporary custody, scattered orphans, left behind children and children in distress. We will strengthen the construction of juvenile rescue and protection centers, and formulate and improve the working standards of juvenile rescue and protection institutions. Further implement the work responsibilities of juvenile relief and protection institutions, child supervisors, and child directors, increase the training of child supervisors, child directors, and other grassroots children workers, and improve their service capabilities.

14. Support and guide social forces to participate in child protection and services. Through government entrustment, project cooperation, key promotion, incubation support and other ways, actively cultivate social organizations and volunteer service organizations serving children. More eligible child protection and services will be included in the government's guidance catalog for purchasing services, and social organizations serving children will be actively guided to provide services to urban and rural communities, families and schools. Strengthen the construction of professional team of children's social work and improve the level of service skills. We should guide social resources to lean towards underdeveloped areas and support the development of social organizations serving children in underdeveloped areas.

(5) Children and families.

Main objectives:

1. Give full play to the role of the first school for family moral cultivation and cultivate children's good thoughts, good conduct and good habits.

2. Respect the dominant position of children, and ensure children's equal participation in their own and family affairs.

3. Educate and guide parents or other guardians to implement the responsibility of rearing, education and protection, establish the concept of scientific child rearing, and master and apply scientific child rearing methods.

4. Cultivate children to become practitioners and inheritors of good family style.

5. Strengthen parent-child interaction and establish equal and harmonious parent-child relationship.

6. The family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas has been basically completed, and the guidance service capacity has been further improved. 95% of urban communities and 85% of rural communities (villages) have established parent schools or family education guidance service stations.

7. A system of laws, regulations and policies to support family childbearing education has basically taken shape.

8. Improve the level of theoretical and practical research in the family field, and promote the transformation and application of achievements.

Strategic measures:

1. Implement morality cultivation in all aspects of family education. Parents or other guardians should take moral cultivation as the primary task of family education, integrate ideological and moral education into daily life, help children broaden their horizons, understand the society, cultivate children's good thoughts, good morality and good habits through people and things around them, and guide children to establish a correct world outlook, outlook on life and values. Educate and guide children to practice the core socialist values, learn the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and foster the love for the party, the motherland, and socialism. Enhance the awareness of the rule of law and social responsibility, learn to be a man, learn to do things, learn to learn to learn, and buckle the first button in life.

2. Respect the child's principal position and rights. Guide parents or other guardians to be child oriented, respect children's physical and mental development laws and characteristics, guarantee children's rights to rest, exercise, leisure and entertainment, reasonably arrange children's study and life, and increase time for physical exercise, labor practice, rest and entertainment, social practice, peer interaction, parent-child activities, etc. Respect children's right to know and participate, and attach importance to listening to and adopting children's reasonable opinions. Educate and guide children to enhance their awareness of family and social responsibilities, encourage children to make independent choices, self-management, and self service, participate in housework within their ability, cultivate labor habits, and improve labor skills.

3. Enhance the awareness and ability of guardianship responsibility. Create a good family environment, meet the needs of children's physical and mental development, cultivate children's good behavior habits and healthy lifestyle, and improve safety awareness and self rescue and self-care ability. Strengthen publicity, education and training, help parents or other guardians learn family education knowledge, establish scientific parenting concepts and correct outlook on talent, master scientific parenting methods, respect individual differences, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude. Beating, maltreatment and other forms of domestic violence against children are prohibited. Strengthen the support, supervision and intervention for families to implement their guardianship responsibilities, and provide classified guidance and welfare security for families according to different needs.

4. Cultivate and edify children with good family style. Give play to the role of parents as role models and models, educate and guide children to inherit the family virtues of respecting the old and loving the young, gender equality, husband and wife harmony, thrifty housekeeping, parent-child equality, and neighborhood unity, and practice the new style of socialist family civilization of patriotism, love each other, upward mobility, and joint construction and sharing. Extensive publicity and promotion activities of good family style with rich content, novel form and educational significance were carried out, and a series of family culture service products were launched. Lead children to develop a civilized and healthy lifestyle and consumption mode, and eliminate waste.

5. Cultivate good parent-child relationship. Guide families to establish effective parent-child communication methods, strengthen parent-child communication, increase accompanying time and improve accompanying quality. Encourage and support families to carry out parent-child games, parent-child reading, parent-child movement, parent-child travel and other activities. Guidance helps families adjust parent-child relationship, alleviate parenting anxiety, and resolve parent-child conflicts. Encourage and support all kinds of public welfare facilities and places for education, science and technology, culture, sports, entertainment, and children's homes in urban and rural communities to provide conditions for family parent-child activities. Strengthen parent-child reading guidance and cultivate children's good reading habits. Recommend excellent children's bibliography by age, improve children's community reading places and functions, and encourage community libraries to set up parent-child reading areas.

6. Build a family education guidance service system covering urban and rural areas. Establish family education guidance service centers based on existing institutions, coordinate family education guidance services, and set up family education guidance service stations based on parent schools, urban and rural community public service facilities, women's homes, children's homes, etc. Build a family education information sharing platform, and set up online parent schools and family education guidance courses. Primary and secondary schools and kindergartens should improve the work system of family education guidance services, and incorporate family education guidance services into school work plans and teacher professional training. The community (village) supports and assists family education guidance service stations to carry out family education guidance services. Encourage and support public cultural service places to carry out family education guidance activities, and use a variety of media to promote family education knowledge.

7. Strengthen the support and guarantee for family education guidance services. We will promote the implementation of the family education work plan, promote inclusive access to family education guidance services, and include them in the government's guidance catalog for purchasing services, so as to foster family education service institutions. Strengthen the management of family education service institutions and employees, and standardize the family education service market. We will strengthen self-discipline in the family education service industry, study and formulate service quality standards, and establish an industry certification system. Encourage government agencies, enterprises and public institutions and social organizations to provide family education guidance services to their employees. Support social work institutions, voluntary service organizations and professional workers to carry out family education guidance services according to law and regulations.

8. Improve laws, regulations and policies that support family childbearing and parenting education. Promote family education legislation and implementation. Improve the supporting measures of the three child birth policy. Promote the gender ratio at birth to be normal. We will improve the level of services for eugenics and childbearing, increase the supply of high-quality inclusive childcare services, promote education fairness and the supply of high-quality educational resources, implement the maternity leave system and maternity allowance, and explore the implementation of parental parental leave. We will promote the inclusion of care services for infants and young children under the age of 3 in the special additional deduction of individual income tax, strengthen support policies such as housing, and reduce the burden of childbearing, rearing, and education. Take the support and security of children in distress and their families as the priority area of family support policies. We will accelerate the improvement of household service standards and improve the level of intelligent and digital household services. Employing units are encouraged to establish mother and baby rooms and childcare and trusteeship service facilities, and flexible family friendly measures such as flexible working hours and home office work are implemented.

9. Strengthen theoretical and practical research in the family field. Give full play to the role of academic social organizations, encourage qualified colleges and research institutions to set up family education majors and courses, establish research bases in the family field, cultivate and expand research teams in the family field, and improve research level. Adhere to the problem orientation, focus on family construction, family education, family style training and other research, promote the transformation of research results in time, and provide theoretical support for related work in the family field.

(6) Children and the environment.

Main objectives:

1. Implement the concept of children first in all aspects of public policy formulation, public facilities construction and public service supply, and further form the social environment of respecting and caring for children.

2. Provide more high-quality spiritual and cultural products conducive to the comprehensive development of children.

3. Protect children from harmful information from various media. Improve children's media literacy.

4. The right of children to participate in family, school and social affairs is fully guaranteed.

5. Build child friendly cities and child friendly communities.

6. Increase the public welfare children's education, science and technology, culture, sports, entertainment and other extracurricular activities, and improve the utilization rate and service quality.

7. Reduce the harm of environmental pollution to children. The rural tap water penetration rate reached 90%, and the rural sanitary toilet penetration rate was steadily increased.

8. Improve children's awareness of ecological environment protection and help them develop green and low-carbon living habits.

9. When preventing and responding to emergencies, fully consider the physical and mental characteristics of children, and give priority to meeting the special needs of children.

10. International exchanges and cooperation on children's affairs have been carried out extensively, and their role in promoting the development of global children's cause has been further highlighted.

Strategic measures:

1. Fully implement the principle of children first. Establish and improve the system to promote the priority development of children, raise the awareness of government departments and the public on children's rights, and enhance the consciousness of safeguarding children's rights. Give priority to the interests and needs of children when enacting laws, formulating policies, preparing plans and deploying work. Encourage enterprises and institutions, various public service institutions and social organizations to participate in child development and rights protection services. More public facilities and places suitable for children should be provided in urban and rural construction planning and urban reconstruction.

2. Improve the level of public cultural services for children. Produce and disseminate books, films, songs, games, radio and television programs, cartoons and other spiritual and cultural products that reflect socialist core values and are suitable for children, and cultivate children's cultural brands. Support children to participate in the protection, inheritance and innovation of national excellent traditional culture. Explore new ways and methods to carry out children's ideological and moral education in cyberspace, and enhance knowledge, interest and timeliness. We will support children's works to participate in major projects such as the National Support Project for the Creation of Fine Stage Arts and important performance festivals. Social organizations and cultural and art institutions are encouraged to provide professional guidance and venue support for children's cultural and art activities. The public library has a separate children's reading area. The blind reading area of the public library provides convenience for blind children to read. Community libraries are encouraged to set up special areas for children's books.

3. Strengthen market supervision and law enforcement in press and publication, culture and other fields. Strengthen the review, identification and disposal of children's publications, deepen the work of "combating pornography and illegal publications", and eliminate harmful publications and information such as obscenity, pornography, vulgarity, violence, terrorism, superstition, etc. Clean up the illegal sales of publications and children's cultural goods and toys involving vulgar content around the campus. Strict online publishing, cultural market management and law enforcement, and timely rectification of online games, videos, live broadcasts, social networking, learning mobile applications that spread harmful information endangering the physical and mental health of minors. Strictly control and guide minors' bad information and behaviors with value orientation problems, such as chasing stars without bottom line, money worship and wealth display. We will strengthen law enforcement in Internet business places and entertainment venues, and investigate and deal with illegal admission of minors, provision of songs containing prohibited content, games and entertainment equipment and other violations. Implement the main responsibility of Internet enterprises, and improve governance measures in product development, content review, user management, protection measures, reporting and handling.

4. Standardize advertising and commercial activities related to children. Standardize the broadcasting of products (services) related to children. Advertisements for medical treatment, drugs, medical devices, health food, cosmetics, alcohol, beauty, and online games that are harmful to children's physical and mental health shall not be published on the mass media for children. It is prohibited to advertise infant dairy products, beverages and other foods that claim to replace breast milk in whole or in part in mass media and public places. Strengthen the investigation and punishment of relevant false and illegal advertising cases. Regulate and restrict children's participation in commercial performances.

5. Strengthen children's media literacy education. The right of children to use and participate in the media is guaranteed. Enrich children's digital life experience and improve the quality of digital life. Through schools, kindergartens, families, society and other channels, improve the media literacy of children and their guardians, strengthen the classified education guidance for children of different ages to use the Internet, help children master the basic knowledge and skills of the Internet, improve their ability to learn and communicate, develop good habits of using the Internet, and guide children to resist uncivilized behaviors on the Internet, Enhance the ability of information identification and online self-protection to prevent addiction to the Internet. Provide conditions for children in underdeveloped areas, disabled children and children in need to participate in the network safely and reasonably.

6. Guarantee children's right to participate and express. Respect children's right to participate in their own and family affairs, and cultivate children's awareness and ability to participate. Formulation, implementation and evaluation of laws and regulations related to children, as well as decision-making on major issues, and listening to children's opinions. Include children's participation in school, out of school educational institutions and community work plans. Support the Communist Youth League, Young Pioneers, Women's Federation and other organizations to carry out social practice and experience activities. Strengthen the construction of the school class committee and the student union, and unblock the channels for students to participate in school affairs. Publicity, education and training activities involving children were widely carried out.

7. Carry out the construction of child friendly cities and child friendly communities. Encourage the creation of child friendly cities with Chinese characteristics that are friendly to social policies, public services, rights protection, growth space and development environment. Establish a multisectoral cooperation mechanism, develop a standard system and construction guide for child friendly cities and child friendly communities that are suitable for China's national conditions, and build a number of national child friendly cities. Actively participate in the construction and exchange activities of international child friendly cities.

8. Strengthen the construction and management of children's extracurricular activities. We will incorporate the construction of children's playground into the local economic and social development plan, strengthen the construction of various patriotism education bases, party history and national history education bases, national unity and progress education bases, science popularization education bases, and research and practice education bases for primary and secondary students, and increase support for the construction and operation of children's playground in rural areas, We will promote barrier free construction and renovation of children's playgrounds. We will standardize the management of children's off campus activities. All kinds of public welfare education, science and technology, culture, sports, and entertainment venues will be free or open to children. We will open special areas for children's activities according to conditions. Young Pioneers organizations are generally established in qualified off campus activities. Give play to the educational advantages of off campus activities, and create a brand of children's theme activities with distinctive characteristics and wide participation.

9. Optimize the natural environment and living environment for children's healthy growth. Control and control environmental pollution such as air, water and soil as well as industrial, domestic and rural non-point source pollution, and strengthen water source protection and water quality monitoring. Strengthen the prevention, control and monitoring of lead and other heavy metal pollution. Promote the standardized construction of urban drinking water sources. Implement the rural water supply guarantee project, and improve the rural centralized water supply rate, tap water penetration rate, water quality compliance rate and water supply guarantee rate. We will deepen the patriotic health campaign, continue to improve the appearance and living environment of villages, promote the revolution of rural toilets in a classified and orderly manner, coordinate the improvement of rural toilets and the treatment of sewage and black and odorous water bodies, and build sewage treatment facilities according to local conditions.

10. Innovate and carry out ecological civilization publicity and education activities for children. We will integrate ecological civilization education into the national education system and into classroom teaching, campus activities, social practice and other links. Promote the construction of ecological environment science popularization base and social practice base for environmental education in primary and secondary schools, carry out rich children's environmental protection theme activities on World Environment Day, National Low Carbon Day, National Science and Technology Week and other nodes, build children's natural education protection base relying on nature reserves and carry out children's natural education. Cultivate children's awareness of ecological civilization, establish the concept of cherishing resources, protecting nature, cherishing life, and living in harmony with nature, and consciously develop a healthy and civilized, green and low-carbon, garbage classification good living habits.

11. Strengthen the protection of children in emergency prevention and response. The special needs of children should be taken into account when formulating emergency plans for emergencies. Formulate standards for children's protective articles, and give priority to ensuring the supply of children's food, medicine and articles during emergency disposal. Schools, kindergartens, nurseries, out of school educational institutions and communities carry out various forms of safety education and emergency drills to improve the ability of teachers, children and their guardians to identify disaster and accident risks and respond to disasters and accidents. In case of emergencies in public places, priority should be given to rescuing children. In the post disaster recovery and reconstruction phase, priority relief and rehabilitation measures should be taken according to the characteristics of children to minimize the harm to children caused by disaster accidents.

12. Carry out international exchanges and cooperation to promote children's development. Earnestly implement the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and other international conventions and documents, implement the sustainable development goals related to children's development, expand multilateral and bilateral exchanges and cooperation, especially with countries jointly building the "Belt and Road", absorb and draw on the beneficial experience of the international community in the field of children, and actively promote the "Chinese story" of promoting children's development, In promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind and promoting the development of the global cause for children, China has contributed its wisdom and demonstrated its responsibility.

(7) Children and legal protection.

Main objectives:

1. Improve the legal system to protect children's rights and interests.

2. Strengthen law enforcement to protect children's rights and interests.

3. Improve the judicial protection system and the judicial work system to meet the special needs of children's physical and mental development.

4. Children's legal literacy and self-protection awareness were further improved, and the public's awareness and ability to protect children were further improved.

5. Protect children's civil rights and interests according to law.

6. Implement the child guardianship system to ensure that children are effectively supervised.

7. Prohibit the use of child labor, prohibit the economic exploitation of children, and strictly supervise and arrange children to participate in commercial sexual activities.

8. Strictly punish sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, abandonment and other violations of children's personal rights in accordance with the law.

9. Strictly punish the illegal and criminal acts of infringing the legitimate rights and interests of children by using the network according to law.

10. Prevent juvenile delinquency, and implement graded intervention on juvenile delinquency. Reduce the proportion of juvenile delinquency in the number of minors.

Strategic measures:

1. Improve and implement laws and regulations to protect children's rights and interests. We will improve the legal and regulatory system that protects children's rights to survival, development, protection, and participation. We will accelerate the legislative process of family education, preschool education, child welfare, and network protection, and timely revise relevant laws and regulations and issue judicial interpretations. We will make legislative work more scientific and operational. We will strengthen the implementation of the Law on the Protection of Minors, and implement the system of legal supervision, judicial advice, and legal supervision. Strengthen the legal theory and practice research on safeguarding children's rights and interests.

2. Strictly protect the rights and interests of children. Fully implement the main responsibility of safeguarding children's rights and interests. We will strengthen administrative law enforcement, and promptly identify and deal with problems such as guardianship violations, domestic violence, hidden dangers in campus and surrounding areas, and food and drug safety. We will explore the establishment of a multi sectoral comprehensive law enforcement system to protect children's rights and interests, explore the establishment of a child assistance cooperation system, strengthen information communication and work cohesion between departments, and form a joint force in law enforcement, protection and service.

3. Improve the juvenile judicial work system. The public security organ, the People's Procuratorate, the People's Court and the judicial administration department shall designate special agencies or designate special personnel to handle cases involving minors. We will improve the assessment standards for judicial protection of minors. We should strengthen the coordination and connection between specialized case handling and social protection, strengthen the cooperation between judicial authorities and government departments, people's organizations, social organizations and social workers, and jointly do a good job of psychological intervention, social protection, education and correction, community correction and other work for minors.

4. Strengthen the special judicial protection for minors. The right of privacy, reputation, right to know, right to participate and other litigation rights of minors involved in the case shall be protected according to law. The special procedures for juvenile delinquency cases should strictly restrict the application of arrest measures, legal aid, social investigation, psychological assessment, the presence of legal representatives or suitable adults, conditional non prosecution, closed trial, and the sealing of criminal records. Enhance the implementation effect of community correction for minors. Implement the system of separate detention, management and education for minors and adults involved in the case.

5. Provide legal aid and judicial relief for children according to law. Rely on the public legal service platform, provide legal aid services such as legal advice for children, promote the standardization and standardization of legal aid, and promote the construction of professional children's legal aid team. We will ensure that children who meet the conditions for judicial assistance receive targeted economic assistance, physical and mental recovery, living arrangements, resumption of schooling and employment and other comprehensive assistance.

6. Strengthen the rule of law publicity and education on child protection. We will improve the working mechanism for children's rule of law education involving schools, families and society, and improve children's rule of law literacy. We will solidly promote the construction of a practice base for rule of law education for young people, a rule of law resource classroom, and a network platform, and deepen rule of law education and practice activities in a variety of ways, including the use of vice presidents of rule of law, case interpretation, and mock courts. Improve the public's awareness of the rule of law, and promote the formation of a good atmosphere for safeguarding children's rights and interests in accordance with the law. Guide the media to interview and report cases involving minors objectively, prudently and appropriately.

7. Fully protect children's civil rights and interests. The rights of the person, property and other lawful rights and interests of children shall be protected according to law. Mediate disputes involving children's rights and interests, explore measures to protect the rights and interests of minor children during their parents' separation within marriage, and protect the rights of minor children to visit, support, education and protection after their parents' divorce according to law. The right to inheritance and bequest of children and fetuses is guaranteed according to law. Protect children's personality rights such as reputation, privacy and personal information according to law. We will improve the system of supporting prosecution. Carry out public interest litigation against violations of children's legitimate rights and interests in food and drug safety, product quality, tobacco and alcohol sales, cultural publicity, network communication and other fields.

8. Improve and implement the guardianship system. Strengthen parents or other guardians to perform their duties of rearing, educating and protecting minor children, and standardize the behavior of parents or other guardians entrusting others to care for minor children according to law. Urge the implementation of guardianship responsibilities, and prohibit early marriage, early childbearing, and early marriage and school dropout. Strengthen the supervision, guidance and assistance of guardianship, and implement the compulsory family education system. Strengthen the supervision responsibility of the village (resident) committee for the guardianship and entrusted care of parents or other guardians, and the village (resident) child director should do a good job in finding, verifying and reporting the situation that children face guardianship risks or are subject to guardianship violations. Explore the establishment of monitoring risk and abnormal condition evaluation system. Correct and deal with cases of guardians' infringement of children's rights and interests in accordance with the law. Children who meet the statutory conditions shall be supervised by civil affairs departments at or above the county level on behalf of the state. Ensure that unattended children receive temporary guardianship in time in case of emergencies.

9. Strictly investigate and deal with the use of child labor and other illegal and criminal acts. Strengthen the daily inspection and special law enforcement inspection on the use of child labor. Strictly implement the relevant national regulations on children's participation in performances and program production. We will strengthen the supervision and management of enterprises, other business organizations or individuals, and online platforms to attract children to participate in advertising photography, commercial endorsements, performances, events, program production, and webcasts. The special protection provisions for juvenile workers shall be strictly implemented. The employing unit shall conduct regular health examination for juvenile workers, and shall not arrange them to engage in overweight, toxic, harmful and other labor or dangerous operations that endanger the physical and mental health of children.

10. Prevent and severely punish illegal and criminal acts against children according to law. We should strengthen the education of children's sexual abuse prevention, improve the awareness and ability of children, families, schools and communities to identify and report sexual abuse prevention, and implement the mandatory reporting system. We will establish a nationwide unified information inquiry system for criminals involved in sexual assault, abuse, trafficking, and violence, and improve and implement the system of employment inquiry and employment prohibition. We will explore the establishment of an information disclosure system for criminals who commit sexual assault on children, and strictly implement the filing system for foreign teachers' non crime certificates. We will strengthen the filing and supervision of cases, and improve the standards for filing cases, conviction and sentencing. The sexual assault committed by persons with special responsibilities for children shall be severely punished according to law, and the crime of organizing, forcing, luring, sheltering or introducing minors to prostitution shall be severely punished according to law. Establish a "one-stop" evidence collection mechanism for minor victims to protect them from "secondary injury". To explore and formulate special evidence standards for cases of sexual assault on children. Necessary psychological intervention, economic assistance, legal aid, transfer placement and other protective measures shall be implemented for minor victims and their families who have suffered sexual assault or violence.

11. Prevent and severely punish illegal and criminal acts of domestic violence against children according to law. Strengthen anti domestic violence propaganda, and eliminate domestic violence against children and serious neglect and other behaviors that are not conducive to children's physical and mental health. Implement the mandatory reporting system, and timely accept, investigate, file and transfer cases of domestic violence against children. We will issue judicial interpretations, guidance or implementation rules on the law against domestic violence, make full use of cautions, personal safety protection orders, revocation of guardianship and other measures, and strengthen the punishment and education of perpetrators. The perpetrator who constitutes a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law, and serious malignant cases shall be handled strictly. Protect the privacy and safety of minor victims, and provide psychological counseling, medical treatment and temporary shelter for minor victims and children witnessing domestic violence in a timely manner.

12. We will severely crack down on child trafficking, luring and coercing children into drug related, mafia related and criminal activities. Adhere to and improve the long-term mechanism of anti kidnapping work integrating prevention, attack, relief, resettlement and rehabilitation, and continue to implement the action plan against human trafficking. We will effectively prevent and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as buying and selling children in the name of adoption, abducting and selling people through online platforms, increase efforts to prevent and crack down on the crime of selling their own children, improve the verification mechanism of medical and production identity of pregnant and lying in women, improve the issuance system of parent-child identification opinions and birth medical certificates, and implement the child birth registration system. Rescued children who can not find their own parents and self selling cases should be properly placed. It is prohibited for any organization or individual other than the public security organ to collect information such as DNA data of abducted children, parents and suspected trafficked persons. We will implement the national youth drug prevention education project, and launch special crackdowns on the crime of luring, abetting, deceiving, forcing, and sheltering children from drug trafficking. Acts of coercing, luring and abetting children to participate in criminal activities of underworld organizations shall be severely punished according to law.

13. We will crack down on cyber crimes that violate children's legitimate rights and interests. We will strengthen the analysis and research on children's crimes in cyberspace, interpret the law through cases, and improve the public's awareness and ability to protect children online. It is prohibited to produce, reproduce, publish, disseminate or hold pornographic materials and network information about minors. The illegal and criminal acts of luring and sexually assaulting children by means of network shall be severely punished according to law. It is prohibited to insult, slander, threaten or maliciously damage the image of children and other online bullying behaviors. We will crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as using the Internet to lure children into gambling, extortion, and financial fraud.

14. Effectively prevent minors from committing crimes. We will strengthen education on the rule of law and crime prevention for minors. We will implement a system of graded intervention in juvenile delinquency, take educational and remedial measures in accordance with the law, and promptly detect, stop, and discipline juvenile delinquency. Timely stop and deal with the serious bad behaviors of minors and the behaviors of minors under the age of criminal responsibility that seriously endanger others and society. We will improve the admission procedures of specialized schools, the management of students and student status, and the system of returning to ordinary schools. Adhere to the combination of punishment in accordance with the law and precise help and education for minors involved in crime, enhance the effect of education and correction, and prevent recidivism. The minors involved in the crime shall be protected from discrimination, and the equal rights in resuming schooling, entering a higher school, employment, etc. shall be realized according to law. We will strengthen the grass-roots basis for preventing juvenile delinquency.

3、 Organization and implementation

(1) Adhere to the overall leadership of the Party. Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the development thought of taking the people as the center, adhere to the path of socialist children's development with Chinese characteristics, and put the leadership of the Party through the whole process of organizing and implementing the program. Implement the decision and deployment of the CPC Central Committee on the development of children's cause, and promote the implementation of the Outline in the overall layout of "Five in One" and the strategic layout of "Four Comprehensions".

(2) Implement the responsibility for implementing the program. We will improve the working mechanism for implementing the Program under the leadership of the Party Committee, the responsibility of the government, the coordination of the Women's and Children's Working Committee, multi sectoral cooperation, and the participation of the whole society. The State Council and the local people's governments at all levels are responsible for the implementation of the Outline, the women's and children's working committees at all levels are responsible for organizing, coordinating, guiding and supervising the work, and the women's and children's working committee offices at all levels are responsible for specific work. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people's organizations shall, in combination with their responsibilities, undertake the implementation of the objectives and tasks related to the Outline. The principle of giving priority to children is implemented when laws, policies, plans and deployment are introduced, children's rights and interests are effectively protected, and children's development is promoted.

(3) Strengthen the link between the Outline and the national economic and social development plan. Implement the principle of children first in the master plan for economic and social development and relevant special plans, incorporate the implementation of the program and children's development into the master plan for economic and social development and relevant special plans, promote the implementation of the program in combination with the deployment requirements of the master plan for economic and social development, and realize the simultaneous planning, deployment and promotion of children's cause development and economic and social development Simultaneous implementation.

(4) Formulate local child development plans and departmental implementation plans. The people's government at the provincial level shall, in accordance with this Outline and in combination with the actual situation, formulate the children's development plan at the corresponding level. The people's governments at the municipal and county levels shall, in accordance with this Outline and the children's development plan at the next higher level, formulate the children's development plan at the same level in combination with the actual situation. The provincial, municipal and county-level plans shall be submitted to the office of the women and children working committee at the next higher level within one month after promulgation. Relevant departments, relevant institutions and people's organizations at the central and local levels responsible for the objectives of the outline (plan) shall, in combination with their responsibilities and according to the division of tasks, formulate implementation plans and submit them to the office of the women and children's working committee at the same level.

(5) We will improve the working system and mechanism for implementing the Program. Improve the objective management responsibility system, incorporate the implementation of the outline into the government agenda and assessment content, and decompose the objectives of the outline to the responsible units and incorporate them into the objective management and assessment content. Improve the supervision and inspection system, and regularly supervise the implementation of the outline. The reporting system should be improved. The responsible unit should report the implementation of the outline and the work arrangement for the next year to the women and children's working committee at the same level every year. The women and children's working committee at the lower level should report the implementation of the local plan and the work arrangement for the next year to the women and children's working committee at the higher level every year. We will improve the system of deliberation and coordination, hold regular working meetings for women and children, plenary meetings of women and children's working committees, liaison meetings, etc., summarize the exchange, study and solve problems, and deploy work tasks. We will improve the demonstration system for the implementation of the Outline, and give full play to the role of demonstration units in point to area and demonstration. We will improve the system of commendation, and commend advanced collectives and individuals for implementing the Program in accordance with relevant regulations.

(6) We will strengthen financial support for children's development. The people's governments at all levels will incorporate the working funds required for the implementation of the Program into their financial budgets, so as to realize the simultaneous development of the cause for children and the economy and society. We will focus on supporting the development of children in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and underdeveloped areas, and support the development of groups of children with special difficulties. Mobilize social forces, raise resources through multiple channels, and jointly develop the cause of children.

(7) Adhere to and innovate effective practices for implementing the Outline. Implement the new development concept, adhere to the problem oriented and goal oriented, build a system of laws, regulations and policies to promote children's development, improve the protection mechanism for children's rights and interests, and implement livelihood projects to promote children's development. Summarize and promote good practices and experience through classified guidance and demonstration. We will give full play to the role of social forces in promoting the implementation of the Program through government purchase of services and other means. We should carry out international exchanges and cooperation, exchange experiences and practices of mutual learning, and tell stories about the development of Chinese children.

(8) We will strengthen capacity building for the implementation of the Program. Incorporate the important remarks of General Secretary Xi Jinping on children and children's work, as well as the relevant contents of the principle of children first, relevant laws, regulations and policies into the learning content of cadres at all levels, incorporate the knowledge required for the implementation of the program into the training plan, organize multi-level and multi-form training, and enhance the sense of responsibility and ability of relevant government departments, relevant institutions and personnel to implement the program. Guided by political construction, strengthen the capacity building of women and children's working committees and their offices at all levels, promote the optimization and efficiency of institutional functions, provide necessary human, material and financial support for better performance of duties, and provide organizational guarantee for the implementation of the Program.

(9) Strengthen the publicity of the Outline. Vigorously publicize General Secretary Xi Jinping's important statement on children and children's work, publicize the achievements of children's cause development under the strong leadership of the Party, publicize the principle of children's priority and the laws, regulations and policies to protect children's rights and promote children's development, publicize the content of the program and the experience and effectiveness of its implementation, and strive to create a social atmosphere that cares for children and is conducive to children's development.

(10) We will strengthen research on children's development. Give full play to the role of women's and children's working committees at all levels and their offices, strengthen the construction of think tanks for children's work, build research bases for children's development relying on universities, research institutions, social organizations, etc., cultivate professional research forces, extensively and deeply carry out theoretical and practical research, and provide reference for the formulation and improvement of relevant laws, regulations and policies.

(11) We will encourage all sectors of society to participate extensively in the implementation of the Program. We will improve the "trinity" education network of schools, families and society, and encourage enterprises and institutions, social organizations, charities and public welfare people to participate in protecting children's rights and interests and promoting children's development. Encourage children to participate in the implementation of the Program, and improve children's awareness and ability to achieve their own comprehensive development in the implementation of the Program.

4、 Monitoring and evaluation

(1) Strengthen the construction of monitoring and evaluation system. Carry out annual monitoring, mid-term evaluation and final evaluation on the implementation of the Outline. Implement and gradually improve the statistical monitoring program for children. Statistical departments at all levels take the lead in organizing annual monitoring. Member units of women and children's working committees at all levels, relevant departments and relevant institutions submit annual monitoring data to statistical departments at the same level, and timely collect and analyze relevant data and information reflecting the development of children. The working committees for women and children at all levels shall organize the mid-term and final evaluation, and the member units, relevant departments and relevant institutions of the working committees for women and children at all levels shall submit the mid-term and final evaluation reports to the working committees for women and children at the same level. Through evaluation, we can understand and master the implementation progress of the program and the development status of children, systematically analyze and evaluate the completion of the goals and tasks of the program, evaluate the implementation effect of the program's strategies and measures, summarize experience and practices, find out outstanding problems, predict the development trend, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions. The funds required for monitoring and evaluation shall be included in the financial budget.

(2) Strengthen the organization and leadership of monitoring and evaluation work. The women's and children's working committees at all levels shall set up a monitoring and evaluation leading group, which shall be composed of the heads of the women's and children's working committees at the same level and relevant departments, and shall be responsible for the organization and leadership of the monitoring and evaluation work, the approval of the monitoring and evaluation plan, the review of the monitoring and evaluation report, etc. The leading group consists of a monitoring group and an assessment group.

The monitoring team is led by the statistical departments at all levels, with the participation of the personnel responsible for the statistical monitoring of the implementation of the outline from the relevant departments. They are responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the monitoring work, the development of monitoring programs and indicator systems, the collection and analysis of data and information, the submission of annual, mid-term and final monitoring reports to the women and children's working committees at the same level, and the editing and publication of annual statistics on women and children. The members of the monitoring group are responsible for coordinating the monitoring, analysis, data reporting, gender and age indicators improvement of the implementation of the department's program.

The evaluation team is led by the offices of women and children's working committees at all levels, with the participation of personnel responsible for the implementation of the outline from relevant departments, responsible for the organization, guidance and training of the evaluation work, formulating the evaluation plan, organizing the evaluation work, and submitting the mid-term and final evaluation reports to the women and children's working committees at the same level. The members of the evaluation team are responsible for coordinating the self-evaluation of the implementation of the departmental outline and participating in the evaluation organized by the Women and Children Working Committee. Support relevant departments of the assessment team to carry out special investigation and assessment on outstanding issues in child protection and development, and the results can be used as reference for mid-term and final assessment.

(3) We will strengthen statistical monitoring of child development. Standardize and improve the statistical monitoring indicator system of children's development, adjust and expand the statistical indicators of children's development according to needs, promote the inclusion of the national and departmental regular statistics and statistical investigation system, strengthen the department's statistical work by age, and promote the institutionalization of statistical monitoring of children's development. Establish and improve the statistical monitoring database of child development at the national, provincial and municipal levels, and support the construction of county-level statistical monitoring database of child development. Encourage and support relevant departments to carry out special statistical surveys on the missing data of children's development.

(4) Improve the ability and level of monitoring and evaluation. Strengthen monitoring and evaluation training and department cooperation, standardize monitoring data collection channels and submission methods, and improve data quality. Use the Internet and big data to enrich children's development and age based statistical information. Scientifically design monitoring and evaluation programs and methods, and explore third-party evaluation. Improve the scientific, standardized and professional level of monitoring and assessment.

(5) Make effective use of monitoring and evaluation results. Give play to the role of monitoring and evaluation results in serving decision-making, and regularly report the monitoring and evaluation to the people's government at the same level and relevant departments to provide basis for decision-making. Establish a monitoring and evaluation report exchange, feedback and release mechanism. Strengthen the research, judgment and application of the monitoring and evaluation results, give early warning to the monitoring indicators that are expected to be difficult to complete and fluctuate greatly, and put forward countermeasures and suggestions for the outstanding problems and weaknesses found in the evaluation in a timely manner. Use the monitoring and evaluation results to guide the implementation of the next stage of the Outline, and realize the regular monitoring, dynamic early warning, precise intervention and high-quality promotion of the implementation of the Outline.

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