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Party building discipline inspection

The theme party day activity of "inheriting the red spirit and striving to be an environmental pioneer" of the Party branch of Gongzhuling Branch of Changchun Ecological Environment Bureau

Published: 2021-10-21 09:30:00 Source:

2021 It is the Chinese People's Volunteer Army fighting abroad to resist US aggression and aid Korea seventy-one In order to continue to deepen the study and education of the Party history, further strengthen the cultivation of the Party spirit of Party members, and carry forward the spirit of patriotism, ten month eighteen On the afternoon of November th, Changchun Municipal Bureau of Ecological Environment Gongzhuling Branch organized fifty More than party members and cadres watched the patriotic film Changjin Lake.


The film "Changjin Lake" takes the Changjin Lake battle in the second battle of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as the background, tells the heroic history of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army's fight in Korea, takes the heroic team's "interlude" battle action as the main line, selects major events, typical scenes, main actions and representative figures in the war, and vividly presents the spirit of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea to the audience, It profoundly interprets the spirit of patriotism and revolutionary heroism.


In the process of watching the film, party members and cadres were left below zero by volunteer soldiers forty In the extreme cold of ℃, it was deeply shocked to hold the position, lie down in the trench, and become a towering ice sculpture scene. As the leader in the play said, "dignity can only be achieved on the battlefield". With firm belief and iron will, the volunteer soldiers have propped up the backbone of the nation!

Ice and blood grow in the lake, and loyal bones are buried in foreign lands ; The narrow road bravely shines the sword, and vows to defend the country ! After watching the film, everyone felt: "There is no good time, but someone carries a heavy burden for us. Today's peaceful environment is the blood and life of countless revolutionary martyrs." In the future work, the party members and cadres of the ecosystem always inspire themselves with the heroic spirit of revolutionary martyrs who are not afraid of hardship, brave and indomitable, and sacrifice their lives to forget death, and strengthen their mission, With more enthusiasm and higher morale, we will work hard and forge ahead, Make due contributions in the field of ecological and environmental protection.



Next: [Party history learning and education] Gongzhuling Ecological Environment Bureau carried out the special party history learning and education training of "tracing the footsteps of the ancestors and experiencing the struggle process"