Home advanced customized product concept

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New Chinese style - Huadian series

New Chinese style Boya series

New Chinese style - Ode series

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Italian Village Campania

Italian Village Santorini

Italian village Tuscany

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British countryside - Scarborough

British countryside - Scarborough

Our team

  •  Personnel 1

    Personnel 1

    Good at style: European classical, modern simple

    Experience: 6 years Representative works: 5 sets

  •  Personnel II

    Personnel II

    Good at style: European classic, modern and simple

    Experience: 6 years Representative works: 5 sets

  •  Personnel III

    Personnel III

    Good at style: European classic, modern and simple

    Experience: 6 years Representative works: 5 sets

  •  Personnel IV

    Personnel IV

    Good at style: European classic, modern and simple

    Experience: 6 years Representative works: 5 sets

two thousand and seven In, Greene Furniture Co., Ltd. was established to produce solid wood cabinet products.

two thousand and nine In, we cooperated with German first tier brands to develop OEM Strategic alliance for cooperation.

two thousand and ten In two thousand and five hundred Wanjian Greene Ecological Industrial Park.

two thousand and eleven In, we entered the whole wood customization industry and established a product research and development center. Developed successively : Seven series of products, including Versailles Palace series (French style), Royal (simple European style), Louis XIII (French style), Palladio (French style), San Marino (Italian style), Scarmozzi (American style), and Han Yuefu series (traditional Chinese style), have contributed a series of classic products to the market.

two thousand and sixteen First to pass the international quality system in ISO9001 authentication. Establish the Greene Operation Center to control the national market.

two thousand and seventeen In, it won the titles of "China's Famous Brand", "China's Famous Brand" and "Liaoning's Top Ten Whole Wood Customization Brands". Same year five In August, the "Greeney Business School" was established to hold two national 100 business training sessions every year. The training courses mainly include Whole Wood Materials, History of Chinese and Foreign Furniture, Shape Design of Whole Wood Products, Structural Design and Process Design, Wood Identification, Modern Painting Process and Color, Classical Sculpture, Field Measurement and Installation, etc.

two thousand and nineteen In, the company took the lead in developing Bologna (Italian style minimalism), Kumaye (Italian style luxury), Helsinki (Nordic style minimalism), Missouri (modern American style), Scarborough (modern Britain), Zen space series (Oriental Zen), Ode series (new Chinese style), Puxuan series (new Chinese style) and other series of products, rapidly covering the high-end market.

About Greene




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  •  How much do you know about the customization of the whole house? The beauty makes people love home

    How much do you know about the customization of the whole house? The beauty makes people love home

    As a whole house customization with higher requirements on personality, it is more in line with consumers' personal style and life taste in details; In terms of independence, each set of furniture is designed, measured and manufactured independently. As a unit, it is more flexible and can reflect the unique charm of design based on personal taste from a subtle point. Let's go into the whole house for customization. Part. 1 A large shoe cabinet is customized at the entrance of the entrance to the hallway. It adopts the design of a blind handle. The light wood color is matched with the gray wall surface to alleviate the sense of oppression. The fine natural texture of the cabinet surface reveals a hint of elegance. A pendant lamp is used in the corner to make it easier for people to feel the warmth of home once they enter the door. Part. 2 The guest restaurant enters from the porch, and you can see the open dining room without partition at a glance. The ground is

  •  Classification and knowledge popularization of wood flooring

    Classification and knowledge popularization of wood flooring

    1、 The types of wood flooring usually include: solid wood flooring, composite flooring, bamboo and wood flooring. Solid wood floor: it is the floor material used on the ground after the whole solid wood material has been processed on the surface, side and other necessary processes. It is a healthy and environmental protection product derived from nature. It has guaranteed the original texture, color and smell of wood. The characteristics of natural solid wood make the solid wood floor have the characteristics of regulating indoor temperature and humidity; The elasticity of wood can ease the impact of feet and make people feel comfortable; Wood floor chamfer can play the role of anti-skid and beauty; Antibacterial UV coating can effectively inhibit bacterial parasitism, with antibacterial and bactericidal functions; The wood has good pickup effect. The disadvantage is that the consumption of forest resources is large and the cost is relatively high. Composite floor: the surface is wear-resistant and flame retardant decorative layer, and the surface texture is imitation wood grain

  •  For home decoration, there are 4 ways to make the bathroom comfortable and fashionable!

    For home decoration, there are 4 ways to make the bathroom comfortable and fashionable!

    The bathroom is a place frequently used by families, and the solid color appears monotonous and boring. With careful design, a simple bathroom can become so different. 1. When choosing tiles to separate the dry and wet space for bathroom decoration, you can use tiles of different colors to decorate the wall or floor according to different functions, so that they are independent, and then separate the dry and wet areas, making the bathroom look fresh and have a sense of design. 2. Choose the appropriate ceramic tiles according to the space size, structure, lighting degree and actual needs of your bathroom. It is recommended that the wall tiles should be light color series, and the heavier color tiles can be selected below the waist line. Or use cold and warm contrast color decoration is also a very good choice. 3. Mix and match the same space with 3-5 kinds of tiles of the same color system.

  •  Where is the secret of wardrobe word-of-mouth marketing?

    Where is the secret of wardrobe word-of-mouth marketing?

    After years of development in the wardrobe industry in China, the wardrobe products have gone from meeting the functional requirements at the beginning to meeting the taste needs and cultural needs of consumers. The wardrobe products are constantly updated, and the industry competition is increasingly fierce. Only by improving brand awareness and turning public praise into competitiveness, can wardrobe enterprises use good products to impress consumers. Wardrobe enterprises have misconceptions about word-of-mouth marketing. Looking at the whole wardrobe industry, few of them can truly achieve word-of-mouth marketing. Most enterprises have misconceptions about word-of-mouth marketing. Some enterprises think that word-of-mouth marketing is "good wine doesn't need to be deep in the alley", and consumers will naturally help to actively recommend brands with good quality; Another part of enterprises think that reputation is advertising and shouting. I talk about my products in a big way. I talk more about after-sales service and more about it

  •  Tatami can't be installed if you want to, these precautions must be understood!

    Tatami can't be installed if you want to, these precautions must be understood!

    Many people like to install tatami at home. It not only gives families more space for rest and storage, but also makes the room style more artistic. The tatami is a very magical design. We also shared relevant content last week, which is very popular. It can be seen that people like tatami. In fact, tatami is not what you want to install, It is recommended that you first understand the following precautions, and then consider whether to install! Consider whether the space is suitable. Before designing and installing tatami, consider whether the space is suitable. For example, in cities with humid seasons, it is not recommended to lay tatami in the whole room to avoid increasing cleaning and moisture removal. If there is floor heating installed in the home, the space below the tatami should not be used as a storage space, because the items in the storage space will be heated or damaged. Damp proof measures shall be taken at the bottom

  •  The whole wardrobe is customized to help you create a perfect and fashionable home

    The whole wardrobe is customized to help you create a perfect and fashionable home

    With the development of society and the improvement of people's living standards, people have higher and higher requirements for housing decoration. More and more people tend to customize furniture for the whole house. But most furniture is relatively popular in design, which is difficult to meet individual requirements. For example, many wardrobes have a beautiful style in the exhibition hall, but once moved to a specific home, they will be eclipsed. Either the size is not consistent with the space of the house, or the style is not consistent with the overall decoration style. At this time, the wardrobes need to be customized. The overall wardrobe is an important furniture in the bedroom, and the right choice can better highlight the family style. When purchasing the overall wardrobe, we must pay attention to the following six points: 1. Convenient and fast advantages. In the past, when consumers were decorating their homes, there were two ways to decorate their wardrobes: carpentry making on site and buying finished products. The former can be customized, but the quality is not easy to match

  •  Home decoration wooden door shopping guide, 5 minutes to teach you to choose the right door!

    Home decoration wooden door shopping guide, 5 minutes to teach you to choose the right door!

    A qualified wooden door can not only shield you from the wind and heat, protect your privacy, but also play a good decorative role in your home with its own natural texture. So how should we choose, install and maintain wooden doors? How should the old wooden door be renovated? Don't worry, the following book will explain one by one for you. How to choose wooden doors? The first move: knock and weigh wooden doors According to experts, the first way to identify the quality of wooden doors is to knock and weigh. The filler inside the door is generally divided into solid and partial solid. The solid filler must be heavy, and the price is expensive; Some solids are relatively light and cheap. However, some unscrupulous businesses use leftovers as fillers, and this kind of wooden door is environmentally friendly. Therefore, as a consumer, we should develop the habit of buying brand products.

  •  Five home decoration regrets summarized by the past!

    Five home decoration regrets summarized by the past!

    "Everyone hopes to be as perfect as possible when they begin to decorate their new house, but they find that there are always some problems after the decoration, which is a deep regret. Although it is really difficult to avoid the follow-up problems of the decoration, as the saying goes, it is a lesson from the past and a lesson from the future. Today, I will summarize the five major home decoration regrets of netizens for the big family. I hope it will be helpful to you who are going to decorate. 1. I have read many netizens' complaints about the decoration of household switches and sockets, and found that the most common decoration regret is the improper installation of switches and sockets. Although switches and sockets are not large, their planning and installation have a great impact on the quality of life. 1. The switches and sockets are blocked by furniture. Some switches and sockets are left in the wrong position at home. The main reason is that the furniture layout is different from what I thought at first. As a result, some switches and sockets are blocked, and some are useless,

  •  Practical and beautiful shoe storage method

    Practical and beautiful shoe storage method

    Women's love for shoes is unstoppable. Even if shoes have piled up in the house, they will not give up adding another pair of shoes. How should these various shoes be stored? How can I store them conveniently, practically and aesthetically? Next, we recommend several practical and beautiful shoe storage methods. ▲ Show the boots behind the door. Hanging the rack behind the door like a display rack can save space and is very practical. ▲ For easier access, you can take a picture of the shoes and paste it on the front of the shoe box. ▲ Put the shoes on the shelves on each floor according to the color and style, so that they don't look messy. ▲ If you want to look better visually, you can sort them by color, or put them together with the same heel height. ▲ Want to create more layers of effects





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Address: Greeney Industrial Park, Xinglongbao Town, Shenyang, Liaoning

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