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 Bank of Communications Schroeder


 We have fund products suitable for corporate finance

As a business owner, do you often worry about maintaining the balance between capital liquidity and yield?
In fact, the money funds or wealth management products of fund companies may be able to help you solve this problem.

>>Learn more about our short-term financial products

 What channels can enterprise customers purchase funds from?

Like individual clients, corporate clients can also buy funds through three channels, namely, bank, securities company and fund company direct marketing.
At BOCOM Schroder, we have a direct sales counter specialist who provides comprehensive services for enterprise customers to open accounts and trade. As long as we provide relevant information according to the guidance of the specialist, opening accounts and trading are simple and convenient.

>>Welcome to call the enterprise customer service hotline 021-61055023

Or 021-61055798

 Three step account opening process

It also takes only three steps to open an account for an enterprise customer. Prepare all the materials, fill in the form and submit it, and then hand over the work to our counter specialist.

>>View detailed process

>>View detailed materials to be prepared

 Our professional services for enterprise customers

A website account inquiry platform dedicated to enterprise customers, helping you understand account information clearly
We provide SMS service for the operator of enterprise customers to remind the fund transaction information
Due to the accounting and audit needs of enterprise customers, we provide you with voucher services such as bills, transaction confirmation, and request letters

>>Look at our services for institutional customers