Futures Salon
Ren Junhu Gold medal talent Number of subscriptions: 715
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Registered financial planner, good at right side trading, homeopathic order making and backhand trading, focusing on the accuracy of each order, with unique trading logic and trading techniques.

give the thumbs-up seventy-eight
  • Introduction to Talent

    Focusing on accuracy, he is good at unilateral trading, has unique trading logic and trading system, and is willing to make mistakes.

  • Talent Achievements

    Short term gold dominated, steady opening, with a record high of 36 companies

  • Q&A statistics
    • Total number of questions answered five thousand nine hundred and eighty-four
    • Response rate 100%
    • Answer questions this month two thousand two hundred and forty-five
    • Timeliness rate 56%
  • gold
75m6h7297. I'm not panicking at all. The loss of yesterday has basically returned 90% today. thank 🙏🏻 2024-06-18 17:05:08
Ren Junhu: Thank you for your trust. You are iron powder. 2024-06-18 18:38:56
T5yra7004: Thanks to my silence, there is no God who can win every battle. Light warehouse operation, long flow, just follow the teacher closely. The teacher comes steadily, and last Thursday's nightmare can be as few as possible 😄 2024-06-18 17:17:21
Ren Junhu: At present, a military order has been made. There will be no more retreats on Thursday, but Thursday has nothing to do with strategy. 2024-06-18 18:38:48
Yin Hong: I was busy today and didn't make any orders. But I couldn't bear to see someone coming out. I didn't operate according to the position. It's nobody's fault. I will follow the pace of Tiger tomorrow and get back the loss 2024-06-18 17:43:20
Ren Junhu: Yes, the focus is on position control 2024-06-18 18:38:18
Le Bo: Hu Shuai, the road to success cannot be smooth. There are always obstacles and cynicism. The key is to be firm in their own will. They think it is his business. We believe you! come on. Ollie! 2024-06-18 17:51:10
Ren Junhu: Yes, my eyes will avoid the negative and will not let the negative affect me. 2024-06-18 18:38:06
Bing Guishen 828698: If there is a signal to cooperate with the market, do it. Teacher Ren should not be restricted by the rules. The market is not our business. We can only follow the market fluctuations and seize a share of our own profits! 2024-06-18 18:21:53
Ren Junhu: Yes, the future market is steady 2024-06-18 18:37:29
Blue Moon and Proud Cold: As of 6:30, there are 67 questions answered by the divided teachers, and all the other teachers add up to more than 120. One person caught up with half of Huitong 2024-06-18 18:34:17
Ren Junhu: Thank you for your enthusiasm 2024-06-18 18:37:09
Biyue Aohan: Wouldn't it be good for fans to get rich in silence? With so many questions answered, there are more questions answered by teachers with more than 10000 fans. Didn't you see that teachers didn't reply when they were holding positions 2024-06-18 18:31:05
Ren Junhu: Yes, we don't answer questions during the position holding period. I hope you can ask questions after the transaction is over, otherwise too many questions will be accumulated 2024-06-18 18:36:34
4rxm9916: Hello, teacher. The netizens said that you are the best teacher here. What's the proportion of gold that can understand the trend? thank you. 2024-06-18 17:15:38
Ren Junhu: Don't care about this. Light warehouse operation can stabilize profitability 2024-06-18 18:35:56
Bing Guishen 828698: Strictly follow the position ratio, trust and support Teacher Ren! 2024-06-18 17:13:23
Ren Junhu: Yes, light warehouse operation, no problem at all 2024-06-18 18:35:33
Grace 888: the teacher worked hard. Yesterday, his hands were slow and even. Today, he made most of the losses of yesterday. 2024-06-18 17:05:42
Ren Junhu: Thanks for trust 2024-06-18 18:35:25
4rxm9916: Hello, teacher. I'm a newcomer. What's the proportion of the market that the teacher can't understand? Thank you for your answer. 2024-06-18 17:04:14
Ren Junhu: Not much at present 2024-06-18 18:35:07
Begging Koi: Just make money with this teacher silently, put it in your pocket and fight again tomorrow! 2024-06-18 17:03:15
Ren Junhu: Thanks, fight again tomorrow 2024-06-18 18:34:53
Dou Jingchun: Stick to your principles and follow Ren Shuai to get rich. Gratitude 2024-06-18 16:51:07
Ren Junhu: Adhere to principles 2024-06-18 18:34:48
Xiaoqiao: Teacher. What is the approximate range today 2024-06-18 16:52:03
Ren Junhu: I'm not good at interval analysis. 2024-06-18 18:34:34
Han Xin disbelieves: As long as the teacher is calm, he doesn't ask for a few orders a day. One order and two orders are enough to dominate the Wulin. Come on, teacher! There are many brothers supporting you 2024-06-18 16:49:29
Ren Junhu: Thanks for trust 🙏🏻 2024-06-18 18:34:27
Kai xinzhu: Brother Hu, don't pressurize yourself. What kind of military order can you share 2024-06-18 16:59:42
Ren Junhu: Just avoid retreating It's okay 2024-06-18 18:33:55
1cid25699: I hope you don't send some negative things, let alone affect the teacher's rhythm. 2024-06-18 17:02:05
Ren Junhu: Thanks for your understanding 2024-06-18 18:33:48
Ytcwr5555: Does the teacher still do it today 2024-06-18 17:00:35
Ren Junhu: do not do 2024-06-18 18:33:41
Zliumichael 2024-06-18 16:50:32
Ren Junhu: do not do 2024-06-18 18:33:37
Enough words: teacher, 2310 I want to be more 2024-06-18 16:56:45
Ren Junhu: Looks like we went to 2307 2024-06-18 18:33:26
Gao Xuan: I hope you can take me as a warning. Never re position. water flowing out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust. 2024-06-18 16:47:16
Ren Junhu: Thanks for your understanding. 2024-06-18 16:50:11
Gao Hui: I am just an example of failure due to heavy position. Fortunately, Brother Tiger made me realize the root of the problem. But I dare not hold positions after the position explosion. From beginning to end, heavy positions should be known to be their own problems. There is no money relationship with the teacher. Even if the teacher loses money for a week in a row, he will not break his position. Prolonged cycle will also lead to stable cost recovery. 2024-06-18 16:45:50
Ren Junhu: Thank you very much for the iron powder. As long as the warehouse is light, there is no problem. 2024-06-18 16:50:02
1ynde7270: Where can I see the comparison chart between gold and space? 2024-06-17 17:16:49
Ren Junhu: Huitong can see it. 2024-06-18 16:46:02
Spacecafe: Teacher, you should have enough time to rest early. I see you are still answering messages in the early morning. Take a good rest and take us to fly 2024-06-18 09:44:04
Ren Junhu: I had a rest after 12:00 yesterday, and my assistant replied in the morning. 2024-06-18 16:45:53
Au: Good morning! It's hard to get up so early to watch the game! 2024-06-18 06:01:14
Ren Junhu: Not bad. I went to bed early yesterday 2024-06-18 16:42:04
  • twenty-five

    Number of questions answered
  • twenty-three

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 90%

    Timeliness rate
  • twenty-one point nine

    Number of questions answered
  • twenty-one

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 88%

    Timeliness rate
  • ten point one

    Number of questions answered
  • twenty-nine

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 89%

    Timeliness rate
  • nine point two

    Number of questions answered
  • one

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 90%

    Timeliness rate
  • six point eight

    Number of questions answered
  • twenty-two

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 93%

    Timeliness rate
  • five point nine

    Number of questions answered
  • five

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 66%

    Timeliness rate
  • two point five

    Number of questions answered
  • two

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 91%

    Timeliness rate
  • one point four

    Number of questions answered
  • zero

    Answer today
  • 100%

    Response rate
  • 83%

    Timeliness rate


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