

The first thing to know is whether to customize furniture or buy finished products

In the process of new house decoration, we will encounter many problems. For example, it is also troublesome to customize or purchase finished furniture. Before making a decision, we should clarify these points to avoid budget overruns!

1. First, look at the size of the house

If it is a small house, it is recommended to customize the furniture. Due to the width or length restrictions in many places of the small house, it is difficult for us to buy suitable finished furniture. Small houses have higher requirements for use functions. Customized furniture can be customized as required, with better storage function. If you are a house type, you can buy finished furniture.

2. Look at the decoration budget

If the budget is enough, we can consider custom furniture. Now the decoration is very environmentally friendly. We should choose regular manufacturers and good boards, so the relative price will be slightly higher.

If the budget is not enough, we can choose to buy finished furniture. Compared with customized furniture, the price of finished furniture is relatively cheap.

3. People who watch houses

If the house is occupied by young people, it is recommended that the owner customize the furniture of the whole house. Because young people have a lot of things and a variety of goods, the storage space unit of finished furniture is limited, so customization is more suitable for young people. The middle-aged and old people have fewer goods than the young people, and they like spacious storage space. The finished furniture can be purchased according to the actual house type.

If the budget is not large and you want to customize, you can also choose to combine the two. For wardrobe, cabinet, etc., which require high space utilization rate, you can choose to use customization, and others can choose to purchase finished products.


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