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General servo market fell again after three years

General servo market fell again after three years

In 2015, the macro-economy continued to decline, and the problem of structural overcapacity in the traditional manufacturing industry was fully highlighted, that is, overcapacity in low-end products, insufficient competitiveness in high-end products, serious homogenization of products, and shortage of differentiated products. In this context, GE Motion control The overall demand for products in 2015 was sluggish. After the first half of the year, the demand plunged sharply in the second half of the year, breaking the upward trend of the past two years and reversing the downward trend.

As far as industrial applications are concerned, demand in traditional fields has shrunk, while emerging markets have limited pull. In 2015, the traditional application industries of the general servo market - machine tools, packaging machinery, textile machinery, plastic machinery, rubber machinery, printing machinery fell across the board. Under the double adverse factors of cyclical investment downturn and export pressure in the tire industry, the rubber machinery industry plunged sharply, down about 25% year on year. The outward migration of low-end manufacturing industry and the sluggish growth of domestic demand dragged down the demand for textile and plastic machinery by about 15%. The machine tool industry declined by about 5% year on year, and the performance of each product segment was uneven, among which metal cutting machine tools declined the most, followed by forming machine tools, and tool products such as engraving machines declined slightly. Packaging machinery showed a slight decline, down about 3% year on year. Electronic manufacturing, medical equipment, robots, etc. have performed relatively well, but have limited impact on the overall market. Electronic manufacturing equipment rose slightly year on year. Medical equipment was flat year on year. Driven by rising labor costs and intelligent manufacturing, servo demand for manipulators, intelligent logistics, etc. has increased significantly.

As far as the market pattern is concerned, foreign manufacturers have lost market share due to internal problems and foreign aggression, while local manufacturers have gained momentum and increased market share. Foreign funded manufacturers' "internal worries" - European and American manufacturers launched mid tier products, expanding from top to bottom, further intensifying competition with Japanese brands; "external problems" - in addition to the increasing downward pressure on the economy and weak downstream demand for general servo, local manufacturers have gained a place in the mid tier market after years of technology accumulation. In 2015, some local manufacturers improved their market recognition and performance against the trend through years of technology accumulation and good cost performance.

In terms of growth trend, the general servo market still has room for development in the future. "Made in China 2025" and other policies provide strong policy support for general servo products; The economic downturn has forced industrial restructuring, and the concept of "smart factory" will bring huge demand for general servo products; In the process of industrial upgrading, small and medium-sized customers have increased their demand for general servo solutions.

Data source: gongkong

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Xiao Ruinan
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