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Time of GRE examination in Gansu in May 2024

2024-04-11 11:07:41

Source: Jiahang Overseas Study Website

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As one of the most common overseas examinations, GRE is particularly important when studying abroad, especially now many overseas universities are beginning to require GRE scores, and even some students applying for business majors will use GRE scores instead of GMAT scores. Therefore, the number of foreign students who need to take the GRE exam is also increasing. Let's introduce the time of GRE exam in Gansu in May 2024:

Examination time

It is understood that there were three GRE examinations in May, and we can confirm through the official notice that the GRE examinations in Gansu in May 2024 will be held on May 12, May 25 and May 31, respectively.

However, we need to know that there may be more than one local test site, and the test arrangement of each test site will also be different. Not all test sites will arrange tests on all test dates. Therefore, we need to carefully understand when registering, and finally determine the registration after confirming that there are still test sites and test dates.

Examination Instructions

The validity period of GRE test scores is very long. They are valid for 5 years from the day of the test. That is to say, if you are satisfied with your scores, you do not need to register again for the test within 5 years unless the school has special requirements.

Of course, you can apply for reconsideration if you have doubts about your own scores after you find out the exam results, but you need to pay extra fees for this operation. In addition, if there is no doubt about the results, but we are not satisfied with the personal results of this exam and do not meet the goal requirements, we can also sign up for another exam 21 days away from this exam, during which time we will be ready to get better results.

That's all for the introduction of the time of Gansu GRE exam in May 2024. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to Zhonggong Jiahang Overseas Study Website For GRE examination channel, you can also click the button on the right for online consultation.

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[Editor in charge: goosail1]

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