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Guizhou GRE Examination Time in May 2024

2024-04-11 10:58:07

Source: Jiahang Overseas Study Website

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Nowadays, going abroad for postgraduate study is a way of further study that many students are considering. There are a large number of people taking the postgraduate examination in China, fierce competition, high scores, and great pressure. Applying for studying abroad is less difficult and requires fewer exams. Usually, when studying abroad, you only need to provide language scores, but some also need to provide GRE scores. Next, let's introduce the time of Guizhou GRE exam in May 2024:

Examination time

In May 2024, the GRE test in Guizhou will be held on May 12, May 25 and May 31, respectively. There will be three scheduled tests. However, you should pay attention to the local test sites. Because the venue arrangement of each test site is different, the test may not be scheduled on each test date. Therefore, you need to check carefully when you register to determine the appropriate test site and test date, and then sign up for the test.

However, you should note that although the deadline for examination registration is usually three days before the exam, you should consider the problems of limited test places and many candidates, so it is better to register in advance, but it does not need to be too long in advance. Usually, you can complete the registration about a month in advance, so that you can basically choose the appropriate test site and test date.

Examination results

After the exam, if you want to query your scores, you can actually see your scores on the computer used for the exam immediately, but you need to choose to submit your scores. After submission, you can see the informal scores, that is, the scores of the other two exams in addition to analytical writing.

To check the official score, we need to wait for several days. Usually, on the 8-10 days after the exam, we will receive an official email informing us that the official score can be queried and the score report will be sent to the school. At this time, we can log in to the official website to check our official score.

The above is an introduction to the time of Guizhou GRE exam in April 2024. For more information, please pay attention to Zhonggong Jiahang Overseas Study Website GRE examination channel or click the button on the right for online consultation.

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[Editor in charge: goosail1]

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